Monte Carlo molecular modelling software

BOSS (molecular mechanics)

Biochemical and Organic Simulation System (BOSS) is a general-purpose molecular modeling program that performs molecular mechanics calculations, Metropolis Monte Carlo statistical mechanics simulations, and semiempirical Austin Model 1 (AM1), PM3, and PDDG/PM3 quantum mechanics calculations. The molecular mechanics calculations cover energy minimizations, normal mode analysis and conformational searching with the Optimized Potentials for Liquid Simulations (OPLS) force fields. BOSS is developed by Prof. William L. Jorgensen at Yale University, and distributed commercially by Cemcomco, LLC and Schrödinger, Inc. (Wikipedia).

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Fill In The Blank (Dynamics/Friction)

#Physics #Dynamics #Engineering #TikTok #NicholasGKK #shorts

From playlist Mechanical Engineering

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Black Holes and the Fundamental Laws of Physics - with Jerome Gauntlett

Black holes are extraordinary and may even hold the key to unlocking the next phase in our understanding of the laws of physics. Watch the Q&A here: Subscribe for regular science videos: Black holes are amongst the most extraordinary

From playlist Ri Talks

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Drag Force!! (Physics)

#Physics #Mechanics #Engineering #NicholasGKK #Shorts

From playlist General Mechanics

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Lennard-Jones particles in increasing gravity

Ever wondered what physics would look like in a spaceship that keeps accelerating to warp 27, or on the surface of a collapsing neutron star? This #short simulation shows 1152 particles interacting with a Lennard-Jones potential and confined to a box, subjected to a linearly increasing gra

From playlist Molecular dynamics

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Understand The Work Equation!! (Mechanics)

#Physics #Mechanics #Engineering #TikTok #NicholasGKK #Shorts

From playlist General Mechanics

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Dynamics : An overview of the cause of mechanics

Dynamics is a subset of mechanics, which is the study of motion. Whereas kinetics studies that motion itself, dynamics is concerned about the CAUSES of motion. In particular, it involves the concepts of force, momentum and energy. This video gives an overview of what dynamics is, and is u

From playlist Dynamics

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Kieron Burke: "Density functionals from machine learning"

Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019 Workshop II: Interpretable Learning in Physical Sciences "Density functionals from machine learning" Kieron Burke, University of California, Irvine (UCI) Abstract: I will discuss recent progress in creating density functional

From playlist Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019

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Michele Vendruscolo - Protein function and disfunction I

PROGRAM: ICTP-ICTS WINTER SCHOOL ON QUANTITATIVE SYSTEMS BIOLOGY DATES: Monday 09 Dec, 2013 - Friday 20 Dec, 2013 VENUE: Biological Sciences auditorium, IISc Campus, Bangalore PROGRAM LINK Biology is undergoing a revolution. Advances in experimenta

From playlist ICTP-ICTS Winter School on Quantitative Systems Biology

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Modeling circadian clocks : From molecular... (Remote Talk - Lecture 1) by Albert Goldbeter

ORGANIZERS : Vidyanand Nanjundiah and Olivier Rivoire DATE & TIME : 16 April 2018 to 26 April 2018 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore This program is aimed at Master's- and PhD-level students who wish to be exposed to interesting problems in biology that lie at the biology-

From playlist Living Matter 2018

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Jean François Joanny - Matière active et physique du vivant

Conférence organisée par les Amis de l'IHES le 1er avril 2020 « La matière active est une forme de matière qui n’est pas à l’équilibre thermodynamique et dans laquelle à l’échelle locale chaque constituant consomme de l’énergie. Les systèmes biologiques à toutes les échelles sont des exe

From playlist Évenements grand public

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Will This Block Move? (Physics) #Physics #Shorts

#Physics #Math #Science #Engineering #Mechanics #NicholasGKK #Shorts

From playlist General Mechanics

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Interview at Cirm: Terence TAO

Terence Tao (born 17 July 1975) is an Australian-American mathematician who has worked in various areas of mathematics. He currently focuses on harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, algebraic combinatorics, arithmetic combinatorics, geometric combinatorics, compressed sensing

From playlist English interviews - Interviews en anglais

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Exploring the constraints to increase genome complexity in RNA viruses by Santiago F. Elena

The Third Bangalore School on Population Genetics and Evolution DATE:05 March 2018 to 17 March 2018 VENUE:Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore. No living organism escapes evolutionary change. Evolutionary biology thus connects all biological disciplines. To understand the processes dri

From playlist Third Bangalore School on Population Genetics and Evolution

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Episode 45: Temperature And The Gas Law - The Mechanical Universe

Episode 45. Temperature and Gas Laws: Hot discoveries about the behavior of gases make the connection between temperature and heat. “The Mechanical Universe,” is a critically-acclaimed series of 52 thirty-minute videos covering the basic topics of an introductory university physics course

From playlist The Mechanical Universe

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Business, Innovation and Managing Life (February 2, 2022)

Stephen Wolfram hosts live and unscripted Ask Me Anything about business, innovation and managing life. Find the playlist of Q&A's here: Originally livestreamed at: 00:00 Start stream 1:36: SW begins talking 1:

From playlist Business & Innovation Q&A for Young Entrepreneurs & Others Archive

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Effective quantum dynamics - Sören Petrat

Topic: Effective quantum dynamics Speaker: Sören Petrat, Member, School of Mathematics Time/Room: 2:00pm - 2:15pm/S-101 More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Michele Vendrus - coloProtein function and disfunction II

PROGRAM: ICTP-ICTS WINTER SCHOOL ON QUANTITATIVE SYSTEMS BIOLOGY DATES: Monday 09 Dec, 2013 - Friday 20 Dec, 2013 VENUE: Biological Sciences auditorium, IISc Campus, Bangalore PROGRAM LINK Biology is undergoing a revolution. Advances in experimenta

From playlist ICTP-ICTS Winter School on Quantitative Systems Biology

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How Einstein Abolished the Aether - with John Spence

The fact that light travels at the same speed in all frames of reference is one of the greatest revelations of modern science. John's book "Lightspeed: The Ghostly Aether and the Race to Measure the Speed of Light" is available now: How have physicists from the anc

From playlist Ri Talks

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Elliptic genera of Pfaffian-Grassmannian double mirrors - Lev Borisov

Lev Borisov Rutgers University November 5, 2014 More videos on

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