Economic History

  1. 19th and Early 20th Century Economies
    1. Economic Theories and Movements
      1. Classical Economics
        1. Key principles and thinkers
          1. Adam Smith's 'invisible hand'
            1. David Ricardo's principles of comparative advantage
              1. Thomas Malthus's theory of population
              2. Influence on policy and practice
                1. Free-market advocacy
                  1. Laissez-faire approaches to government intervention
                2. Marxist Economics
                  1. Karl Marx and the critique of capitalism
                    1. Das Kapital and the labor theory of value
                      1. Historical materialism and class struggle
                      2. Development of socialist and communist thought
                        1. Impact on labor movements and political ideologies
                          1. Influence on Russian and Chinese revolutions
                        2. Emergence of Neoclassical Economics
                          1. Marginalism and utility theory
                            1. Contributions of Jevons, Menger, and Walras
                              1. The marginal revolution and equilibrium theory
                              2. Development of economic modeling and mathematics
                                1. Foundations for supply and demand analysis
                                  1. Role in economic policy-making and prediction
                              3. Globalization and Trade
                                1. Gold Standard and International Monetary Systems
                                  1. Establishment and functioning of the gold standard
                                    1. Fixation of exchange rates and stability
                                      1. Impact on global trade and investment
                                      2. Challenges and criticisms
                                        1. Economic inflexibility and strains during crises
                                          1. Transition to the gold-exchange standard
                                        2. Expansion of Global Trade Networks
                                          1. Rise of international trade and investment
                                            1. Integration of global markets
                                              1. Growth in commodity and manufacturing exports
                                              2. Role of technological advancements
                                                1. Steamships and railroads in global transport
                                                  1. Communication improvements like the telegraph
                                                  2. Tariff policies and trade barriers
                                                    1. Protectionism versus free trade debates
                                                      1. Impact on colonial economies and exchanges
                                                  3. Industrialization and its Spread
                                                    1. Industrial Revolutions in Europe and the United States
                                                      1. Second Industrial Revolution
                                                        1. Advances in chemicals, electricity, and steel production
                                                          1. Rise of mass production and assembly lines
                                                          2. Urbanization and societal impacts
                                                            1. Growth of industrial cities and living conditions
                                                              1. Shifts in labor demographics and skills
                                                            2. Late Industrializers: Japan and Russia
                                                              1. Meiji Restoration and Japanese industrial transformation
                                                                1. Adoption of Western technologies and institutions
                                                                  1. Development of zaibatsu and industrial conglomerates
                                                                  2. Russian industrialization under Tsarist and early Soviet influences
                                                                    1. Challenges of serfdom abolishment and infrastructure
                                                                      1. Emphasis on heavy industries and state-led development