Category: Sorting algorithms

Cache-oblivious distribution sort
The cache-oblivious distribution sort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. It is similar to quicksort, but it is a cache-oblivious algorithm, designed for a setting where the number of elements to
K-sorted sequence
In computer science, a nearly-sorted sequence, also known as roughly-sorted sequence and as -sorted sequence is a sequence which is almost ordered. By almost ordered, it is meant that no element of th
Batcher odd–even mergesort
Batcher's odd–even mergesortis a generic construction devised by Ken Batcher for sorting networks of size O(n (log n)2) and depth O((log n)2), where n is the number of items to be sorted. Although it
Cycle sort
Cycle sort is an in-place, unstable sorting algorithm, a comparison sort that is theoretically optimal in terms of the total number of writes to the original array, unlike any other in-place sorting a
Insertion sort
Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array (or list) one item at a time by comparisons. It is much less efficient on large lists than more advanced algorithms such
Timsort is a hybrid, stable sorting algorithm, derived from merge sort and insertion sort, designed to perform well on many kinds of real-world data. It was implemented by Tim Peters in 2002 for use i
K-way merge algorithm
In computer science, k-way merge algorithms or multiway merges are a specific type of sequence merge algorithms that specialize in taking in k sorted lists and merging them into a single sorted list.
Polyphase merge sort
A polyphase merge sort is a variation of a bottom-up merge sort that sorts a list using an initial uneven distribution of sub-lists (runs), primarily used for external sorting, and is more efficient t
In computer science, smoothsort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. A variant of heapsort, it was invented and published by Edsger Dijkstra in 1981. Like heapsort, smoothsort is an in-place algor
X + Y sorting
Unsolved problem in computer science: Is there an sorting algorithm faster than ? (more unsolved problems in computer science) In computer science, sorting is the problem of sorting pairs of numbers b
In computer science, bogosort (also known as permutation sort, stupid sort, slowsort or bozosort) is a sorting algorithm based on the generate and test paradigm. The function successively generates pe
Quicksort is an efficient, general-purpose sorting algorithm. Quicksort was developed by British computer scientist Tony Hoare in 1959 and published in 1961, it is still a commonly used algorithm for
Sorting refers to ordering data in an increasing or decreasing manner according to some linear relationship among the data items. 1. * ordering: arranging items in a sequence ordered by some criterio
Stooge sort
Stooge sort is a recursive sorting algorithm. It is notable for its exceptionally bad time complexity of O(nlog 3 / log 1.5 ) = O(n2.7095...).The running time of the algorithm is thus slower compared
Spreadsort is a sorting algorithm invented by Steven J. Ross in 2002. It combines concepts from distribution-based sorts, such as radix sort and bucket sort, with partitioning concepts from comparison
Samplesort is a sorting algorithm that is a divide and conquer algorithm often used in parallel processing systems. Conventional divide and conquer sorting algorithms partitions the array into sub-int
Comparison sort
A comparison sort is a type of sorting algorithm that only reads the list elements through a single abstract comparison operation (often a "less than or equal to" operator or a three-way comparison) t
Bitonic sorter
Bitonic mergesort is a parallel algorithm for sorting. It is also used as a construction method for building a sorting network. The algorithm was devised by Ken Batcher. The resulting sorting networks
Block sort
Block sort, or block merge sort, is a sorting algorithm combining at least two merge operations with an insertion sort to arrive at O(n log n) in-place stable sorting. It gets its name from the observ
Integer sorting
In computer science, integer sorting is the algorithmic problem of sorting a collection of data values by integer keys. Algorithms designed for integer sorting may also often be applied to sorting pro
Tree sort
A tree sort is a sort algorithm that builds a binary search tree from the elements to be sorted, and then traverses the tree (in-order) so that the elements come out in sorted order. Its typical use i
Strand sort
Strand sort is a recursive sorting algorithm that sorts items of a list into increasing order. It has O(n2) worst time complexity which occurs when the input list is reverse sorted. It has a best case
Merge-insertion sort
In computer science, merge-insertion sort or the Ford–Johnson algorithm is a comparison sorting algorithm published in 1959 by L. R. Ford Jr. and Selmer M. Johnson. It uses fewer comparisons in the wo
Weak heap
In computer science, a weak heap is a data structure for priority queues, combining features of the binary heap and binomial heap. It can be stored in an array as an implicit binary tree like a binary
Elevator algorithm
The elevator algorithm (also SCAN) is a disk-scheduling algorithm to determine the motion of the disk's arm and head in servicing read and write requests. This algorithm is named after the behavior of
Sorting algorithm
In computer science, a sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list into an order. The most frequently used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order, and either ascending
Partial sorting
In computer science, partial sorting is a relaxed variant of the sorting problem. Total sorting is the problem of returning a list of items such that its elements all appear in order, while partial so
Selection sort
In computer science, selection sort is an in-place comparison sorting algorithm. It has an O(n2) time complexity, which makes it inefficient on large lists, and generally performs worse than the simil
Flashsort is a distribution sorting algorithm showing linear computational complexity O(n) for uniformly distributed data sets and relatively little additional memory requirement. The original work wa
Cartesian tree
In computer science, a Cartesian tree is a binary tree derived from a sequence of numbers; it can be uniquely defined from the properties that it is heap-ordered and that a symmetric (in-order) traver
Block swap algorithms
In computer algorithms, Block swap algorithms swap two regions of elements of an array. It is simple to swap two non-overlapping regions of an array of equal size. However, it is not simple to swap tw
Binary prioritization
Binary prioritization is a sorting algorithm which prioritizes to-do tasks. Unlike other Binary Sort methods (e.g. binary search) this method assumes that the deferred work will be prioritized in a la
Adaptive heap sort
In computer science, adaptive heap sort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm of the adaptive sort family. It is a variant of heap sort that performs better when the data contains existing order. Pu
Internal sort
An internal sort is any data sorting process that takes place entirely within the main memory of a computer. This is possible whenever the data to be sorted is small enough to all be held in the main
Proxmap sort
ProxmapSort, or Proxmap sort, is a sorting algorithm that works by partitioning an array of data items, or keys, into a number of "subarrays" (termed buckets, in similar sorts). The name is short for
Comb sort
Comb sort is a relatively simple sorting algorithm originally designed by Włodzimierz Dobosiewicz and Artur Borowy in 1980, later rediscovered (and given the name "Combsort") by Stephen Lacey and Rich
Spaghetti sort
Spaghetti sort is a linear-time, analog algorithm for sorting a sequence of items, introduced by A. K. Dewdney in his Scientific American column. This algorithm sorts a sequence of items requiring O(n
Cascade merge sort
Cascade merge sort is similar to the polyphase merge sort but uses a simpler distribution. The merge is slower than a polyphase merge when there are fewer than six files, but faster when there are mor
qsort is a C standard library function that implements a polymorphic sorting algorithm for arrays of arbitrary objects according to a user-provided comparison function. It is named after the "quicker
Library sort
Library sort, or gapped insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that uses an insertion sort, but with gaps in the array to accelerate subsequent insertions. The name comes from an analogy: Suppose a lib
Stupid sort
No description available.
Pigeonhole sort
Pigeonhole sorting is a sorting algorithm that is suitable for sorting lists of elements where the number n of elements and the length N of the range of possible key values are approximately the same.
Adaptive sort
A sorting algorithm falls into the adaptive sort family if it takes advantage of existing order in its input. It benefits from the presortedness in the input sequence – or a limited amount of disorder
In computer science, splaysort is an adaptive comparison sorting algorithm based on the splay tree data structure.
Kaprekar's routine
In number theory, Kaprekar's routine is an iterative algorithm that, with each iteration, takes a natural number in a given number base, creates two new numbers by sorting the digits of its number by
Run of a sequence
In computer science, a run of a sequence is a non-decreasing range of the sequence that cannot be extended. The number of runs of a sequence is the number of increasing subsequences of the sequence. T
Merge sort
In computer science, merge sort (also commonly spelled as mergesort) is an efficient, general-purpose, and comparison-based sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort, which means t
Merge algorithm
Merge algorithms are a family of algorithms that take multiple sorted lists as input and produce a single list as output, containing all the elements of the inputs lists in sorted order. These algorit
Schwartzian transform
In computer programming, the Schwartzian transform is a technique used to improve the efficiency of sorting a list of items. This idiom is appropriate for comparison-based sorting when the ordering is
In computer science, heapsort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. Heapsort can be thought of as an improved selection sort: like selection sort, heapsort divides its input into a sorted and an un
Cubesort is a parallel sorting algorithm that builds a self-balancing multi-dimensional array from the keys to be sorted. As the axes are of similar length the structure resembles a cube. After each k
Proportion extend sort
Proportion extend sort (abbreviated as PESort) is an in-place, comparison-based sorting algorithm which attempts to improve on the performance, particularly the worst-case performance, of quicksort. T
Cocktail shaker sort
Cocktail shaker sort, also known as bidirectional bubble sort, cocktail sort, shaker sort (which can also refer to a variant of selection sort), ripple sort, shuffle sort, or shuttle sort, is an exten
Counting sort
In computer science, counting sort is an algorithm for sorting a collection of objects according to keys that are small positive integers; that is, it is an integer sorting algorithm. It operates by c
Gnome sort
Gnome sort (nicknamed stupid sort) is a variation of the insertion sort sorting algorithm that does not use nested loops. Gnome sort was originally proposed by Iranian computer scientist (professor of
Interpolation sort
Interpolation sort is a kind of bucket sort. It uses an interpolation formula to assign data to the bucket. A general interpolation formula is: Interpolation = INT(((Array[i] - min) / (max - min)) * (
Bucket sort
Bucket sort, or bin sort, is a sorting algorithm that works by distributing the elements of an array into a number of buckets. Each bucket is then sorted individually, either using a different sorting
Kirkpatrick–Reisch sort
Kirkpatrick–Reisch sorting is a fast sorting algorithm for items with limited-size integer keys. It is notable for having an asymptotic time complexity that is better than radix sort.
Radix sort
In computer science, radix sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm. It avoids comparison by creating and distributing elements into buckets according to their radix. For elements with more than on
Odd–even sort
In computing, an odd–even sort or odd–even transposition sort (also known as brick sort or parity sort) is a relatively simple sorting algorithm, developed originally for use on parallel processors wi
Shellsort, also known as Shell sort or Shell's method, is an in-place comparison sort. It can be seen as either a generalization of sorting by exchange (bubble sort) or sorting by insertion (insertion
Topological sorting
In computer science, a topological sort or topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that for every directed edge uv from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before
Inversion (discrete mathematics)
In computer science and discrete mathematics, an inversion in a sequence is a pair of elements that are out of their natural order.
Oscillating merge sort
Oscillating merge sort or oscillating sort is a variation of merge sort used with tape drives that can read backwards. Instead of doing a complete distribution as is done in a tape merge, the distribu
Median cut
Median cut is an algorithm to sort data of an arbitrary number of dimensions into series of sets by recursively cutting each set of data at the median point along the longest dimension. Median cut is
Patience sorting
In computer science, patience sorting is a sorting algorithm inspired by, and named after, the card game patience. A variant of the algorithm efficiently computes the length of a longest increasing su
External sorting
External sorting is a class of sorting algorithms that can handle massive amounts of data. External sorting is required when the data being sorted do not fit into the main memory of a computing device
Pairwise sorting network
The pairwise sorting network is a sorting network discovered and published by Ian Parberry in 1992 in Parallel Processing Letters. The pairwise sorting network has the same size (number of comparators
Pancake sorting
Pancake sorting is the mathematical problem of sorting a disordered stack of pancakes in order of size when a spatula can be inserted at any point in the stack and used to flip all pancakes above it.
Tournament sort
Tournament sort is a sorting algorithm. It improves upon the naive selection sort by using a priority queue to find the next element in the sort. In the naive selection sort, it takes O(n) operations
Sort (Unix)
In computing, sort is a standard command line program of Unix and Unix-like operating systems, that prints the lines of its input or concatenation of all files listed in its argument list in sorted or
Dutch national flag problem
The Dutch national flag problem is a computational problem proposed by Edsger Dijkstra. The flag of the Netherlands consists of three colors: red, white, and blue. Given balls of these three colors ar
Funnelsort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. It is similar to mergesort, but it is a cache-oblivious algorithm, designed for a setting where the number of elements to sort is too large to fit i
Pre-topological order
In the field of computer science, a pre-topological order or pre-topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that if there is a directed path from vertex u to ve
Bubble sort
Bubble sort, sometimes referred to as sinking sort, is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the input list element by element, comparing the current element with the one after it,
Sort (C++)
sort is a generic function in the C++ Standard Library for doing comparison sorting. The function originated in the Standard Template Library (STL). The specific sorting algorithm is not mandated by t
Sorting network
In computer science, comparator networks are abstract devices built up of a fixed number of "wires", carrying values, and comparator modules that connect pairs of wires, swapping the values on the wir
Slowsort is a sorting algorithm. It is of humorous nature and not useful. It is a reluctant algorithm based on the principle of multiply and surrender (a parody formed by taking the opposites of divid
Bead sort
Bead sort, also called gravity sort, is a natural sorting algorithm, developed by , Cristian S. Calude and Michael J. Dinneen in 2002, and published in The Bulletin of the European Association for The
Quantum sort
A quantum sort is any sorting algorithm that runs on a quantum computer. Any comparison-based quantum sorting algorithm would take at least steps, which is already achievable by classical algorithms.