Social Psychology

  1. Attitudes and Persuasion
    1. Components of Attitudes
      1. Affective Component
        1. Emotional responses associated with attitude objects
          1. Influence of mood and emotion on attitude strength
          2. Behavioral Component
            1. Observable actions reflecting attitudes
              1. Role of past behavior in reinforcing attitudes
              2. Cognitive Component
                1. Beliefs and thoughts about attitude objects
                  1. Cognitive evaluations and judgments
                2. Attitude Formation
                  1. Classical Conditioning
                    1. Association between neutral and positive/negative stimuli
                      1. Role in forming brand and product attitudes
                      2. Operant Conditioning
                        1. Reinforcement and punishment in shaping attitudes
                          1. Importance of rewards in attitude development
                          2. Observational Learning
                            1. Influence of role models and media on attitude formation
                              1. Social learning and imitation in cultural context
                              2. Direct Experience
                                1. Personal experiences leading to attitude adjustments
                                  1. Influence of personal relevance and involvement
                                  2. Social Influences
                                    1. Peer pressure and normative influence
                                      1. Cultural norms and cross-cultural variations in attitudes
                                    2. Attitude Change
                                      1. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
                                        1. Psychological discomfort from inconsistent attitudes and behaviors
                                          1. Strategies for resolving dissonance, e.g., attitude adjustment, rationalization
                                          2. Elaboration Likelihood Model
                                            1. Central Route to Persuasion
                                              1. Importance of argument quality and strength
                                                1. Long-lasting and resistant attitude changes
                                                2. Peripheral Route to Persuasion
                                                  1. Role of superficial cues, such as attractiveness and credibility
                                                    1. Temporary attitude changes subject to counter-influence
                                                  2. Factors Influencing Attitude Change
                                                    1. Source characteristics (e.g., expertise, trustworthiness)
                                                      1. Message characteristics (e.g., clarity, emotional appeal)
                                                        1. Audience characteristics (e.g., motivation, ability to process information)
                                                        2. Persuasion Techniques
                                                          1. Reciprocity and commitment tactics
                                                            1. Scarcity and social proof in persuasion efforts
                                                          2. Resistance to Persuasion
                                                            1. Inoculation Theory
                                                              1. Strengthening existing attitudes by exposing weak arguments
                                                                1. Preparation against persuasion attempts
                                                                2. Reactance Theory
                                                                  1. Defensive response to perceived threats to freedom of choice
                                                                    1. Enhancing desire for the restricted option
                                                                  2. Applications of Attitude Research
                                                                    1. Advertising and Marketing
                                                                      1. Role of branding in shaping consumer attitudes
                                                                        1. Influence of advertisements through emotions and spokesperson credibility
                                                                        2. Health Campaigns
                                                                          1. Framing messages for maximum impact and retention
                                                                          2. Political Campaigning
                                                                            1. Persuasive communication in voter attitude formation
                                                                              1. Influence of debates and media on political attitudes