Color space

Wide-gamut RGB color space

The wide-gamut RGB color space (or Adobe Wide Gamut RGB) is an RGB color space developed by Adobe Systems, that offers a large gamut by using pure spectral primary colors.It is able to store a wider range of color values than sRGB or Adobe RGB color spaces. As a comparison, the wide-gamut RGB color space encompasses 77.6% of the visible colors specified by the CIELAB color space, while the standard Adobe RGB color space covers just 52.1% and sRGB covers only 35.9%. When working in color spaces with such a large gamut, it is recommended to work in 16-bit per channel color depth to avoid posterization effects. This will occur more frequently in 8-bit per channel modes as the gradient steps are much larger. As with sRGB, the color component values in wide-gamut RGB are not proportional to the luminances. Similar to Adobe RGB, a gamma of 2.2 is assumed, without the linear segment near zero that is present in sRGB. The precise gamma value is 563/256, or 2.19921875. The white point corresponds to D50.The chromaticities of the primary colors and the white point are as follows: (Wikipedia).

Wide-gamut RGB color space
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Physics - Optics: Circular Aperture - Angle of Resolution (5 of 6) Resolution of the Hubble

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope. Next video in series:


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256 colors is enough for everyone

In this video I use source code as means to illustrate how stunning RGB graphics can be achieved on a 256-color screen, so much that you actually may doubt whether it is really only 256 colors. Twitter: Patreon: (alternatives at

From playlist Programming

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Marc Levoy - Lectures on Digital Photography - Lecture 13 (04May16).mp4

This is one of 18 videos representing lectures on digital photography, from a version of my Stanford course CS 178 that was recorded at Google in Spring 2016. A web site that includes all 18 videos, my slides, and the course schedule, applets, and assignments is

From playlist Stanford: Digital Photography with Marc Levoy | CosmoLearning Computer Science

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The Evolution of CSS4 Color

New in CSS4 Color: ICC profiles! CIE Lab! Rendering Intents! OK by new I mean the stuff that used to be in SVG2. Which used to be in SVG Print. Which used to be in (well you get the idea). Why has color management taken so long to get going on the Web? Isn't it kind of esoteric and special

From playlist Web Design: CSS / SVG

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OpenGL - depth and stencil buffers

Code samples derived from work by Joey de Vries, @joeydevries, author of All code samples, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are licensed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license as published by Creative Commons, either version 4 of the License, or (at your o

From playlist OpenGL

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The Amazing Math behind Colors!

In this video, I talk about the math and science of colors for 42 minutes. Topics include cone cell response functions, electromagnetic radiation, spectral colors, luminance, color spaces, parametric equations, normal curves, mono and polychromatic light, emission spectra, spectral power

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Generating Your Color Palette in CSS

In this video, Surma and Jake pick up the topic of Color Spaces again, because there’s more to talk about. Device capabilities, perceptually uniform color spaces, color mixing and contrast calculations. And all of that is coming to CSS! PUBLICATION PERMISSIONS: Original video was publishe

From playlist Web Design: CSS / SVG

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Physics - Optics: Circular Aperture - Angle of Resolution (1 of 6) Introduction

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will introduce the diffraction pattern of a circular aperture. Next video in series:


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Live CEOing Ep 179: Image and Audio in Wolfram Language

Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about Image and Audio in the Wolfram Language.

From playlist Behind the Scenes in Real-Life Software Design

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True Colour and Indexed Colour Bitmaps

This is the second in a sequence of videos about images. It begins by reviewing the impact of resolution (pixel density) and colour depth (the number of bits used to encoded the colour of each pixel) on the quality of an image. It goes on the explain that a true colour 24 bit RGB bitmap

From playlist Images

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Image Processing Accomplis Complex Objectives with High Level Functions

Speaker: Markus van Almsick The Wolfram Language continuously expands and improves high-level image processing and analyzing functions from image foreground and background separation to collage creation and color processing. This presentation demonstrates how to complete complex tasks qui

From playlist Wolfram Virtual Conference 2014

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Ex: Vector Projection in Three Dimensions

This video explains how to determine the projection of one vector onto another vector in three dimensions. Site:

From playlist Vectors in Space (3D)

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YCbCr and RGB Colour

This computer science video compares the RGB colour model with the YCbCr colour model. It shows how both RGB and YCbCr can be visualised in three dimensional space, and how the grayscale relates to both colour models. The evolution of YCbCr from YUV is mentioned, along with the need for

From playlist Images

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Doom on CGA (monochrome), 16-color EGA and the NES

This video illustrates running the PC game Doom on the CGA, EGA and NES displays*. It is a continuation to this video that I uploaded previously: The different display modes featured in this video are listed below. -- 1: CGA monochrome 640x20

From playlist Misc. productions

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Coupling variational method with CNN for image colorization - Pierre - Workshop 1 - CEB T1 2019

Fabien Pierre (Université de Lorraine) / 04.02.2019 Coupling variational method with CNN for image colorization Our works aim to join the powerful prediction of the convolutional neural network (CNN) with the pixel-level accuracy of variational methods. The limitations of CNN-based imag

From playlist 2019 - T1 - The Mathematics of Imaging

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Lecture 14: Color (CMU 15-462/662)

Full playlist: Course information:

From playlist Computer Graphics (CMU 15-462/662)

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!!Con 2021 - Geometric derivations of RGB colorspace! The strange eyeball science... by Laura Kurup

Geometric derivations of RGB colorspace! The strange eyeball science that is messing with your LEDs by Laura Kurup It’s hard to write code that smoothly fades RGB LEDs between colors. But why? Lots of libraries offer solutions, but exploring the problem quickly opens up a neon rainbow hex

From playlist !!Con 2021

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Physics - Optics: Circular Aperture - Angle of Resolution (3 of 6) Resolution Power of the Human Eye

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain the resolution ability of the human eye.. Next video in series:


Related pages

Gamut | Gamma correction | CIELAB color space | SRGB | Adobe RGB color space