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Weber problem

In geometry, the Weber problem, named after Alfred Weber, is one of the most famous problems in location theory. It requires finding a point in the plane that minimizes the sum of the transportation costs from this point to n destination points, where different destination points are associated with different costs per unit distance. The Weber problem generalizes the geometric median, which assumes transportation costs per unit distance are the same for all destination points, and the problem of computing the Fermat point, the geometric median of three points. For this reason it is sometimes called the Fermat–Weber problem, although the same name has also been used for the unweighted geometric median problem. The Weber problem is in turn generalized by the , which allows some of the costs to be negative, so that greater distance from some points is better. (Wikipedia).

Weber problem
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C36 Example problem solving a Cauchy Euler equation

An example problem of a homogeneous, Cauchy-Euler equation, with constant coefficients.

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The Basel Problem (5 of 9: Telescoping sum)

This video is one of nine parts. Watch the rest here: More resources available at

From playlist The Basel Problem

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C43 Example problem solving a Cauchy Euler equation

Another Cauchy-Euler equation example problem solved.

From playlist Differential Equations

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B04 Example problem of simple harmonic oscillation

Solving an example problem of simple harmonic oscillation, which requires calculating the solution to a second order ordinary differential equation.

From playlist Physics ONE

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C38 Example problem solving a Cauchy Euler equation with initial values

Example problem solving a Cauchy-Euler equation with initial values.

From playlist Differential Equations

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Separation of variables and the Schrodinger equation

A brief explanation of separation of variables, application to the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, and the solution to the time part. (This lecture is part of a series for a course based on Griffiths' Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. The Full playlist is at

From playlist Mathematical Physics II - Youtube

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Politics and Knowledge in Nihilistic Times:  Thinking with Max Weber - “Politics”

Wendy Brown is Class of 1936 First Chair at UC Berkeley, where she teaches political theory. Drawing from Freudian, Weberian, Marxist, and Foucauldian angles of vision, she writes about the powers operating beneath the surface of liberalism and generating many of its limits and predicament

From playlist Whitney Humanities Center

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The Tanner Lectures on Human Values - Kathryn Lofton and Paul North in conversation with Wendy Brown

Wendy Brown is Class of 1936 First Chair at UC Berkeley, where she teaches political theory. Drawing from Freudian, Weberian, Marxist, and Foucauldian angles of vision, she writes about the powers operating beneath the surface of liberalism and generating many of its limits and predicament

From playlist Whitney Humanities Center

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The Basel Problem (8 of 9: Returning to trigonometric terms)

This video is one of nine parts. Watch the rest here: More resources available at

From playlist The Basel Problem

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Politics and Knowledge in Nihilistic Times:  Thinking with Max Weber - “Knowledge”

Wendy Brown is Class of 1936 First Chair at UC Berkeley, where she teaches political theory. Drawing from Freudian, Weberian, Marxist, and Foucauldian angles of vision, she writes about the powers operating beneath the surface of liberalism and generating many of its limits and predicament

From playlist Whitney Humanities Center

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29C3: Meine Kleidung funkt (DE)

Speakers: padeluun | Rena Tangens Tracking von Menschen durch in Kleidung integrierte RFID-Chips Mit RFID-Lesegeräten Menschen tracken - keine Zukunftsvision. Was wir vor 9 Jahren als Schreckgespenst an die Wand malten, ist Wirklichkeit geworden: RFID-Tags, eingenäht in Kleidung. Auf 8

From playlist 29C3: Not my department

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19. Weber on Charismatic Authority

Foundations of Modern Social Thought (SOCY 151) Charismatic authority, unlike traditional authority, is a revolutionary and unstable form of authority. Weber borrows the religious term of charisma and extends its use to a secular meaning. Audiences and followers believe that charismatic

From playlist Foundations of Modern Social Theory with Iván Szelényi

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Abel formula

This is one of my all-time favorite differential equation videos!!! :D Here I'm actually using the Wronskian to actually find a nontrivial solution to a second-order differential equation. This is amazing because it brings the concept of the Wronskian back to life! And as they say, you won

From playlist Differential equations

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Max Weber explained that modern capitalism was born not because of new technology or new financial instruments. What started it all off was religion. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new films every week: If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship worldwi

From playlist GREAT IDEAS

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17. Conceptual Foundations of Weber's Theory of Domination

Foundations of Modern Social Thought (SOCY 151) Diverging significantly from Marx's idea that history can be traced by the modes of production and the economy, Weber argues that history is characterized by different modes of authority. Leaders gain authority through domination, a combi

From playlist Foundations of Modern Social Theory with Iván Szelényi

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Max Weber & Modernity: Crash Course Sociology #9

This week we are wrapping up our overview of sociology’s core frameworks and founding theorists with a look Max Weber and his understanding of the modern world. We’ll explore rationalization and the transition from traditional to modern society. We’ll also discuss bureaucracy, legitimacy,

From playlist Sociology

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25. Durkheim and Social Facts

Foundations of Modern Social Thought (SOCY 151) Durkheim understood life sciences as divided into three branches: biology, which is interested in the body, psychology, which deals with the personality, and sociology, which deals with collective representations. In The Rules of Sociolog

From playlist Foundations of Modern Social Theory with Iván Szelényi

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Basel Problem 1 Introduction

Let's tackle the Basel Problem! Join me on a mathematical journey toward the solution of this famous conundrum, first solved by Euler in 1734. If your looking for single-episode treatments of this problem, check out Mathologer, and/or 3Blue1Brown https://yout

From playlist The Basel Problem

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14. Nietzsche on Power, Knowledge and Morality

Foundations of Modern Social Thought (SOCY 151) Today we take a bridge into the twentieth century, constructed by Nietzsche, Freud, and Weber's critical theory. Each author is different in important ways, but they also agree on two crucial points: we must subject our consciousness and as

From playlist Foundations of Modern Social Theory with Iván Szelényi

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