Order theory | Coxeter groups

Bruhat order

In mathematics, the Bruhat order (also called strong order or strong Bruhat order or Chevalley order or Bruhat–Chevalley order or Chevalley–Bruhat order) is a partial order on the elements of a Coxeter group, that corresponds to the inclusion order on Schubert varieties. (Wikipedia).

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Animated phase space plot of Brusselator

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brusselator Values are perturbed at 0:22 to show how the pattern restores itself.

From playlist Ready

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My #MegaFavNumber - The Bremner-Macleod Numbers

Much better video here: https://youtu.be/Ct3lCfgJV_A

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Pick Up 29 Cards By Touching Only 1

Add me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/brusspup Impress friends by learning how to pick up 29 playing cards by touching only 1

From playlist How to videos!

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Misha Tyomkin: On Numbers Associated with a Strong Morse Function

Misha Tyomkin, Dartmouth College Title: On Numbers Associated with a Strong Morse Function Morse function $f$ on a manifold $M$ is called strong if all its critical points have different critical values. Given a strong Morse function $f$ and a field $F$ we construct a bunch of elements of

From playlist 39th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 6-8, 2022

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Crazy Cube Illusion!

Add me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/brusspup brusspup t-shirts! http://brusspup.spreadshirt.com/ Having more fun with this type of illusion.

From playlist Anamorphic Illusions!

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More periodic oscillations in a modified Brusselator

This is a longer version of the video https://youtu.be/mRcN-4kzGFY , with a different coloring of molecules, to make the oscillations more visible. The Brusselator model was proposed by Ilya Prigogine and his collaborators at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, to describe an oscillating a

From playlist Molecular dynamics

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Bending the Padic Tensor Network and Emergent Einstein Equation - Ling-Yan (Janet) Hung

Workshop on Quantum Information and Spacetime Topic: Bending the Padic Tensor Network and Emergent Einstein Equation Speaker: Ling-Yan (Janet) Hung Affiliation: Fudan University Date: December 6, 2021 We take the tensor network describing explicit p-adic CFT partition functions proposed

From playlist Natural Sciences

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Art Quiz #5

Art Quiz #5

From playlist Art Quizzes

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Hitler gets a Haircut.


From playlist Interviews and Shows

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The Illusion of Peace!

brusspup t-shirts! http://brusspup.spreadshirt.com/ This illusion took me a long time, a lot of frustration and 8 rolls of masking tape. Peace!

From playlist Amazing Illusions!

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Gopal Prasad: Descent in Bruhat-Tits theory

Bruhat-Tits theory applies to a semisimple group G, defined over an henselian discretly valued field K, such that G admits a Borel K-subgroup after an extension of K. The construction of the theory goes then by a deep Galois descent argument for the building and also for the parahoric grou

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Rubiks Cube Illusion!

Add me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/brusspup brusspup t-shirts! http://brusspup.spreadshirt.com/ Another version of the Rubiks Cube Poster Illusions. The goal was to make it look like an unsolved rubiks cube from one angle ...then slowly it changes to a solved cube. ©1974 Rubik's

From playlist Amazing Illusions!

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Ramla Abdellatif - Iwahori - Hecke algebras and hovels for split Kac - Moody groups

Let F be a non-archimedean local field and G be the group of F-rational points of a connected reductive group defined over F. The study of (complex smooth) representations of G imply various tools coming from different nature. These include in particular induction functors, Hecke al

From playlist Reductive groups and automorphic forms. Dedicated to the French school of automorphic forms and in memory of Roger Godement.

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Bertrand Rémy: Bruhat-Tits theory of quasi-split groups

The goal of this lecture is to present the construction of the Bruhat-Tits buildings attached to a quasi-split (that is admitting a Borel subgroup) semisimple group G defined over an henselian discretly valued field K and also the construction of the parahoric group schemes parametrized by

From playlist Lie Theory and Generalizations

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Sergiu Klainerman - Are Black Holes Real

Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton University) - Are Black Holes Real

From playlist Conférence en l'honneur d'Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

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Piotr Chrusciel - The Many Ways of the Characteristic Cauchy Problem

Piotr Chrusciel (University of Vienna) - The Many Ways of the Characteristic Cauchy Problem

From playlist Conférence en l'honneur d'Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

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Tommaso Ruggeri - Recent Mathematical Results in Classical and Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics

Tommaso Ruggeri (University of Bologna) ­- Recent Mathematical Results in Classical and Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics

From playlist Conférence en l'honneur d'Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

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Vincent Moncrief - Reflections on U(1) Invariant Einsteinian Universes

Vincent Moncrief (Dpt of Physics and Mathematics, Yale University) ­ - Reflections on U(1) Invariant Einsteinian Universes

From playlist Conférence en l'honneur d'Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat

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X Room Illusion!

Add me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/brusspup brusspup t-shirts! http://brusspup.spreadshirt.com/ Having fun in my room! This took me about 3 hours to complete ...and alot of thinking.

From playlist Anamorphic Illusions!

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K. Kato - Log Drinfeld modules and moduli spaces

We construct toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of Drinfeld modules of rank d with N-level structure. We obtain them as the moduli spaces of log Drinfeld modules of rank d with N-level structure. The theory of toroidal compactifications was announced by Pink long ago (using the

From playlist Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry: A conference in honor of Ofer Gabber on the occasion of his 60th birthday

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Bruhat decomposition | Schubert variety | Grassmannian | Coxeter group | Weyl group | Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomial