Category: Distributed computing problems

Distributed concurrency control
Distributed concurrency control is the concurrency control of a system distributed over a computer network . In database systems and transaction processing (transaction management) distributed concurr
Fallacies of distributed computing
The fallacies of distributed computing are a set of assertions made by L Peter Deutsch and others at Sun Microsystems describing false assumptions that programmers new to distributed applications inva
Big memory
Big memory computers are machines with a large amount of random-access memory (RAM). The computers are required for databases, graph analytics, or more generally, high-performance computing, data scie
State machine replication
In computer science, state machine replication (SMR) or state machine approach is a general method for implementing a fault-tolerant service by replicating servers and coordinating client interactions
In computer science, the happened-before relation (denoted: ) is a relation between the result of two events, such that if one event should happen before another event, the result must reflect that, e
In concurrent computing, deadlock is any situation in which no member of some group of entities can proceed because each waits for another member, including itself, to take action, such as sending a m
Atomic commit
In the field of computer science, an atomic commit is an operation that applies a set of distinct changes as a single operation. If the changes are applied, then the atomic commit is said to have succ
Embarrassingly parallel
In parallel computing, an embarrassingly parallel workload or problem (also called embarrassingly parallelizable, perfectly parallel, delightfully parallel or pleasingly parallel) is one where little
Big data
Big data refers to data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software. Data with many fields (rows) offer greater statistical power, while dat
Quantum Byzantine agreement
Byzantine fault tolerant protocols are algorithms that are robust to arbitrary types of failures in distributed algorithms. The Byzantine agreement protocol is an essential part of this task. The cons
Edit conflict
An edit conflict is a computer problem that may occur when multiple editors edit the same file and cannot merge without losing part of their edits.
Weak coloring
In graph theory, a weak coloring is a special case of a graph labeling. A weak k-coloring of a graph G = (V, E) assigns a color c(v) ∈ {1, 2, ..., k} to each vertex v ∈ V, such that each non-isolated
Atomic broadcast
In fault-tolerant distributed computing, an atomic broadcast or total order broadcast is a broadcast where all correct processes in a system of multiple processes receive the same set of messages in t
Brooks–Iyengar algorithm
The Brooks–Iyengar algorithm or Brooks–Iyengar hybrid algorithm is a distributed algorithm that improves both the precision and accuracy of the interval measurements taken by a distributed sensor netw
In concurrency control of databases, transaction processing (transaction management), and various transactional applications (e.g., transactional memory and software transactional memory), both centra
Automatic vectorization
Automatic vectorization, in parallel computing, is a special case of automatic parallelization, where a computer program is converted from a scalar implementation, which processes a single pair of ope
Byzantine fault
A Byzantine fault (also Byzantine generals problem, interactive consistency, source congruency, error avalanche, Byzantine agreement problem, and Byzantine failure) is a condition of a computer system
Failure semantics
In distributed computing, failure semantics is used to describe and classify errors that distributed systems can experience.
Leader election
In distributed computing, leader election is the process of designating a single process as the organizer of some task distributed among several computers (nodes). Before the task has begun, all netwo
Data lineage
Data lineage includes the data origin, what happens to it, and where it moves over time. Data lineage gives visibility while greatly simplifying the ability to trace errors back to the root cause in a
Race condition
A race condition or race hazard is the condition of an electronics, software, or other system where the system's substantive behavior is dependent on the sequence or timing of other uncontrollable eve
Self-stabilization is a concept of fault-tolerance in distributed systems. Given any initial state, a self-stabilizing distributed system will end up in a correct state in a finite number of execution
Timing failure
Timing failure is a failure of a process, or part of a process, in a synchronous distributed system or real-time system to meet limits set on execution time, message delivery, clock drift rate, or clo
Shared snapshot objects
In distributed computing, a shared snapshot object is a type of data structure, which is shared between several threads or processes. For many tasks, it is important to have a data structure, that can
Terminating Reliable Broadcast
Terminating Reliable Broadcast (TRB) is a problem in distributed computing that encapsulates the task of broadcasting a message to a set of receiving processes in the presence of faults. In particular
Uniform consensus
In computer science, Uniform consensus is a distributed computing problem that is a similar to the consensus problem with one more condition which is no two processes (whether faulty or not) decide di
Distributed graph coloring
No description available.
Two Generals' Problem
In computing, the Two Generals' Problem is a thought experiment meant to illustrate the pitfalls and design challenges of attempting to coordinate an action by communicating over an unreliable link. I
Shared register
In distributed computing, shared-memory systems and message-passing systems are two means of interprocess communication which have been heavily studied. In shared-memory systems, processes communicate
Version vector
A version vector is a mechanism for tracking changes to data in a distributed system, where multiple agents might update the data at different times. The version vector allows the participants to dete
Consensus (computer science)
A fundamental problem in distributed computing and multi-agent systems is to achieve overall system reliability in the presence of a number of faulty processes. This often requires coordinating proces
Superstabilization is a concept of fault-tolerance in distributed computing. Superstabilizing distributed algorithms combine the features of self-stabilizing algorithms and dynamic algorithms. A super
Clock synchronization
Clock synchronization is a topic in computer science and engineering that aims to coordinate otherwise independent clocks. Even when initially set accurately, real clocks will differ after some amount