Child Development

  1. Moral Development
    1. Early Childhood
      1. Concepts of Right and Wrong
        1. Development of moral instincts
          1. Understanding rules and consequences
            1. Recognition of social norms
            2. Influence of Authority Figures
              1. Role of parents in moral guidance
                1. Impact of teachers and caregivers
                  1. Influence of religious or community leaders
                2. Middle Childhood
                  1. Moral Reasoning
                    1. Development of moral reasoning skills
                      1. Role of context in moral decision-making
                        1. Distinction between justice and care perspectives
                        2. Fairness Concepts
                          1. Understanding equality and equity
                            1. Development of empathy and concern for others
                              1. Reasoning about fairness in group settings
                            2. Adolescence
                              1. Ethical Principles
                                1. Formation of personal ethics
                                  1. Challenge to established norms and values
                                    1. Development of integrity and honesty
                                    2. Personal Values and Beliefs
                                      1. Influence of personal experiences
                                        1. Alignment of actions with beliefs
                                          1. Development of ideological commitments
                                          2. Social Justice Awareness
                                            1. Awareness of societal inequalities
                                              1. Active participation in justice-oriented actions
                                                1. Influence of cultural and political contexts on moral views
                                              2. Influences on Moral Development
                                                1. Family Influence
                                                  1. Genetic predispositions to empathy
                                                    1. Moral dialogues within the family
                                                      1. Role of siblings in moral perspective-taking
                                                      2. Peer Influence
                                                        1. Social comparison and peer pressure
                                                          1. Role of friendships in moral reflection
                                                            1. Influence of peer group norms
                                                            2. Cultural and Societal Influences
                                                              1. Effect of cultural narratives on morality
                                                                1. Role of societal values and laws
                                                                  1. Influence of media and technology
                                                                2. Stages of Moral Development
                                                                  1. Pre-conventional Morality
                                                                    1. Obedience and punishment orientation
                                                                      1. Self-interest orientation
                                                                      2. Conventional Morality
                                                                        1. Good interpersonal relationships
                                                                          1. Maintaining social order
                                                                          2. Post-conventional Morality
                                                                            1. Social contract and individual rights
                                                                              1. Universal principles
                                                                            2. Application of Moral Development Theories
                                                                              1. Implications for educational practices
                                                                                1. Role in shaping parenting strategies
                                                                                  1. Contribution to conflict resolution and peace-building strategies