Category: Chirality

Zilch (electromagnetism)
In physics, zilch (or zilches) is a set of ten conserved quantities of the discovered by Lipkin in 1964. In particular, first, Daniel M. Lipkin observed that if he defined the quantities then the free
Footedness is the natural preference of one's left or right foot for various purposes. It is the foot equivalent of handedness. While purposes vary, such as applying the greatest force in a certain fo
Tendril perversion
Tendril perversion is a geometric phenomenon sometimes observed in helical structures in which the direction of the helix transitions between left-handed and right-handed. Such a reversal of chirality
Chirality (mathematics)
In geometry, a figure is chiral (and said to have chirality) if it is not identical to its mirror image, or, more precisely, if it cannot be mapped to its mirror image by rotations and translations al
Sinistral and dextral
Sinistral and dextral, in some scientific fields, are the two types of chirality ("handedness") or relative direction. The terms are derived from the Latin words for "left" (sinister) and "right" (dex
When Topology Meets Chemistry
When Topology Meets Chemistry: A Topological Look At Molecular Chirality is a book in chemical graph theory on the graph-theoretic analysis of chirality in molecular structures. It was written by Eric
Inherent chirality
In chemistry, inherent chirality is a property of asymmetry in molecules arising, not from a stereogenic or chiral center, but from a twisting of the molecule in 3-D space. The term was first coined b
The term laterality refers to the preference most humans show for one side of their body over the other. Examples include left-handedness/right-handedness and left/right-footedness; it may also refer
Metachirality is a stronger form of chirality.It applies to objects or systems that are chiral (not identical to their mirror image) and where, in addition, their mirror image has a symmetry group tha
Bidirectional traffic
In transportation infrastructure, a bidirectional traffic system divides travellers into two streams of traffic that flow in opposite directions. In the design and construction of tunnels, bidirection
Bromochlorofluoroiodomethane is a hypothetical haloalkane with all four stable halogen substituents present in it. This compound can be seen as a methane molecule, whose four hydrogen atoms are each r
Chirality timeline
Chirality timeline presents a timeline of landmark events that unfold the developments happened in the field of chirality. Many molecules come in two forms that are mirror images of each other, just l
Chirality /kaɪˈrælɪtiː/ is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science. The word chirality is derived from the Greek χειρ (kheir), "hand", a familiar chiral object. An object or a
Chirality (chemistry)
In chemistry, a molecule or ion is called chiral (/ˈkaɪrəl/) if it cannot be superposed on its mirror image by any combination of rotations, translations, and some conformational changes. This geometr
Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter
Harold Scott MacDonald "Donald" Coxeter, CC, FRS, FRSC (9 February 1907 – 31 March 2003) was a British and later also Canadian geometer. He is regarded as one of the greatest geometers of the 20th cen
Enantiopure drug
An enantiopure drug is a pharmaceutical that is available in one specific enantiomeric form. Most biological molecules (proteins, sugars, etc.) are present in only one of many chiral forms, so differe
Chirality (physics)
A chiral phenomenon is one that is not identical to its mirror image (see the article on mathematical chirality). The spin of a particle may be used to define a handedness, or helicity, for that parti
Chiral inversion
Chiral inversion is the process of conversion of one enantiomer of a chiral molecule to its mirror-image version with no other change in the molecule. Chiral inversion happens depending on various fac
Tartaric acid
Tartaric acid is a white, crystalline organic acid that occurs naturally in many fruits, most notably in grapes, but also in bananas, tamarinds, and citrus. Its salt, potassium bitartrate, commonly kn
Planar chirality
Planar chirality, also known as 2D chirality, is the special case of chirality for two dimensions. Most fundamentally, planar chirality is a mathematical term, finding use in chemistry, physics and re
Thalidomide, sold under the brand names Contergan and Thalomid among others, is a medication used to treat a number of cancers (including multiple myeloma), graft-versus-host disease, and a number of
Chiral polytope
In mathematics, there are two competing definitions for a chiral polytope. One is that it is a polytope that is chiral (or "enantiomorphic"), meaning that it does not have mirror symmetry. By this def
Mefloquine, sold under the brand name Lariam among others, is a medication used to prevent or treat malaria. When used for prevention it is typically started before potential exposure and continued fo
Racemic acid
Racemic acid is an old name for an optically inactive or racemic form of tartaric acid. It is an equal mixture of two mirror-image isomers (enantiomers), optically active in opposing directions. It oc
Supramolecular chirality
In chemistry, the term supramolecular chirality is used to describe supramolecular assemblies that are non-superposable on their mirror images. Chirality in supramolecular chemistry implies the non-sy
Chiral drugs
Chemical compounds that come as mirror-image pairs are referred to by chemists as chiral or handed molecules. Each twin is called an enantiomer. Drugs that exhibit handedness are referred to as chiral
Mirror life
Mirror life (also called mirror-image life) is a hypothetical form of life with mirror-reflected molecular building blocks. The possibility of mirror life was first discussed by Louis Pasteur. Althoug
Homochirality is a uniformity of chirality, or handedness. Objects are chiral when they cannot be superposed on their mirror images. For example, the left and right hands of a human are approximately
Bromochlorofluoromethane or fluorochlorobromomethane, is a chemical compound and trihalomethane derivative with the chemical formula CHBrClF. As one of the simplest possible stable chiral compounds, i
Hyper–Rayleigh scattering
Hyper–Rayleigh scattering Optical Activity (/ˈreɪli/ RAY-lee), (a form of Chiroptical harmonic scattering) is a nonlinear optical physical effect whereby chiral scatterers (such as nanoparticles or mo
Viedma ripening
Viedma ripening or attrition-enhanced deracemization is a chiral symmetry breaking phenomenon observed in solid/liquid mixtures of enantiomorphous (racemic conglomerate) crystals that are subjected to
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory
The Edinburgh Handedness Inventory is a measurement scale used to assess the dominance of a person's right or left hand in everyday activities, sometimes referred to as laterality. The inventory can b
Left- and right-hand traffic
Left-hand traffic (LHT) and right-hand traffic (RHT) are the practices, in bidirectional traffic, of keeping to the left side or to the right side of the road, respectively. They are fundamental to tr
Mirror image
A mirror image (in a plane mirror) is a reflected duplication of an object that appears almost identical, but is reversed in the direction perpendicular to the mirror surface. As an optical effect it
In human biology, handedness is an individual's preferential use of one hand, known as the dominant hand, due to it being stronger, faster or better in dexterity. The other hand, comparatively often t