Category: Reference rates

The London Inter-Bank Offered Rate is an interest-rate average calculated from estimates submitted by the leading banks in London. Each bank estimates what it would be charged were it to borrow from o
Euro money market
The development of the money market in the euro area or the euro money market made its inception with very low rates of interest.
Kyiv Interbank Offer Rate
Kyiv Interbank Offer Rate (KIBOR) is a daily indicative rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks on the Ukrainian money market (or interbank market)
Hong Kong Inter-bank Offered Rate, (or HIBOR, Chinese: 香港銀行同業拆息), is the annualized rate charged for inter-bank lending on Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) denominated instruments, for a specified period rangin
Tokyo Overnight Average Rate (TONA rate or TONAR) or Japanese Yen Uncollateralized Overnight Call Rate (Japanese: 無担保コールO/N物レート) is an unsecured interbank overnight interest rate and reference rate fo
SONIA (interest rate)
SONIA (Sterling Over Night Index Average) is the effective reference for overnight indexed swaps for unsecured transactions in the Sterling market. SONIA is a risk-free rate.
Reference rate
A reference rate is a rate that determines pay-offs in a financial contract and that is outside the control of the parties to the contract. It is often some form of LIBOR rate, but it can take many fo
Helibor (Helsinki Interbank Offered Rate) was a reference rate that was used in 1987–1998 on the Finnish interbank market. It was calculated each day as an average of the interest rates at which the b
TIIE (Spanish: Tasa de interés interbancaria de equilibrio, English Interbank Equilibrium Interest Rate) is a reference rate for the currency Mexican peso. The TIIE is a representative rate of credit
The Euro Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor) is a daily reference rate, published by the , based on the averaged interest rates at which Eurozone banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the
TIBOR stands for the Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate and is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the Japan wholesale money mar
Stockholm Interbank Offered Rate
Stockholm Interbank Offered Rate (or STIBOR) is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the Swedish wholesale money market (or
RIGIBOR stands for the Riga Interbank Offered Rate and is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the Latvia wholesale money m
Singapore Swap Offer Rate
Singapore Dollar Swap Offer Rate (SOR) is an implied interest rate, determined by examining the spot and forward foreign exchange rate between the US dollar (USD) and Singapore dollar (SGD) and the ap
The Karachi Interbank Offered Rate, commonly known as KIBOR, is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the Karachi wholesale
Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a secured interbank overnight interest rate. SOFR is a reference rate (that is, a rate used by parties in commercial contracts that is outside their direct c
MIBOR (Russian reference rate)
Moscow Inter-Bank Offer rate is an indicative rate of ruble money market calculated by Central Bank of Russia on a daily basis. MIBID and MIACR (Moscow Interbank Bid / Actual Credit Rate, respectively
TED spread
The TED spread is the difference between the interest rates on interbank loans and on short-term U.S. government debt ("T-bills"). TED is an acronym formed from T-Bill and ED, the ticker symbol for th
Overnight indexed swap
An overnight indexed swap (OIS) is an interest rate swap (IRS) over some given term, e.g. 10Y, where the periodic fixed payments are tied to a given fixed rate while the periodic floating payments are
The Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate (or Shibor, 上海银行间同业拆放利率) is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the Shanghai wholesale
SARON stands for Swiss Average Rate Overnight and represents the overnight interest rate of the secured funding market for the Swiss Franc (CHF). (Swiss Average Rate Overnight) is an overnight interes
Johannesburg Interbank Average Rate
The Johannesburg Interbank Average Rate (JIBAR) is the money market rate, used in South Africa. It is calculated as the average interest rate at which banks buy and sell money. This rate is calculated
The Saudi Arabian Interbank Offered Rate (SAIBOR) is a daily reference rate, published by the Saudi Central Bank (SCB or SAMA), based on the averaged interest rates at which Saudi banks offer to lend
SIBOR stands for Singapore Interbank Offered Rate and is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates at which banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the Singapore wholesale money
MIBOR (Indian reference rate)
The MIBOR (Mumbai Inter-Bank Offer Rate) is a financial instrument. The Committee for the Development of the Debt Market that had studied and recommended the modalities for the development for a bench
The Emirates Interbank Offered Rate (EIBOR), also abbreviated as EBOR, is a daily reference rate, published by the UAE Central Bank, based on the averaged interest rates at which UAE banks offer to le