Vestibulocochlear nerve

Vestibulocerebellar tract

The vestibulocerebellar tract is a tract in the pontine tegmentum which connects the vestibular nerve and the cerebellar cortex. It terminates in the Archicerebellum. (Wikipedia).

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From playlist Living in Space - Jaxa

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From playlist Weightlessness - Jaxa

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国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)長期滞在中の野口聡一宇宙飛行士が、ISSの日常生活の様子を紹介します。 1. 「きぼう」日本実験棟船内実験室の野口宇宙飛行士の個室紹介 2. 改良型エクササイズ装置(Advanced Resistive Exercise Device: ARED)での運動 3. ジェフリー・ウィリアムズ宇宙飛行士による野口宇宙飛行士の散髪 4. 「きぼう」船内実験室の掃除 5. 野口宇宙飛行士からのメッセージ(C)JAXA/NASA

From playlist Living in Space - Jaxa

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The BuShou of HanZi :彳

A brief description of the BuShou of 彳.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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(English Version: - 这个三维动画介绍了右髋关节的全髋关节置换术。该手术包括切开、露出髋关节、放置髋臼修复假体(窝)、割掉发炎的股沟头、放置股骨头假体(球)。

From playlist 在中国医学动画

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The BuShou of HanZi :手

A brief description of the BuShou of 手.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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若田宇宙飛行士 ISSでの日常生活の様子

若田宇宙飛行士による国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)での日常生活の様子。 1. 制振装置付きトレッドミル(TVIS)でのジョギング 2. 散髪 3. 歯磨き 4. 髭剃り 5. シャンプー 6. 体ふき 7. 掃除機を使った「きぼう」内の掃除風景 (C)NASA/JAXA

From playlist Living in Space - Jaxa

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剖腹产 - 这个三维动画演示了剖腹产术的常见原因,包括肩难产、前置胎盘、胎儿窘迫和多胞胎。在这个动画中,产科医生透过比基尼切口,把处于伸腿臀位的婴儿(脚先出来)拿出来。动画还包括产妇在手术前后应当知道的信息。 ANCE00177ch

From playlist 在中国医学动画

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CDIS 4017 - Introduction to Vowels Part 1 (done- kelli)

Chaya Guntupalli (Nanjundeswaran) Ph.D. CDIS 4017 - Speech and Hearing Science I ETSU Online Programs -

From playlist ETSU: CDIS 4017 - Speech and Hearing Science I | CosmoLearning Audiology

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The BuShou of HanZi :囗

A brief description of the BuShou of 囗.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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Excel 3D Map With KML Custom Regions - 2556

Mapping Census Tracts in Excel. Excel supports mapping by county, zip code, state, country. But they don't natively support census tracts. In today's video, you will see how to download population data and a map KML file from Census.Gov. Download the workbook:

From playlist Charts & Charting

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Speech and Audio Processing 1: Introduction to Speech Processing - Professor E. Ambikairajah

Speech and Audio Processing ELEC9344 Introduction to Speech and Audio Processing Ambikairajah EET UNSW - Lecture notes available from:

From playlist ELEC9344 Speech and Audio Processing by Prof. Ambikairajah

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CDIS 4017 - Acoustics of Vowels Part 1 (DONE)

Chaya Guntupalli (Nanjundeswaran) Ph.D. CDIS 4017 - Speech and Hearing Science I ETSU Online Programs -

From playlist ETSU: CDIS 4017 - Speech and Hearing Science I | CosmoLearning Audiology

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CDIS 4017 - Introduction to Vowels Part 2 (done)

Chaya Guntupalli (Nanjundeswaran) Ph.D. CDIS 4017 - Speech and Hearing Science I ETSU Online Programs -

From playlist ETSU: CDIS 4017 - Speech and Hearing Science I | CosmoLearning Audiology

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4.4.3 R4. Regression Trees- Video 2: The Data

MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017 View the complete course: Instructor: Iain Dunning Understanding the data that will be used for the model. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at https://ocw

From playlist MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017

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Who was Jack Chick? | HowStuffWorks NOW

With the death of Jack Chick, we review the cartoonist's life, as well as his infamous Chick Tract comics. How did these pamphlets contribute to satanic panic and offend so many with their rhetoric of condemnation? MUSIC: ‘Dune’ by Jahzzar VIDEO CLIPS: Jack Chicks THIS WAS YOUR LIFE! - A

From playlist HowStuffWorks NOW

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Upper motor neurons | Organ Systems | MCAT | Khan Academy

Created by Matthew Barry Jensen. Watch the next lesson: Missed the previous lesson?

From playlist Human anatomy and physiology | Health & Medicine | Khan Academy

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What is bronchiolitis? | Respiratory system diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Created by Matthew McPheeters. Watch the next lesson: Missed the previous lesson? https://www.khanacademy.or

From playlist Respiratory system diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

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Barrier Surfaces of the Innate Immune System

The first aspect of the innate immune system we will examine is the many barrier surfaces, such as the skin, as well as the linings of the respiratory tract and digestive tract. These cells have to constantly prevent infection from the environment, so how do they do this? We've also probab

From playlist Immunology

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月周回衛星「かぐや」のHDTVが観測したオリエンタレ・ベイスン (C)JAXA/NHK

From playlist Earth's place in Solar System - Jaxa

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