
  1. Cellular Biophysics
    1. Cellular Structures and Mechanics
      1. Cytoskeleton Dynamics
        1. Microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments
          1. Assembly and disassembly processes
            1. Role in cellular shape maintenance
              1. Impact on intracellular transport
                1. Interaction with molecular motors
                2. Cellular Motility and Mechanics
                  1. Mechanisms of cell movement
                    1. Amoeboid, flagellar, and ciliary motion
                      1. Actin polymerization and myosin contraction
                      2. Cell adhesion and migration
                        1. Focal adhesions and integrin signaling
                          1. Extracellular matrix interactions
                          2. Mechanical properties of cells
                            1. Elasticity and rigidity
                              1. Viscoelastic behavior
                                1. Measurement techniques (e.g., micropipette aspiration, optical tweezers)
                            2. Membrane Biophysics
                              1. Membrane Transport and Dynamics
                                1. Lipid bilayer structure and properties
                                  1. Diffusion across cell membranes
                                    1. Transport proteins
                                      1. Channels, carriers, and pumps
                                        1. Mechanisms of active and passive transport
                                        2. Membrane fluidity and phase transitions
                                        3. Ion Channels and Electrical Signaling
                                          1. Structure and function of ion channels
                                            1. Types of ion channels (voltage-gated, ligand-gated, and mechanosensitive)
                                              1. Electrophysiological techniques for studying ion channels
                                                1. Role in action potentials and synaptic transmission
                                                  1. Impact on neural communication and signal propagation
                                                2. Bioenergetics
                                                  1. Molecular Motors and Force Generation
                                                    1. Types of molecular motors (kinesin, dynein, myosin)
                                                      1. Mechanochemical transduction
                                                        1. Motor-driven cellular processes
                                                          1. Vesicle transport
                                                            1. Chromosome separation during cell division
                                                            2. Regulation and efficiency of motor activity
                                                            3. Metabolism and Energy Conversion
                                                              1. ATP synthesis and utilization
                                                                1. Mitochondrial dynamics and function
                                                                  1. Electron transport chain
                                                                    1. Oxidative phosphorylation
                                                                    2. Energy metabolism pathways
                                                                      1. Glycolysis, citric acid cycle
                                                                        1. Anaerobic vs. aerobic metabolism
                                                                        2. Cellular energy homeostasis and adaptation to energy demands