
  1. Laws of Thermodynamics
    1. Zeroth Law
      1. Thermal Equilibrium
        1. Definition and concept of thermal equilibrium
          1. Role in establishing the basis for temperature measurement
            1. Implications for isolated systems
            2. Temperature Measurement
              1. Concept and units of temperature
                1. Calibration of thermometers using the Zeroth Law
                  1. Role in defining temperature scales
                2. First Law
                  1. Law of Energy Conservation
                    1. Explanation of conservation within thermodynamics
                      1. Mathematical formulation of the First Law
                        1. Application to closed and open systems
                        2. Internal Energy Change
                          1. Definition of internal energy
                            1. Relationship between internal energy, heat, and work
                              1. Examples of processes (e.g., heating, compression)
                              2. System and Surroundings
                                1. Definition and distinction between system and surroundings
                                  1. Types of systems: open, closed, and isolated
                                    1. Impact on energy transfer and conservation
                                  2. Second Law
                                    1. Entropy
                                      1. Definition of entropy and its significance
                                        1. Entropy Increase Principle
                                          1. Irreversibility and direction of natural processes
                                            1. Entropy as a measure of disorder
                                            2. Entropy and Disorder
                                              1. Connection between microstates and entropy
                                                1. Examples of systems experiencing entropy change
                                              2. Heat Engines
                                                1. Definition and operation of heat engines
                                                  1. Carnot Cycle
                                                    1. Definition of the Carnot cycle
                                                      1. Properties and implications of Carnot's theorem
                                                      2. Efficiency
                                                        1. Definition of thermodynamic efficiency
                                                          1. Factors affecting efficiency in real engines
                                                            1. Comparison of different types of engines
                                                        2. Third Law
                                                          1. Absolute Zero
                                                            1. Definition and significance of absolute zero
                                                              1. Implications for temperature scales and measurements
                                                                1. Experimental approaches to reaching absolute zero
                                                                2. Behavior of Entropy at 0 Kelvin
                                                                  1. Concept of residual entropy
                                                                    1. Explanation of how entropy approaches a constant value
                                                                      1. Implications for physical systems and materials