Sacred geometry

Xavier Guichard

Xavier Guichard (1870–1947) was a French Director of Police, archaeologist and writer. His 1936 book Eleusis Alesia: Enquête sur les origines de la civilisation européenne is an early example of speculative thinking concerning Earth mysteries, based on his observations of apparent alignments between Alesia-like place names on a map of France. His theories are analogous to those of his near-contemporary in the United Kingdom, Alfred Watkins, concerning Ley lines. Xavier Guichard appears as a character in the novels of Georges Simenon, where he is the superior of the fictional detective Jules Maigret. (Wikipedia).

Xavier Guichard
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[BOURBAKI 2017] 21/10/2017 - 3/4 - Olivier GUICHARD

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From playlist BOURBAKI - 2017

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Présentation de l'exposition "Emile Borel : un mathématicien au pluriel"

---------------------------------- Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 PARIS Rejoignez les réseaux sociaux de l'IHP pour être au courant de nos actualités : - Facebook : - Twitter : https://twitter

From playlist Bibliothèque

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Interview at CIRM : Jean-Pierre BOURGUIGNON, President of the European Research Council

Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon was the Director of the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS) from 1994 till 2013. This international research institute located near Paris, France, was built as the European counterpart of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He was al

From playlist English interviews - Interviews en anglais

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Interview Pascal Hubert

Pascal HUBERT est mathématicien, professeur au sein d'Aix-Marseille Université et directeur de la FRUMAM. Il parle ici de son grand-père, qui lui a donné le goût des mathématiques, de ses recherches, de la richesse mathématique marseillaise, de sa collaboration avec Artur Avila (Médaille

From playlist Interviews en français - French interviews

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Alexandre Guilbaud: Terminologie des données encyclopédiques et politique de repérage

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist History of Mathematics

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On computational barriers in mathematics of information (...) - Hansen - Workshop 1 - CEB T1 2019

Hansen (University of Cambridge) / 06.02.2019 On computational barriers in mathematics of information and instabilities in deep learning for inverse problems In image processing problems, the minimization of total variation (TV) based energies requires discretization schemes, such as th

From playlist 2019 - T1 - The Mathematics of Imaging

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Deep Learning on Jetson AGX Xavier using MATLAB, GPU Coder, and TensorRT

Designing and deploying deep learning and computer vision applications to embedded GPUs is challenging because of resource constraints inherent in embedded devices. - Download the Generating CUDA Code from MATLAB white paper: A MATLAB® based workflow facilitates the

From playlist Protoype, Verify, and Deploy to GPUs

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2017 Yarshater Lectures - Lecture 2: Traveling Mirrors for Princes

Lecture 2: Traveling Mirrors for Princes April 26, 2017 The second lecture will turn to Iranian and European relations with the Mughal Empire. From the time of Humayun, Iranians played a central role in Mughal politics, as the well-known case of the family of I'timad al-Daula Tehrani shows

From playlist The MacMillan Center

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Etienne Ghys : "J'ai du plaisir à faire des maths les plus variées possibles"

Interview d'Etienne Ghys, mathématicien, directeur de recherche au CNRS, Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (ENS de Lyon). Réalisation : Stéphanie Vareilles pour le Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) Plus d'informations sur Etienne Ghys : http://www.umpa.ens-

From playlist Lagrange Days at CIRM

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Weight Initialization explained | A way to reduce the vanishing gradient problem

Let's talk about how the weights in an artificial neural network are initialized, how this initialization affects the training process, and what YOU can do about it! To kick off our discussion on weight initialization, we're first going to discuss how these weights are initialized, and h

From playlist Deep Learning Fundamentals - Intro to Neural Networks

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A Skeptical Analysis of the Ica Stones

Hello! This time we tackle the dubious ancient artifacts known as the Ica Stones. These Peruvian stones allegedly prove recent dinosaur and human co-existence and is loved by Ancient Astronauts and Creationists. I try to find out if these stones are legit or not. Jon's Channel: https://

From playlist Did dinosaurs and humans live together?

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How The CLASSIC PASS should be done!

THE PASS PROJECT: Xavior's Channel: YO! Today I wanted to take a moment to share a very special project that one of my best friend's has produced called "The Pass

From playlist THE VLOG

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Binary Tree 1. Constructing a tree (algorithm and pseudocode)

This is the first in a series of videos about binary trees. It is an explanation of the dynamic data structure known as the Binary Tree. It describes the way in which a binary tree is constructed, and how it can be represented numerically using a system of left and right pointers. This v

From playlist Data Structures

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Quentin Guignard: Graded logarithmic geometry and valuative spaces

HYBRID EVENT Recorded during the meeting "Franco-Asian Summer School on Arithmetic Geometry in Luminy" the May 31, 2022 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathema

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Top 5 Coolest Skyscrapers | The B1M

Tall is not always cool. Here we round up some of the most interesting skyscrapers in the world that win on their looks, rather than their height. Our only rule is that these structures have to have been built, they can’t be wacky ideas that might never actually become reality. Enjoy! Rea

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