Category: Types of functions

Integer-valued function
In mathematics, an integer-valued function is a function whose values are integers. In other words, it is a function that assigns an integer to each member of its domain. Floor and ceiling functions a
Test functions for optimization
In applied mathematics, test functions, known as artificial landscapes, are useful to evaluate characteristics of optimization algorithms, such as: * Convergence rate. * Precision. * Robustness. *
Monotonic function
In mathematics, a monotonic function (or monotone function) is a function between ordered sets that preserves or reverses the given order. This concept first arose in calculus, and was later generaliz
Window function
In signal processing and statistics, a window function (also known as an apodization function or tapering function) is a mathematical function that is zero-valued outside of some chosen interval, norm
Indicator function
In mathematics, an indicator function or a characteristic function of a subset of a set is a function that maps elements of the subset to one, and all other elements to zero. That is, if A is a subset
Pseudoanalytic function
In mathematics, pseudoanalytic functions are functions introduced by Lipman Bers that generalize analytic functions and satisfy a weakened form of the Cauchy–Riemann equations.
Functional (mathematics)
In mathematics, a functional (as a noun) is a certain type of function. The exact definition of the term varies depending on the subfield (and sometimes even the author). * In linear algebra, it is s
Coarse function
In mathematics, coarse functions are functions that may appear to be continuous at a distance, but in reality are not necessarily continuous. Although continuous functions are usually observed on a sm
Proto-value function
In applied mathematics, proto-value functions (PVFs) are automatically learned basis functions that are useful in approximating task-specific value functions, providing a compact representation of the
Barrier function
In constrained optimization, a field of mathematics, a barrier function is a continuous function whose value on a point increases to infinity as the point approaches the boundary of the feasible regio
Quasiconvex function
In mathematics, a quasiconvex function is a real-valued function defined on an interval or on a convex subset of a real vector space such that the inverse image of any set of the form is a convex set.
Transcendental function
In mathematics, a transcendental function is an analytic function that does not satisfy a polynomial equation, in contrast to an algebraic function. In other words, a transcendental function "transcen
Transfer function
In engineering, a transfer function (also known as system function or network function) of a system, sub-system, or component is a mathematical function that theoretically models the system's output f
Holonomic function
In mathematics, and more specifically in analysis, a holonomic function is a smooth function of several variables that is a solution of a system of linear homogeneous differential equations with polyn
Periodic function
A periodic function is a function that repeats its values at regular intervals. For example, the trigonometric functions, which repeat at intervals of radians, are periodic functions. Periodic functio
Rvachev function
In mathematics, an R-function, or Rvachev function, is a real-valued function whose sign does not change if none of the signs of its arguments change; that is, its sign is determined solely by the sig
Concave function
In mathematics, a concave function is the negative of a convex function. A concave function is also synonymously called concave downwards, concave down, convex upwards, convex cap, or upper convex.
Bounded type (mathematics)
In mathematics, a function defined on a region of the complex plane is said to be of bounded type if it is equal to the ratio of two analytic functions bounded in that region. But more generally, a fu
Ring of symmetric functions
In algebra and in particular in algebraic combinatorics, the ring of symmetric functions is a specific limit of the rings of symmetric polynomials in n indeterminates, as n goes to infinity. This ring
Liouvillian function
In mathematics, the Liouvillian functions comprise a set of functions including the elementary functions and their repeated integrals. Liouvillian functions can be recursively defined as integrals of
Even and odd functions
In mathematics, even functions and odd functions are functions which satisfy particular symmetry relations, with respect to taking additive inverses. They are important in many areas of mathematical a
Support function
In mathematics, the support function hA of a non-empty closed convex set A in describes the (signed) distances of supporting hyperplanes of A from the origin. The support function is a convex function
Constructible function
In complexity theory, a time-constructible function is a function f from natural numbers to natural numbers with the property that f(n) can be constructed from n by a Turing machine in the time of ord
Radially unbounded function
In mathematics, a radially unbounded function is a function for which Or equivalently, Such functions are applied in control theory and required in optimization for determination of compact spaces. No
Invex function
In vector calculus, an invex function is a differentiable function from to for which there exists a vector valued function such that for all x and u. Invex functions were introduced by Hanson as a gen
Global analytic function
In the mathematical field of complex analysis, a global analytic function is a generalization of the notion of an analytic function which allows for functions to have multiple branches. Global analyti
Zonal spherical function
In mathematics, a zonal spherical function or often just spherical function is a function on a locally compact group G with compact subgroup K (often a maximal compact subgroup) that arises as the mat
Radial function
In mathematics, a radial function is a function defined on a Euclidean space Rn whose value at each point depends only on the distance between that point and the origin. For example, a radial function
Radonifying function
In measure theory, a radonifying function (ultimately named after Johann Radon) between measurable spaces is one that takes a cylinder set measure (CSM) on the first space to a true measure on the sec
Almost periodic function
In mathematics, an almost periodic function is, loosely speaking, a function of a real number that is periodic to within any desired level of accuracy, given suitably long, well-distributed "almost-pe
Subharmonic function
In mathematics, subharmonic and superharmonic functions are important classes of functions used extensively in partial differential equations, complex analysis and potential theory. Intuitively, subha
Quasisymmetric function
In algebra and in particular in algebraic combinatorics, a quasisymmetric function is any element in the ring of quasisymmetric functions which is in turn a subring of the formal power series ring wit
Round function
In topology and in calculus, a round function is a scalar function , over a manifold , whose critical points form one or several connected components, each homeomorphic to the circle , also called cri
Coercive function
In mathematics, a coercive function is a function that "grows rapidly" at the extremes of the space on which it is defined. Depending on the contextdifferent exact definitions of this idea are in use.
Singular function
In mathematics, a real-valued function f on the interval [a, b] is said to be singular if it has the following properties: * f is continuous on [a, b]. (**) * there exists a set N of measure 0 such
Progressive function
In mathematics, a progressive function ƒ ∈ L2(R) is a function whose Fourier transform is supported by positive frequencies only: It is called super regressive if and only if the time reversed functio
Simple function
In the mathematical field of real analysis, a simple function is a real (or complex)-valued function over a subset of the real line, similar to a step function. Simple functions are sufficiently "nice
Unary function
A unary function is a function that takes one argument. A unary operator belongs to a subset of unary functions, in that its range coincides with its domain. In contrast, a unary function's domain may
Positive-real function
Positive-real functions, often abbreviated to PR function or PRF, are a kind of mathematical function that first arose in electrical network synthesis. They are complex functions, Z(s), of a complex v
Injective function
In mathematics, an injective function (also known as injection, or one-to-one function) is a function f that maps distinct elements of its domain to distinct elements; that is, f(x1) = f(x2) implies x
List of types of functions
Functions can be identified according to the properties they have. These properties describe the functions' behaviour under certain conditions. A parabola is a specific type of function.
Transfer function matrix
In control system theory, and various branches of engineering, a transfer function matrix, or just transfer matrix is a generalisation of the transfer functions of single-input single-output (SISO) sy
Fabius function
In mathematics, the Fabius function is an example of an infinitely differentiable function that is nowhere analytic, found by Jaap Fabius. It was also written down as the Fourier transform of by Børge
Homogeneous function
In mathematics, a homogeneous function is a function of several variables such that, if all its arguments are multiplied by a scalar, then its value is multiplied by some power of this scalar, called
Bounded function
In mathematics, a function f defined on some set X with real or complex values is called bounded if the set of its values is bounded. In other words, there exists a real number M such that for all x i
Morphism of algebraic varieties
In algebraic geometry, a morphism between algebraic varieties is a function between the varieties that is given locally by polynomials. It is also called a regular map. A morphism from an algebraic va
Hermitian function
In mathematical analysis, a Hermitian function is a complex function with the property that its complex conjugate is equal to the original function with the variable changed in sign: (where the indica
Continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space
In mathematical analysis, and especially functional analysis, a fundamental role is played by the space of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space with values in the real or complex numbers.
Piecewise linear function
In mathematics and statistics, a piecewise linear, PL or segmented function is a real-valued function of a real variable, whose graph is composed of straight-line segments.
Comparison function
In applied mathematics, comparison functions are several classes of continuous functions, which are used in stability theory to characterize the stability properties of control systems as Lyapunov sta
Jouanolou's trick
In algebraic geometry, Jouanolou's trick is a theorem that asserts, for an algebraic variety X, the existence of a surjection with affine fibers from an affine variety W to X. The variety W is therefo
Antiholomorphic function
In mathematics, antiholomorphic functions (also called antianalytic functions) are a family of functions closely related to but distinct from holomorphic functions. A function of the complex variable
Weierstrass function
In mathematics, the Weierstrass function is an example of a real-valued function that is continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere. It is an example of a fractal curve. It is named after its di
Hardy–Littlewood maximal function
In mathematics, the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator M is a significant non-linear operator used in real analysis and harmonic analysis. It takes a locally integrable function f : Rd → C and returns
Convex function
In mathematics, a real-valued function is called convex if the line segment between any two points on the graph of the function lies above the graph between the two points. Equivalently, a function is
Positive-definite function
In mathematics, a positive-definite function is, depending on the context, either of two types of function.
Hypertranscendental function
A hypertranscendental function or transcendentally transcendental function is a transcendental analytic function which is not the solution of an algebraic differential equation with coefficients in Z
Baire one star function
A Baire one star function is a type of function studied in real analysis. A function is in class Baire* one, written , and is called a Baire one star function, if for each perfect set , there is an op
Pfaffian function
In mathematics, Pfaffian functions are a certain class of functions whose derivative can be written in terms of the original function. They were originally introduced by Askold Khovanskii in the 1970s
Identity function
In mathematics, an identity function, also called an identity relation, identity map or identity transformation, is a function that always returns the value that was used as its argument, unchanged. T
Slowly varying function
In real analysis, a branch of mathematics, a slowly varying function is a function of a real variable whose behaviour at infinity is in some sense similar to the behaviour of a function converging at
Kostant partition function
In representation theory, a branch of mathematics, the Kostant partition function, introduced by Bertram Kostant , of a root system is the number of ways one can represent a vector (weight) as a non-n
Surjective function
In mathematics, a surjective function (also known as surjection, or onto function) is a function f that every element y can be mapped from element x so that f(x) = y. In other words, every element of
Symmetrically continuous function
In mathematics, a function is symmetrically continuous at a point x if The usual definition of continuity implies symmetric continuity, but the converse is not true. For example, the function is symme
List of window functions
In discrete-time signal processing, windowing is a preliminary signal shaping technique, usually applied to improve the appearance and usefulness of a subsequent Discrete Fourier Transform. Several wi
Measurable function
In mathematics and in particular measure theory, a measurable function is a function between the underlying sets of two measurable spaces that preserves the structure of the spaces: the preimage of an
Cardinal function
In mathematics, a cardinal function (or cardinal invariant) is a function that returns cardinal numbers.
In mathematics, a bijection, also known as a bijective function, one-to-one correspondence, or invertible function, is a function between the elements of two sets, where each element of one set is pai
Representative function
No description available.
Bochner measurable function
In mathematics – specifically, in functional analysis – a Bochner-measurable function taking values in a Banach space is a function that equals almost everywhere the limit of a sequence of measurable
Closed convex function
In mathematics, a function is said to be closed if for each , the sublevel setis a closed set. Equivalently, if the epigraph defined byis closed, then the function is closed. This definition is valid
Negligible function
In mathematics, a negligible function is a function such that for every positive integer c there exists an integer Nc such that for all x > Nc, Equivalently, we may also use the following definition.A
Direction-preserving function
In discrete mathematics, a direction-preserving function (or mapping) is a function on a discrete space, such as the integer grid, that (informally) does not change too drastically between two adjacen
Nowhere continuous function
In mathematics, a nowhere continuous function, also called an everywhere discontinuous function, is a function that is not continuous at any point of its domain. If f is a function from real numbers t
Polyconvex function
In mathematics, the notion of polyconvexity is a generalization of the notion of convexity for functions defined on spaces of matrices. Let Mm×n(K) denote the space of all m × n matrices over the fiel
Elementary function
In mathematics, an elementary function is a function of a single variable (typically real or complex) that is defined as taking sums, products, roots and compositions of finitely many polynomial, rati
Vector-valued function
A vector-valued function, also referred to as a vector function, is a mathematical function of one or more variables whose range is a set of multidimensional vectors or infinite-dimensional vectors. T
Supporting functional
In convex analysis and mathematical optimization, the supporting functional is a generalization of the supporting hyperplane of a set.
Pseudoconvex function
In convex analysis and the calculus of variations, both branches of mathematics, a pseudoconvex function is a function that behaves like a convex function with respect to finding its local minima, but
Continuous function
In mathematics, a continuous function is a function such that a continuous variation (that is a change without jump) of the argument induces a continuous variation of the value of the function. This m
Binary function
In mathematics, a binary function (also called bivariate function, or function of two variables) is a function that takes two inputs. Precisely stated, a function is binary if there exists sets such t
Orthogonal functions
In mathematics, orthogonal functions belong to a function space that is a vector space equipped with a bilinear form. When the function space has an interval as the domain, the bilinear form may be th
Automorphic function
In mathematics, an automorphic function is a function on a space that is invariant under the action of some group, in other words a function on the quotient space. Often the space is a complex manifol
Quasiperiodic function
In mathematics, a quasiperiodic function is a function that has a certain similarity to a periodic function. A function is quasiperiodic with quasiperiod if , where is a "simpler" function than . What
Weight function
A weight function is a mathematical device used when performing a sum, integral, or average to give some elements more "weight" or influence on the result than other elements in the same set. The resu
Weakly measurable function
In mathematics—specifically, in functional analysis—a weakly measurable function taking values in a Banach space is a function whose composition with any element of the dual space is a measurable func
Proper convex function
In mathematical analysis, in particular the subfields of convex analysis and optimization, a proper convex function is an extended real-valued convex function with a non-empty domain, that never takes
Koenigs function
In mathematics, the Koenigs function is a function arising in complex analysis and dynamical systems. Introduced in 1884 by the French mathematician Gabriel Koenigs, it gives a canonical representatio
Fractal curve
A fractal curve is, loosely, a mathematical curve whose shape retains the same general pattern of irregularity, regardless of how high it is magnified, that is, its graph takes the form of a fractal.
K-convex function
K-convex functions, first introduced by Scarf, are a special weakening of the concept of convex function which is crucial in the proof of the optimality of the policy in inventory control theory. The
Cauchy-continuous function
In mathematics, a Cauchy-continuous, or Cauchy-regular, function is a special kind of continuous function between metric spaces (or more general spaces). Cauchy-continuous functions have the useful pr
Regulated function
In mathematics, a regulated function, or ruled function, is a certain kind of well-behaved function of a single real variable. Regulated functions arise as a class of integrable functions, and have se
List of periodic functions
This is a list of some well-known periodic functions. The constant function f (x) = c, where c is independent of x, is periodic with any period, but lacks a fundamental period. A definition is given f
Algebraic function
In mathematics, an algebraic function is a function that can be defined as the root of a polynomial equation. Quite often algebraic functions are algebraic expressions using a finite number of terms,
Baire function
In mathematics, Baire functions are functions obtained from continuous functions by transfinite iteration of the operation of forming pointwise limits of sequences of functions. They were introduced b
Locally integrable function
In mathematics, a locally integrable function (sometimes also called locally summable function) is a function which is integrable (so its integral is finite) on every compact subset of its domain of d
Real-valued function
In mathematics, a real-valued function is a function whose values are real numbers. In other words, it is a function that assigns a real number to each member of its domain. Real-valued functions of a
Basis function
In mathematics, a basis function is an element of a particular basis for a function space. Every function in the function space can be represented as a linear combination of basis functions, just as e
Sublinear function
In linear algebra, a sublinear function (or functional as is more often used in functional analysis), also called a quasi-seminorm or a Banach functional, on a vector space is a real-valued function w