Chaotic maps | Ergodic theory

Artin billiard

In mathematics and physics, the Artin billiard is a type of a dynamical billiard first studied by Emil Artin in 1924. It describes the geodesic motion of a free particle on the non-compact Riemann surface where is the upper half-plane endowed with the Poincaré metric and is the modular group. It can be viewed as the motion on the fundamental domain of the modular group with the sides identified. The system is notable in that it is an exactly solvable system that is strongly chaotic: it is not only ergodic, but is also strong mixing. As such, it is an example of an Anosov flow. Artin's paper used symbolic dynamics for analysis of the system. The quantum mechanical version of Artin's billiard is also exactly solvable. The eigenvalue spectrum consists of a bound state and a continuous spectrum above the energy . The wave functions are given by Bessel functions. (Wikipedia).

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Art Quiz #26

Art Quiz #26

From playlist Art Quizzes

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Art Quiz #6

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Art Quiz #87 - Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism

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Art Quiz #5

Art Quiz #5

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Rather Easy Art Quiz #165

Very Famous & Very Popular Artist

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Art Quiz #78 - Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism

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Art Quiz #100

Russian Expressionism

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Random Matrices in Unexpected Places: Atomic Nuclei, Chaotic Billiards, Riemann Zeta #SoME2

Chapters: 0:00 Intro 2:21 What is RMT 7:12 Ensemble Averaging/Quantities of Interest 13:30 Gaussian Ensemble 18:03 Eigenvalues Repel 28:08 Recap 29:08 Three Surprising Coincidences 32:44 Billiards/Quantum Systems 36:00 Reimann Zeta ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Errata + Clarifications ~~~~

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Michael ARTIN participated in the "Artin Approximation and Infinite dimensional Geometry" event organized at CIRM in March 2015, which was part of the Jean-Morlet semester held by Herwig Hauser. Michael Artin is an American mathematician and a professor emeritus in the Massachusetts Ins

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Filiz Dogru: Outer Billiards: A Comparison Between Affine, Hyperbolic, and Symplectic Geometry

Filiz Dogru, Grand Valley State University Title: Outer Billiards: A Comparison Between Affine Geometry, Hyperbolic Geometry, and Symplectic Geometry Outer billiards appeared first as an entertainment question. Its popularity increased after J. Moser’s description as a crude model of the p

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ECR Talk: "A tale of two (or more, integrable) billiards", Sean Gasiorek

SMRI -MATRIX Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and Integrable Systems Week 2 (MATRIX): ECR Talk by Sean Gasiorek 14 February 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMRI-MATRIX Joint Symposium, 7 – 18 Februar

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How to recognize billiard strings #SOME2

For the curious, "Sturmian sequences" are the name for balanced binary strings that are also infinite and not eventually periodic. Sturmian sequences are related in some very cool ways to continued fractions and several other topics. That may be the subject of Part 3, if I ever get that fa

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Reflections on the Game of Billiards

Asaf Hadari, Gibbs Assistant Professor in the Yale Mathematics Department, gives a lecture during the Math Mornings at Yale on Reflections on the Game of Billiards. Math Mornings is a series of public lectures aimed at bringing the joy and variety of mathematics to students and their fami

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Dynamics on the Moduli Spaces of Curves, I - Maryam Mirzakhani

Maryam Mirzakhani Stanford University March 26, 2012 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Quantum Ergodicity for the Uninitiated - Zeev Rudnick

Zeev Rudnick Tel Aviv University; Member, School of Mathematics October 26, 2015 A key result in spectral theory linking classical and quantum mechanics is the Quantum Ergodicity theorem, which states that in a system in which the cl

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Rose Morris-Wright: Parabolic Subgroups of Infinite Type Artin Groups

Abstract : Parabolic subgroups are the fundamental building blocks of Artin groups. These subgroups are isomorphic copies of smaller Artin groups nested inside a given Artin group. In this talk, I will discuss questions surrounding how parabolic subgroups sit inside Artin groups and how th

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Art Quiz #75

Ready Mades

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Art Quiz #62

Abstract Expressionism

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Ellipses of small eccentricity are determined by their Dirichlet... - Steven Morris Zelditch

Analysis Seminar Topic: Ellipses of small eccentricity are determined by their Dirichlet (or, Neumann) spectra Speaker: Steven Morris Zelditch Affiliation: Northwestern University Date: April 28, 2020 For more video please visit

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