Category: Books about game theory

Homo Ludens
Homo Ludens is a book originally published in Dutch in 1938 by Dutch historian and cultural theorist Johan Huizinga.It discusses the importance of the play element of culture and society. Huizinga sug
Finite and Infinite Games
Finite and Infinite Games is a book by religious scholar James P. Carse.
Games People Play (book)
Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships is a bestselling 1964 book by psychiatrist Eric Berne. Since its publication it has sold more than five million copies. The book describes both
The Complexity of Cooperation
The Complexity of Cooperation, by Robert Axelrod, is the sequel to The Evolution of Cooperation. It is a compendium of seven articles that previously appeared in journals on a variety of subjects. The
The Evolution of Cooperation
The Evolution of Cooperation is a 1984 book written by political scientist Robert Axelrod that expands upon a highly influential paper of the same name written by Axelrod and evolutionary biologist W.
Man, Play and Games
Man, Play and Games (ISBN 0029052009) is the influential 1961 book by the French sociologist Roger Caillois, (French Les jeux et les hommes, 1958) on the sociology of play and games or, in Caillois' t
Combinatorial Games: Tic-Tac-Toe Theory
Combinatorial Games: Tic-Tac-Toe Theory is a monograph on the mathematics of tic-tac-toe and other positional games, written by József Beck. It was published in 2008 by the Cambridge University Press
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, published in 1944 by Princeton University Press, is a book by mathematician John von Neumann and economist Oskar Morgenstern which is considered the groundbreaki
Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays
Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays (Academic Press, 1982) by Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway, and Richard K. Guy is a compendium of information on mathematical games. It was first published i