Bit data structures

Bit array

A bit array (also known as bitmask, bit map, bit set, bit string, or bit vector) is an array data structure that compactly stores bits. It can be used to implement a simple set data structure. A bit array is effective at exploiting bit-level parallelism in hardware to perform operations quickly. A typical bit array stores kw bits, where w is the number of bits in the unit of storage, such as a byte or word, and k is some nonnegative integer. If w does not divide the number of bits to be stored, some space is wasted due to internal fragmentation. (Wikipedia).

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Bitwise Operators 1: The AND Operation

This computer science video describes the bitwise operation AND. It explains how the AND operation works with unsigned integers and how the bitwise AND operation can be used to determine whether an integer is positive or negative. It also shows how the AND operation can be used with a b

From playlist Bitwise Operators

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Array Variables - Introduction

This video introduces array variables. It defines an array variable as a named group of contiguous memory locations, each element of which can be accessed by means of an index number. It explains the difference between one dimensional and two dimensional arrays, and covers how these can

From playlist Data Structures

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Bitwise Operators 2: The OR Operation

This computer science video describes the bitwise operation OR. It explains how the OR operation works with unsigned integers and how the OR operation can be used with a bitmask to manipulate the contents of a register containing bit flags. The equivalent OR operators are demonstrated i

From playlist Bitwise Operators

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Bitwise Operators 3: The XOR Operation

This computer science video describes the bitwise operation XOR. It explains how the XOR (eXclusive OR) operation works with unsigned integers and how the XOR operation can be used with a bitmask to manipulate the contents of a register containing bit flags. It also demonstrates how the

From playlist Bitwise Operators

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What Are Phased Arrays?

This video introduces the concept of phased arrays. An array refers to multiple sensors, arranged in some configuration, that act together to produce a desired sensor pattern. With a phased array, we can electronically steer that pattern without having to physically move the array simply b

From playlist Understanding Phased Array Systems and Beamforming

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Introduction to Bit Strings

This video introduces big strings and provides the formulas need to determine the total number of n-bit strings and how to determine the number of n-bit strings with a given weight.

From playlist Counting (Discrete Math)

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C Programming: Sorting and searching arrays of structs

In this session we learn how to sort an array of structs, then search it using the built-in binary search (bsearch) function.

From playlist C Programming

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Numbers as bits (1 of 2)

How we represent numbers in computers. Part of a larger series teaching programming. Visit Twitter: @brianwill

From playlist Numbers as bits

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Lecture : Intro to Arrays

This lecture video introduces the basics of Java arrays. Declaring and instantiating arrays, accessing and modifying arrays elements through indices, traversing arrays with for-loops, and creating an array method to print a formatted array.

From playlist Java Programming

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Java: Introduction to ArrayList

An introduction to Java's ArrayList, including a bit of a dive into how it works "under the hood."

From playlist Intermediate Java

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The Climate Machine Day 1

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

From playlist Fractal

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C Programming: Arrays

Introducing arrays in C! We'll learn how to declare arrays, access the elements, and pass them into functions. And we'll go more in-depth, showing how arrays are laid out in memory and how the addresses of elements are calculated. Finally, we'll cover the differences between arrays in C an

From playlist C Programming, Fall 2022

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An Overview of Arrays and Memory (Data Structures & Algorithms #2)

How does memory / RAM work on a computer? Watch this video to find out! Check out (, a website for learning math and computer science concepts through solving problems. First 200 subscribers will get 20% off through the link above. Special thank

From playlist Data Structures and Algorithms

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22. Graph Optimization

MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fall 2018 Instructor: Julian Shun View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Prof. Shun discusses graph optimizations, algorithmic

From playlist MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fall 2018

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C Programming: Image manipulations with arrays

An image is just an array of pixels. We'll apply array algorithms to transform images: darken, flip, mirror, change to grayscale, and more.

From playlist C Programming

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The Go Language (1 of 4)

An introduction to the Go programming language. Assumes knowledge of Javascript. Part of a larger series at

From playlist The Go Language

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C Programming: sorting an array with bubble sort and quicksort (qsort)

In this session we will learn how to sort an array using bubble sort and the built-in quicksort function qsort. We will do an array of floats, an array of strings, and an array of structs.

From playlist C Programming

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Java Hash Table

Get the Code Here: Welcome to my Java Hash Table tutorial. A Hash Table is a data structure offers fast insertion and searching capabilities. The negative is that they are limited in size because they are based on arrays. They are also hard to order. People get confus

From playlist Java Algorithms

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C Programming: Array Algorithms

We are continuing our discussion of arrays in C with lots of examples of basic array algorithms: sort, search, reverse, and more.

From playlist C Programming

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