Hamiltonian paths and cycles | Planar graphs | Bipartite graphs | Individual graphs

Walther graph

In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Walther graph, also called the Tutte fragment, is a planar bipartite graph with 25 vertices and 31 edges named after Hansjoachim Walther. It has chromatic index 3, girth 3 and diameter 8. If the single vertex of degree 1 whose neighbour has degree 3 is removed, the resulting graph has no Hamiltonian path. This property was used by Tutte when combining three Walther graphs to produce the Tutte graph, the first known counterexample to Tait's conjecture that every 3-regular polyhedron has a Hamiltonian cycle. (Wikipedia).

Walther graph
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Pawn Stars: Walther Pellet Gun | History

A collector brings in a pellet gun in the famous style of the Walther used in James Bond in this scene from Season 12's episode, "Racing Revolution." #PawnStars Subscribe for more from Pawn Stars: http://po.st/SubscribeToPawnStars Find out more about the show and watch full episodes on o

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Pawn Stars: Walther LP53 Air Pistol | History

Chumlee takes a look at a Walther LP53 air pistol used in the promo photos for Sean Connery's "From Russia With Love" in this scene from "Racing Revolution." #PawnStars Subscribe for more from Pawn Stars: http://po.st/SubscribeToPawnStars Watch more Pawn Stars on YouTube in this playlist

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Das Urteil (5/9) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

Walther Funk: Nicht das Gold allein, sondern auch Devisen, Noten und alles, was für den legalen Geschäftsverkehr der Reichsbank in Frage kam von diesen Dingen. Dass das auch aus Konzentrationslagern stammen könnte, war mir klar, denn den Insassen der Konzentrationslager mussten ja diese Di

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Learn how to graph the parent graph of a quadratic equation in standard form using a table

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

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Graph Theory: 03. Examples of Graphs

We provide some basic examples of graphs in Graph Theory. This video will help you to get familiar with the notation and what it represents. We also discuss the idea of adjacent vertices and edges. --An introduction to Graph Theory by Dr. Sarada Herke. Links to the related videos: https

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What do I need to know to graph a quadratic in vertex form

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

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Choice of K in K-fold Cross Validation | by Jeremy Walthers | Kaggle Days SF

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Max Planck Biography with Depth and Humor

Max Planck was loved by the people who knew him, learn about this influential scientist and why he was so admired. My Patreon Page (thanks!): https://www.patreon.com/user?u=15291200 The music is from the awesome Kim Nalley of course www.KimNalley.com

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How to graph a quadratic in vertex form

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

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Lecture quadratic functions and it's solutions

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Anklage (1/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

Nürnberg - Justizpalast im November 1945, der Internationale Militärgerichtshof beginnt zu tagen. Angeklagt sind 22 Deutsche, von Göring bis Fritzsche, Politiker, Beamte, Militärs des Dritten Reiches sowie 7 Organisationen. Auch als DVD erhältlich: http://amzn.to/2qzyQWA ** Die 4 Chefank

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How to determine the domain and range of a quadratic using its vertex

👉 Learn the basics to understanding graphing quadratics. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest exponent in the variable(s) is 2. To graph a quadratic equation, we make use of a table of values and the fact that the graph of a quadratic is a parabola which has an axis of symmetr

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The Hindenburg Line Breaks - The Lost Battalion Returns I THE GREAT WAR Week 220

The Hindenburg Line or Siegfriedstellung is the backbone of the German defenses on the Western Front and this week 100 years ago, the Allies break through during the Battle of St. Quentin Canal. At the same time, the political fallout within Germany continues and the Allied Army of the Ori

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How the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics Made Einstein Famous

The 3rd law of thermodynamics was created by Walther Nernst who turned to the radical ideas of a young Albert Einstein to support it. This quirky history is vital to understanding how quantum mechanics developed and how the 3rd law works. Enjoy My Patreon Page (thanks!): https://www.pa

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Graph Theory: 02. Definition of a Graph

In this video we formally define what a graph is in Graph Theory and explain the concept with an example. In this introductory video, no previous knowledge of Graph Theory will be assumed. --An introduction to Graph Theory by Dr. Sarada Herke. This video is a remake of the "02. Definitio

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"Promoting Women in mathematics", Panel discussion at IHES, October 4

"Promoting Women in mathematics", Panel discussion at IHES, October 4, 2021 with panelists Eva Bayer-Fluckiger, Professor Emeritus at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Kathryn Leonard, president of the Association of Women in Mathematics, and Andrea Walther, convenor of the Europea

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Graph Theory: 57. Planar Graphs

A planar graph is a graph that can be drawn in the plane without any edge crossings. Such a drawing (with no edge crossings) is called a plane graph. A given plane graph divides the plane into regions and each region has a boundary that outlines it. We look at some examples and also giv

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Pimp you brain - Sequence analysis

The inherited characteristics of an organism is determined by its genome, and depend on the sequence of the four bases A, C, G, and T. Genome sequencing is generating a flood of raw data about these sequences. The bioinformatician Dirk Walther from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Pla

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