Category: Base-dependent integer sequences

Frugal number
In number theory, a frugal number is a natural number in a given number base that has more digits than the number of digits in its prime factorization in the given number base (including exponents). F
Multiplicative digital root
In number theory, the multiplicative digital root of a natural number in a given number base is found by multiplying the digits of together, then repeating this operation until only a single-digit rem
Automorphic number
In mathematics, an automorphic number (sometimes referred to as a circular number) is a natural number in a given number base whose square "ends" in the same digits as the number itself.
Undulating number
An undulating number is a number that has the digit form ABABAB... when in the base 10 number system. It is sometimes restricted to non-trivial undulating numbers which are required to have at least t
Kaprekar's routine
In number theory, Kaprekar's routine is an iterative algorithm that, with each iteration, takes a natural number in a given number base, creates two new numbers by sorting the digits of its number by
Self-descriptive number
In mathematics, a self-descriptive number is an integer m that in a given base b is b digits long in which each digit d at position n (the most significant digit being at position 0 and the least sign
Home prime
In number theory, the home prime HP(n) of an integer n greater than 1 is the prime number obtained by repeatedly factoring the increasing concatenation of prime factors including repetitions. The mth
Palindromic prime
In mathematics, a palindromic prime (sometimes called a palprime) is a prime number that is also a palindromic number. Palindromicity depends on the base of the number system and its notational conven
Delicate prime
A delicate prime, digitally delicate prime, or weakly prime number is a prime number where, under a given radix but generally decimal, replacing any one of its digits with any other digit always resul
An emirp (prime spelled backwards) is a prime number that results in a different prime when its decimal digits are reversed. This definition excludes the related palindromic primes. The term reversibl
Vampire number
In number theory, a vampire number (or true vampire number) is a composite natural number with an even number of digits, that can be factored into two natural numbers each with half as many digits as
Schizophrenic number
A schizophrenic number (also known as mock rational number) is an irrational number that displays certain characteristics of rational numbers.
Harshad number
In mathematics, a harshad number (or Niven number) in a given number base is an integer that is divisible by the sum of its digits when written in that base.Harshad numbers in base n are also known as
Self number
In number theory, a self number or Devlali number in a given number base is a natural number that cannot be written as the sum of any other natural number and the individual digits of . 20 is a self n
Truncatable prime
In number theory, a left-truncatable prime is a prime number which, in a given base, contains no 0, and if the leading ("left") digit is successively removed, then all resulting numbers are prime. For
Permutable prime
A permutable prime, also known as anagrammatic prime, is a prime number which, in a given base, can have its digits' positions switched through any permutation and still be a prime number. H. E. Riche
Fibbinary number
In mathematics, the fibbinary numbers are the numbers whose binary representation does not contain two consecutive ones. That is, they are sums of distinct and non-consecutive powers of two.
Dudeney number
In number theory, a Dudeney number in a given number base is a natural number equal to the perfect cube of another natural number such that the digit sum of the first natural number is equal to the se
In number theory, a factorion in a given number base is a natural number that equals the sum of the factorials of its digits. The name factorion was coined by the author Clifford A. Pickover.
Smith number
In number theory, a Smith number is a composite number for which, in a given number base, the sum of its digits is equal to the sum of the digits in its prime factorization in the given number base. I
In recreational mathematics, a repdigit or sometimes monodigit is a natural number composed of repeated instances of the same digit in a positional number system (often implicitly decimal). The word i
Sum-product number
A sum-product number in a given number base is a natural number that is equal to the product of the sum of its digits and the product of its digits. There are a finite number of sum-product numbers in
Equidigital number
In number theory, an equidigital number is a natural number in a given number base that has the same number of digits as the number of digits in its prime factorization in the given number base, inclu
Aronson's sequence
Aronson's sequence is an integer sequence defined by the English sentence "T is the first, fourth, eleventh, sixteenth, ... letter in this sentence." Spaces and punctuation are ignored. The first few
Minimal prime (recreational mathematics)
In recreational number theory, a minimal prime is a prime number for which there is no shorter subsequence of its digits in a given base that form a prime. In base 10 there are exactly 26 minimal prim
Transposable integer
The digits of some specific integers permute or shift cyclically when they are multiplied by a number n. Examples are: * 142857 × 3 = 428571 (shifts cyclically one place left) * 142857 × 5 = 714285
Digit sum
In mathematics, the digit sum of a natural number in a given number base is the sum of all its digits. For example, the digit sum of the decimal number would be .
Kempner series
The Kempner series is a modification of the harmonic series, formed by omitting all terms whose denominator expressed in base 10 contains the digit 9. That is, it is the sum where the prime indicates
Keith number
In number theory, a Keith number or repfigit number (short for repetitive Fibonacci-like digit) is a natural number in a given number base with digits such that when a sequence is created such that th
Happy number
In number theory, a happy number is a number which eventually reaches 1 when replaced by the sum of the square of each digit. For instance, 13 is a happy number because , and . On the other hand, 4 is
Meertens number
In number theory and mathematical logic, a Meertens number in a given number base is a natural number that is its own Gödel number. It was named after Lambert Meertens by Richard S. Bird as a present
Perfect digital invariant
In number theory, a perfect digital invariant (PDI) is a number in a given number base that is the sum of its own digits each raised to a given power.
Look-and-say sequence
In mathematics, the look-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers beginning as follows: 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, 13112221, 1113213211, 31131211131221, ... (sequence in the OEIS). To genera
Lychrel number
A Lychrel number is a natural number that cannot form a palindrome through the iterative process of repeatedly reversing its digits and adding the resulting numbers. This process is sometimes called t
Pernicious number
In number theory, a pernicious number is a positive integer such that the Hamming weight of its binary representation is prime, that is, there is a prime number of 1's when it is written as a binary n
Digit-reassembly number
Digit-reassembly numbers, or Osiris numbers, are numbers that are equal to the sum of permutations of sub-samples of their own digits (compare the dismemberment and reconstruction of the god Osiris in
Digital root
The digital root (also repeated digital sum) of a natural number in a given radix is the (single digit) value obtained by an iterative process of summing digits, on each iteration using the result fro
Polydivisible number
In mathematics a polydivisible number (or magic number) is a number in a given number base with digits abcde... that has the following properties: 1. * Its first digit a is not 0. 2. * The number fo
Friedman number
A Friedman number is an integer, which represented in a given numeral system, is the result of a non-trivial expression using all its own digits in combination with any of the four basic arithmetic op
Perfect digit-to-digit invariant
In number theory, a perfect digit-to-digit invariant (PDDI; also known as a Munchausen number) is a natural number in a given number base that is equal to the sum of its digits each raised to the powe
Dihedral prime
A dihedral prime or dihedral calculator prime is a prime number that still reads like itself or another prime number when read in a seven-segment display, regardless of orientation (normally or upside
In recreational mathematics, a repunit is a number like 11, 111, or 1111 that contains only the digit 1 — a more specific type of repdigit. The term stands for repeated unit and was coined in 1966 by
Extravagant number
In number theory, an extravagant number (also known as a wasteful number) is a natural number in a given number base that has fewer digits than the number of digits in its prime factorization in the g
Maris–McGwire–Sosa pair
In recreational mathematics, Maris–McGwire–Sosa pairs (MMS pairs, also MMS numbers) (sequence in the OEIS) are two consecutive natural numbers such that adding each number's digits (in base 10) to the
Primeval number
In recreational number theory, a primeval number is a natural number n for which the number of prime numbers which can be obtained by permuting some or all of its digits (in base 10) is larger than th
Reverse divisible number
In number theory, reversing the digits of a number n sometimes produces another number m that is divisible by n.This happens trivially when n is a palindromic number; the nontrivial reverse divisors a
Smarandache–Wellin number
In mathematics, a Smarandache–Wellin number is an integer that in a given base is the concatenation of the first n prime numbers written in that base. Smarandache–Wellin numbers are named after and .
Circular prime
A circular prime is a prime number with the property that the number generated at each intermediate step when cyclically permuting its (base 10) digits will be prime. For example, 1193 is a circular p
Palindromic number
A palindromic number (also known as a numeral palindrome or a numeric palindrome) is a number (such as 16461) that remains the same when its digits are reversed. In other words, it has reflectional sy
Pandigital number
In mathematics, a pandigital number is an integer that in a given base has among its significant digits each digit used in the base at least once. For example, 1234567890 (one billion two hundred thir
Kaprekar number
In mathematics, a natural number in a given number base is a -Kaprekar number if the representation of its square in that base can be split into two parts, where the second part has digits, that add u
Parasitic number
An n-parasitic number (in base 10) is a positive natural number which can be multiplied by n by moving the rightmost digit of its decimal representation to the front. Here n is itself a single-digit p
Narcissistic number
In number theory, a narcissistic number (also known as a pluperfect digital invariant (PPDI), an Armstrong number (after Michael F. Armstrong) or a plus perfect number) in a given number base is a num