Abstract algebra

Yoneda product

In algebra, the Yoneda product (named after Nobuo Yoneda) is the pairing between Ext groups of modules: induced by Specifically, for an element , thought of as an extension , and similarly , we form the Yoneda (cup) product . Note that the middle map factors through the given maps to . We extend this definition to include using the usual functoriality of the groups. (Wikipedia).

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Tofu | Science in the City | Exploratorium

Curious about Tofu? The folks over at Hodo Soy Beanery tell us everything we ever wanted to know about how Tofu (and its "sexier cousin" Yuba) is made. Music by Wayne Grim For more information on Hodo Soy Beanery- http://hodosoy.com

From playlist Science in the City I Exploratorium

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Where Does Yogurt Come From?

When we think of Yogurt, we think of a tangy and sweet treat that's good at any time! But there's a tiny little ingredient in there that helps to make it what it is! ---------- Love SciShow Kids and want to help support it? Become a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishowkids

From playlist Science In The Kitchen!

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What's The Liquid On Top Of Your Yogurt — And Should You Eat It?

The pool of liquid on the top of your newly opened yogurt is a phenomenon called "whey separation defect." Whey is one of the two main proteins in milk, and it's completely safe. Simply stir it back into the yogurt for added nutrition. Science Insider tells you all you need to know about

From playlist Food Science

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This levitron manufactured by my friend İzzet Özgöçmen. We enjoyed playing with it.

From playlist Izzet Özgöçmen

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Categories 7 Yoneda's lemma

This lecture is part of an online course on categories. Any object of a category can be thought of as a representable functor in the category of presheaves. We give several examples of representable functors. Then we state Yoneda's lemma, which roughly that morphisms of objects are he sa

From playlist Categories for the idle mathematician

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Serge Bouc: Correspondence functors

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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A Taste of Flavor - Yossi Nir

NatiFest - September 15, 2016 "A Taste of Flavor" by Yossi Nir http://www.sns.ias.edu/natifest More videos on http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Natural Sciences

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Yo-yo competition at the exploratorium

quick routine, the event was a lot of fun

From playlist Exploratorium through your eyes

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Persistence and Triangulation in Lagrangian Topology - Paul Biran

IAS/PU-Montreal-Paris-Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Topic: Persistence and Triangulation in Lagrangian Topology Speaker: Paul Biran Affiliation: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich Date: November 20, 2020 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Higher Algebra 7: Non-abelian derived functors

In this video, we discuss the notion of non-abelian derived functors and Animation. Along the way, we discuss the Yoneda lemma. Warning: The Yoneda exercises stated at 35:00 is a bit hard given the technology we have, so I recommend simply proving the analogous statement for ordinary cat

From playlist Higher Algebra

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Noncommutative Geometric Invariant Theory (Lecture 3) by Arvid Siqveland

PROGRAM :SCHOOL ON CLUSTER ALGEBRAS ORGANIZERS :Ashish Gupta and Ashish K Srivastava DATE :08 December 2018 to 22 December 2018 VENUE :Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore In 2000, S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky introduced Cluster Algebras as abstractions of a combinatoro-algebra

From playlist School on Cluster Algebras 2018

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早稲田大学 生医&建築(1) 数学B1(微分積分) 第1回・第2回 学習の道案内(担当教員:早水 桃子)【日本語字幕有り】

2020年度5月から早稲田大学の生命医科学科と建築学科の一年生向けに開講される早水桃子の数学B1(微分積分)の履修者向け動画です(※授業の主たるコンテンツはWaseda Moodleにアップロードしているので,YouTubeの動画はあくまでも「学習を促進するオマケ」である点にご注意ください).今回はリクエストにお応えして第1回・第2回の「学習の道案内」をお送りします.動画で軽く内容を把握した後に教科書やPDF資料を読むと,学習が少しスムーズになるかもしれません.授業内容の復習にも活用してみてください.なお,この動画は字幕表示にも完全対応しています.音声の聴き取りが難しい方や

From playlist 2020年度 早稲田大学 生医&建築(1) 数学B1(微分積分)(担当教員:早水桃子)

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Shadows of Computation - Lecture 6 - The line is part of a circle

Welcome to Shadows of Computation, an online course taught by Will Troiani and Billy Snikkers, covering the foundations of category theory and how it is used by computer scientists to abstract computing systems to reveal their intrinsic mathematical properties. In the sixth lecture Will sp

From playlist Shadows of Computation

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Higher Algebra 13: The Tate diagonal

In this video we discuss the Tate diagonal, which is a surprising feature of the world of spectra. For further details on this construction, see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.01799.pdf, section III.1. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at https://www.uni-muenster

From playlist Higher Algebra

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Lecture 6: Sheaves of sets (Part 1)

The most important examples of topoi are categories of sheaves of sets on a small category. Patrick Eilliott introduced this class of examples over two talks, of which is the first. In this talk he defines presheaves and sheaves on a topological space, and explains using the Yoneda lemma h

From playlist Topos theory seminar

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Human or Machine? The Incredibly Life-Like Android Robots From Japan

A new exhibition entitled "Android: What is Human?" launching tomorrow at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) in Tokyo will showcase some of the most realistic humanoid robots that have ever been seen.

From playlist Robots, AI, and human-machine interfaces

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Yoshimoto Cube (CG)

Naoki Yoshimoto invented in 1971.

From playlist CG animations

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Anthony Bordg - How to Do Maths Without Dependent Types

What can be done when formalising mathematics without dependent types? I will give you new insights into this question by exploring the capability and possible limitations of the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant. I will explain what we learnt formalising Grothendieck's schemes using only Isabe

From playlist Workshop Schlumberger 2022 : types dépendants et formalisation des mathématiques

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