Nuclear Physics

  1. Nuclear Forces
    1. Strong Nuclear Force
      1. Definition and Characteristics
        1. Description of the fundamental forces
          1. Strongest of the four fundamental forces
            1. Acts over short ranges, typically up to a few femtometers
            2. Role in the Nucleus
              1. Binds protons and neutrons (nucleons) together in atomic nuclei
                1. Overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between protons
                2. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
                  1. Fundamental theory describing strong interactions
                    1. Quarks and gluons as the basic particles
                      1. Colour charge and colour confinement
                        1. Asymptotic freedom
                        2. Interactions with Quarks and Gluons
                          1. Quark-antiquark pair production
                            1. Gluon exchange and binding of quarks
                              1. Hadron resonance production
                              2. Yukawa Potential
                                1. Historical explanation of nuclear forces
                                  1. Meson exchange model
                                    1. Range and binding strength predictions
                                    2. The Nuclear Binding Energy
                                      1. Role of the strong force in providing nuclear stability
                                    3. Weak Nuclear Force
                                      1. Definition and Characteristics
                                        1. Weaker than strong and electromagnetic forces but stronger than gravity
                                          1. Short-range force, acting at distances less than 0.1% of the diameter of a typical nucleus
                                          2. Role in Particle Decay
                                            1. Responsible for beta decay processes
                                              1. Conversion of quarks between different types
                                              2. Weak Interactions
                                                1. Involvement in changing of flavor of quarks
                                                  1. Mediation by W and Z bosons
                                                    1. Parity violation and left-handed interactions
                                                    2. Electroweak Unification
                                                      1. Unification of weak force and electromagnetic force at high energies
                                                        1. Significance in the Standard Model of particle physics
                                                        2. Impact on Stellar Processes
                                                          1. Role in fusion processes in stars
                                                            1. Contribution to the stellar nucleosynthesis pathways
                                                          2. Fundamental Interactions
                                                            1. Unified Theories
                                                              1. Grand Unified Theories attempting to unify electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions
                                                                1. Supersymmetry and potential extensions of the Standard Model
                                                                2. Role in Cosmic Evolution
                                                                  1. Big Bang theory and the unification of forces at high energy conditions
                                                                    1. Implications for early universe scenarios
                                                                  2. Applications of Nuclear Forces
                                                                    1. Nuclear Weapons
                                                                      1. Design principles based on nuclear forces
                                                                        1. Differentiation between fission and fusion weaponry
                                                                        2. Nuclear Energy
                                                                          1. Utilization of strong force in energy production
                                                                            1. Fusion energy potential and challenges
                                                                            2. Advanced Technology
                                                                              1. Particle physics research and applications
                                                                                1. Advances in medical technology through nuclear interactions