Classical Mechanics

  1. Historical Development
    1. Ancient and Medieval Foundations
      1. Early Observations of Motion
        1. Philosophical Interpretations of Motion
          1. Early Scientific Methods for Study
          2. Aristotelian Physics
            1. Concepts of Motion According to Aristotle
              1. Influence on Medieval Scholars
              2. Medieval Contributions
                1. Impetus Theory
                  1. Contributions by Islamic Scholars
                2. Renaissance and Scientific Revolution
                  1. The Transition from Medieval to Modern Physics
                    1. Growth of Experimental Science
                      1. Shift from Qualitative to Quantitative Analysis
                      2. Key Figures and Innovations
                        1. Galileo Galilei
                          1. Use of Experimentation in Physics
                            1. Laws of Falling Bodies and Projectile Motion
                              1. Concept of Inertia
                              2. Johannes Kepler
                                1. Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
                                  1. Contributions to Celestial Mechanics
                              3. Classical Era
                                1. Isaac Newton
                                  1. Systematization of Classical Mechanics
                                    1. Formulation of Newton's Laws of Motion
                                      1. Universal Law of Gravitation
                                        1. Impact on Subsequent Theories and Models
                                        2. Development of Analytical Techniques
                                          1. The Rise of Mathematics in Physics
                                            1. Differential Calculus and Its Utilization
                                          2. 18th and 19th Century Advances
                                            1. Refinement of Classical Mechanics
                                              1. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
                                                1. Work on Fluid Mechanics and Hydrodynamics
                                                2. Joseph-Louis Lagrange
                                                  1. Lagrangian Mechanics
                                                    1. Principles of Least Action and Its Applications
                                                    2. William Rowan Hamilton
                                                      1. Hamiltonian Mechanics
                                                        1. Introduction to Phase Space and Canonical Transformations
                                                      2. Transition to Modern Physics
                                                        1. Late 19th and Early 20th Century Challenges
                                                          1. Blackbody Radiation and Ultraviolet Catastrophe
                                                            1. Photoelectric Effect and Electron Discovery
                                                            2. Emergence of Quantum Mechanics
                                                              1. Intersection with Classical Mechanics
                                                                1. Resolution of Classical Limitations
                                                                2. Relativistic Physics
                                                                  1. Development by Albert Einstein
                                                                    1. Limitation of Newtonian Mechanics at High Speeds and Large Masses