Economic History

  1. The Industrial Revolution
    1. Technological Advancements
      1. Mechanization and the Factory System
        1. Development of machinery, such as the spinning jenny and power loom
          1. Organization of production within factories
            1. Shift from artisanal to mass production methods
            2. Innovations in Textiles
              1. Introduction of cotton gin and improvements in weaving technology
                1. Transformation of the textile industry
                  1. Impact on raw material demand and cultivation (e.g., cotton)
                  2. Iron and Steel Production
                    1. Development of processes like puddling and rolling
                      1. Use of coke instead of charcoal in iron smelting
                        1. Growth of the steel industry and its influence on construction
                        2. Steam Power
                          1. Invention and refinement of steam engines by figures such as James Watt
                            1. Use of steam engines in transportation (railways and ships)
                              1. Expansion of mining operations fueled by steam power
                              2. Transportation Improvements
                                1. Construction of railways and canals for enhanced trade
                                  1. Evolution of shipping industries and steamships
                                    1. Influence on goods distribution and market expansion
                                  2. Social and Economic Impacts
                                    1. Urbanization and Labor Shifts
                                      1. Migration from rural areas to rapidly expanding industrial cities
                                        1. Development of urban infrastructure and housing challenges
                                          1. Growth of a diverse working-class population
                                          2. Rise of Industrial Capitalism
                                            1. Emergence of industrialists and capital-centered enterprises
                                              1. Accumulation and reinvestment of capital in industry
                                                1. Shifting economic power from agrarian landowners to industrialists
                                                2. Changes in Work and Society
                                                  1. Transformation of labor conditions and the nature of work
                                                    1. Introduction of child and women labor in factories
                                                      1. Emergence of social classes tied to industrial roles (e.g., bourgeoisie and proletariat)
                                                      2. Reforms and Labor Rights
                                                        1. Early labor movements and demands for fair wages
                                                          1. Implementation of labor laws and regulations
                                                            1. Formation of trade unions and collective bargaining efforts
                                                          2. Global Economic Shifts
                                                            1. Increased International Trade
                                                              1. Expansion of global markets for industrial goods
                                                                1. Trade relations and imbalances between industrial and non-industrial nations
                                                                  1. Influence of tariffs and trade policies on global commerce
                                                                  2. Expansion of Imperialist Practices
                                                                    1. Search for raw materials and new markets driving colonial expansion
                                                                      1. Economic exploitation of colonies
                                                                        1. Impact on indigenous industries and economies
                                                                        2. Spread of Industrialization Globally
                                                                          1. Diffusion of technological and industrial practices to Europe, America, and beyond
                                                                            1. Late 19th-century industrial growth in regions like Japan and Russia
                                                                              1. Global competition and shifts in economic dominance