Category: Quantum computing

In quantum computing, a qubit (/ˈkjuːbɪt/) or quantum bit is a basic unit of quantum information—the quantum version of the classic binary bit physically realized with a two-state device. A qubit is a
A qutrit (or quantum trit) is a unit of quantum information that is realized by a 3-level quantum system, that may be in a superposition of three mutually orthogonal quantum states. The qutrit is anal
Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction
Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction is a textbook on quantum computing. It was written by Eleanor Rieffel and Wolfgang Polak, and published in 2011 by the MIT Press.
Bacon–Shor code
The Bacon–Shor code is a Subsystem error correcting code. In a Subsystem code, information is encoded in a subsystem of a Hilbert space. Subsystem codes lend to simplified error correcting procedures
Xanadu Quantum Technologies
Xanadu Quantum Technologies is a Canadian quantum computing hardware and software company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. The company develops cloud accessible photonic quantum computers and develo
Quantum volume
Quantum volume is a metric that measures the capabilities and error rates of a quantum computer. It expresses the maximum size of square quantum circuits that can be implemented successfully by the co
Physical and logical qubits
In quantum computing, a qubit is a unit of information analogous to a bit (binary digit) in classical computing, but it is affected by quantum mechanical properties such as superposition and entanglem
Stabilizer code
The theory of quantum error correction plays a prominent role in the practical realization and engineering ofquantum computing and quantum communication devices. The first quantumerror-correcting code
Quantum error correction
Quantum error correction (QEC) is used in quantum computing to protect quantum information from errors due to decoherence and other quantum noise. Quantum error correction is theorised as essential to
Quantum teleportation
Quantum teleportation is a technique for transferring quantum information from a sender at one location to a receiver some distance away. While teleportation is commonly portrayed in science fiction a
Quantum Experiments using Satellite Technology
Quantum Experiment using Satellite Tecnology launched in 2017 by Raman Research Institute in February 2021 demonstrated Quantum communication for 50 m apart and on 19 March 2021 for 300 m apart inline
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is an organization within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence responsible for leading research to overcome difficult challe
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum era
In the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era the leading quantum processors contain about 50 to a few hundred qubits, but are not advanced enough to reach fault-tolerance nor large enough to pro
Cirac–Zoller controlled-NOT gate
The Cirac–Zoller controlled-NOT gate is an implementation of the controlled-NOT (CNOT) quantum logic gate using cold trapped ions that was proposed by Ignacio Cirac and Peter Zoller in 1995 and repres
Quantum supremacy
In quantum computing, quantum supremacy or quantum advantage is the goal of demonstrating that a programmable quantum device can solve a problem that no classical computer can solve in any feasible am
D-Wave Systems
D-Wave Systems Inc. is a Canadian quantum computing company, based in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. D-Wave was the world's first company to sell computers to exploit quantum effects in their oper
Eastin–Knill theorem
The Eastin–Knill theorem is a no-go theorem that states: "No quantum error correcting code can have a continuous symmetry which acts transversely on physical qubits". In other words, no quantum error
Quantum simulator
Quantum simulators permit the study of a quantum system in a programmable fashion. In this instance, simulators are special purpose devices designed to provide insight about specific physics problems.
Solovay–Kitaev theorem
In quantum information and computation, the Solovay–Kitaev theorem says, roughly, that if a set of single-qubit quantum gates generates a dense subset of SU(2) then that set is guaranteed to fill SU(2
UK National Quantum Technologies Programme
The UK National Quantum Technologies Programme (UKNQTP) is a programme set up by the UK government to translate academic work on quantum mechanics, and the effects of quantum superposition and quantum
Topological quantum computer
A topological quantum computer is a theoretical quantum computer proposed by Russian-American physicist Alexei Kitaev in 1997. It employs quasiparticles in two-dimensional systems, called anyons, whos
Quantum Computing Since Democritus
Quantum Computing Since Democritus is a 2013 book on quantum information science written by Scott Aaronson. It is loosely based on a course Aaronson taught at the University of Waterloo, Canada, the l
Quantum algorithm
In quantum computing, a quantum algorithm is an algorithm which runs on a realistic model of quantum computation, the most commonly used model being the quantum circuit model of computation. A classic
Open Quantum Assembly Language (OpenQASM; pronounced open kazm) is an intermediate representation for quantum instructions. The language was first described in a paper published in July 2017, and a re
Quantum image
Quantum computation, which exploits quantum parallelism, is in principle faster than a classical computer for certain problems.Quantum image is encoding the image information in quantum-mechanical sys
Quantum image processing
Quantum image processing (QIMP) is using quantum computing or quantum information processing to create and work with quantum images. Due to some of the properties inherent to quantum computation, nota
Horse Ridge (chip)
Intel "Horse Ridge" is a cryogenic control chip that presented at the International Solid State Circuits Conference 2020 of San Francisco. Horse Ridge is based on Intel's 22nm FFL (FinFET Low Power) C
Kane quantum computer
The Kane quantum computer is a proposal for a scalable quantum computer proposed by in 1998, who was then at the University of New South Wales. Often thought of as a hybrid between quantum dot and nuc
Relativistic quantum cryptography
Relativistic quantum cryptography is a sub-field of quantum cryptography, in which in addition to exploiting the principles of quantum physics, the no-superluminal signalling principle of relativity t
Quantum computing
Quantum computing is a type of computation whose operations can harness the phenomena of quantum mechanics, such as superposition, interference, and entanglement. Devices that perform quantum computat
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information is a textbook about quantum information science written by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang, regarded as a standard text on the subject. It is informally kn
Hadamard test (quantum computation)
In quantum computation, the Hadamard test is a method used to create a random variable whose expected value is the expected real part , where is a quantum state and is a unitary gate acting on the spa
Randomized benchmarking
Randomized benchmarking is a method for assessing the capabilities of quantum computing hardware platforms through estimating the average error rates that are measured under the implementation of long
One Clean Qubit
The One Clean Qubit model of computation is performed an qubit system with one pure state and maximally mixed states. This model was motivated by highly mixed states that are prevalent in Nuclear magn
Quil (instruction set architecture)
Quil is a quantum instruction set architecture that first introduced a shared quantum/classical memory model. It was introduced by Robert Smith, Michael Curtis, and William Zeng in A Practical Quantum
Magic state distillation
Magic state distillation is a process that takes in multiple noisy quantum states and outputs a smaller number of more reliable quantum states. It is considered by many experts to be one of the leadin
Glossary of quantum computing
This glossary of quantum computing is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in quantum computing, its sub-disciplines, and related fields. Bacon–Shor_codeis a Subsystem error correcting cod
National Quantum Initiative Act
The National Quantum Initiative Act is an Act of Congress passed on December 13, 2018, and signed into law on December 21, 2018. The law gives the United States a plan for advancing quantum technology
Nitrogen-vacancy center
The nitrogen-vacancy center (N-V center or NV center) is one of numerous point defects in diamond. Its most explored and useful property is its photoluminescence, which allows observers to read out it
Parity measurement
Parity measurement (also referred to as Operator measurement) is a procedure in Quantum information science that is used to project a state into an eigenstate of an operator and to acquire its eigenva
Timeline of quantum computing and communication
This is a timeline of quantum computing.
The ZX-calculus is a rigorous graphical language for reasoning about linear maps between qubits, which are represented as string diagrams called ZX-diagrams. A ZX-diagram consists of a set of generato
Mølmer–Sørensen gate
In quantum computing, Mølmer–Sørensen gate scheme (or MS gate) refers to an implementation procedure for various multi-qubit quantum logic gates used mostly in trapped ion quantum computing. This proc
Jiuzhang (quantum computer)
Jiuzhang (Chinese: 九章) is the first photonic quantum computer to claim quantum supremacy. Previously quantum supremacy has been achieved only once in 2019 by Google’s Sycamore, however Google's comput
Five-qubit error correcting code
The five-qubit error correcting code is the smallest quantum error correcting code that can protect a logical qubit from any arbitrary single qubit error. In this code, 5 physical qubits are used to e
IBM Eagle
IBM Eagle is a 127-qubit quantum processor. IBM claims that it can not be simulated by any classical computer. It is two times bigger than China's Jiuzhang 2. It was revealed on the 16th of November 2
Cross-entropy benchmarking
Cross-entropy benchmarking (also referred to as XEB) is quantum benchmarking protocol which can be used to demonstrate quantum supremacy. In XEB, a random quantum circuit is executed on a quantum comp
Paul Benioff
Paul Anthony Benioff (May 1, 1930 – March 29, 2022) was an American physicist who helped pioneer the field of quantum computing. Benioff was best known for his research in quantum information theory d
Sycamore processor
Sycamore is a quantum processor created by Google's Artificial Intelligence division. It has 53 qubits. In 2019, Sycamore completed a task in 200 seconds that Google claimed, in a Nature paper, would
NQIT (Networked Quantum Information Technologies) is a quantum computing research hub established in 2014 as part of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme. NQIT is a consortium of 9 UK univer
Quantum state discrimination
The term quantum state discrimination collectively refers to quantum-informatics techniques, with the help of which, by performing a small number of measurements on a physical system , its specific qu
IonQ is a quantum computing hardware and software company based in College Park, Maryland. They are developing a general-purpose trapped ion quantum computer and software to generate, optimize, and ex
Classical shadow
In quantum computing, classical shadow is a protocol for predicting functions of a quantum state using only a logarithmic number of measurements. Given an unknown state , a tomographically complete se
Rose's Law
Rose's Law is the observation that the number of quibits on chips doubles about every 18 months. It is the quantum computing equivalent of Moore's Law. The term was coined by Steve Jurvetson when he m
List of companies involved in quantum computing or communication
This article lists the companies worldwide engaged in the development of quantum computing or quantum communication. Quantum computing and communication are two sub-fields of quantum information scien
In computational complexity theory, bounded-error quantum polynomial time (BQP) is the class of decision problems solvable by a quantum computer in polynomial time, with an error probability of at mos
Chemical computer
A chemical computer, also called a reaction-diffusion computer, Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) computer, or gooware computer, is an unconventional computer based on a semi-solid chemical "soup" where data
Electron-on-helium qubit
An electron-on-helium qubit is a quantum bit for which the orthonormal basis states |0⟩ and |1⟩ are defined by quantized motional states or alternatively the spin states of an electron trapped above t
Quantum programming
Quantum programming is the process of assembling sequences of instructions, called quantum circuits, that are capable of running on a quantum computer. Quantum programming languages help express quant
Quantum cryptography
Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform cryptographic tasks. The best known example of quantum cryptography is quantum key distribution which offers
Quantum natural language processing
No description available.
List of quantum processors
This list contains quantum processors, also known as quantum processing units (QPUs). Some devices listed below have only been announced at press conferences so far, with no actual demonstrations or s
IBM Quantum Experience
The IBM Quantum Composer and the IBM Quantum Lab (previously known collectively as the IBM Quantum Experience) form an online platform allowing public and premium access to cloud-based quantum computi
Richard Feynman
Richard Phillips Feynman (/ˈfaɪnmən/; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of q
Stefanie Barz
Stefanie Barz is a German physicist and Professor of Quantum Information and Technology at the University of Stuttgart. She studies quantum physics and quantum information in photonics.
List of quantum logic gates
In gate-based quantum computing, various sets of quantum logic gates are commonly used to express quantum operations. The following tables lists several unitary quantum logic gates, together with thei
IBM Q System One
IBM Quantum System One is the first circuit-based commercial quantum computer, introduced by IBM in January 2019. This integrated quantum computing system is housed in a 2.7x2.7x2.7 m airtight glass c
Cloud-based quantum computing
Cloud-based quantum computing is the invocation of quantum emulators, simulators or processors through the cloud. Increasingly, cloud services are being looked on as the method for providing access to