Demo parties

Very Important Party

Very Important Party (VIP) is an annual demo party held from 1999 to 2002 in Saint-Priest, near Lyon (France) and from 2008 in Thoissey. It is organized by PoPsY TeAm, a French demogroup from Lyon area. It gathered hundreds of demosceners from various European countries, but mainly from France. PoPsY TeAm created two demos to advertise the parties, VIP (1999) and VIP2 (2000). The VIP2 demo is certainly their most known production. (Wikipedia).

Very Important Party
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Tensions between Faith and politics

Tony Blair responds to a student's question about whether one can be fully committed to one's faith and still be a fully committed, engaged and responsible politician.

From playlist Faith and Globalization

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Political Parties: Crash Course Government and Politics #40

Today, Craig is going to talk about political parties and their role in American politics. So, when most people think about political parties they associate them with the common ideologies of the voters and representatives within that party, but the goal of a party is NOT to influence poli

From playlist U.S. Government and Politics

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Foreign Policy: Crash Course Government and Politics #50

Today Craig finishes up our series on U.S. Government and Politics by talking about both the least and most important aspect of government: foreign policy. Foreign policy is important because it has the potential to affect the largest number of people, but at the same time, it tends to pla

From playlist U.S. Government and Politics

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Religion was an ingenious solution to many of mankind's earliest fears and needs. Religion is now implausible to many, but the needs remain. That is the challenge of our times. Please subscribe here: If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship worldwid

From playlist GREAT IDEAS

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Political Ideology: Crash Course Government and Politics #35

So today Craig is going to look at political ideology in America. We're going to focus on liberals and conservatives and talk about the influencers of both of these viewpoints. Now, it's important to remember that political ideologies don't always perfectly correspond with political partie

From playlist U.S. Government and Politics

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Tony Blair on Democracy, Equal Voice and the Personal Faith of a Political Leader

Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of Britain, founder and patron of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, discusses the process of political decision making, stating that although decisions should not be made on the grounds of faith, religious faith should play a role in the ethical makeup of t

From playlist Faith and Globalization

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Sources of values guiding political decisions

Tony Blair responds to a student's question about whether key values informing a just engagement with globalization must be derived from religion or from humanistic sources.

From playlist Faith and Globalization

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Faith and Government in Development

Tony Blair, Howland Distinguished Fellow at Yale University, responds to a students question about the value of religion in relation to government efforts at development.

From playlist Faith & Globalization 2009

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When Truth Gets in the Way | Michael van Walt van Praag

When Truth Gets in the Way: Addressing Multiple Realities in Intrastate Conflicts Michael van Walt van Praag Visiting Professor, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study March 6, 2013 Most violent conflicts today are fought within

From playlist Historical Studies

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NOTACON 6: Bridging the Gap

Speaker: Gargaji/Conspiracy Organizing a party is a tricky task. Organizing a party in a different country is even trickier. In a different continent? Very very exhausting - and that's just the jetlag! While the European and American culture has a lot in common, they also differ a lot, es

From playlist Notacon 6

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Nexus Trimester - Qin Zhang (Indiana University Bloomington)

Lower Bound Techniques for Multiparty Communication Complexity Qin Zhang (Indiana University Bloomington) February 15, 2016 Abstract: In this talk we will discuss multiparty communication complexity in the k-site model, where we have k machines, each having a piece of data and they want t

From playlist Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Fundamental Inequalities and Lower Bounds Theme

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Vietnam’s Machiavelli: Lê Đức Thọ and His Quest to Shape the Communist Party of Vietnam

In the West, mention the name Lê Đức Thọ and he is recalled as Henry Kissinger’s arch-nemesis at the Paris Peace Talks and the only person to have ever refused the Nobel Peace Prize.[1] Yet Lê Đức Thọ’s influence extended well beyond Paris and Copenhagen. As a founding member of the Indoch

From playlist Council on Southeast Asia Studies (CSEAS)

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Lecture 22: Political Sources of Populism - Misdiagnosing Democracy’s Ills

What is it about democratic political systems that has fostered the resurgence of population? Prof. Ian Shapiro discusses answers to this question by shifting the focus away from exclusive attention to the attitudes of voters to include the incentives and motivations of politicians.

From playlist Power and Politics in Today’s World

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Geography of United States Elections | Lecture 2

October 20, 2008 lecture by Professor Martin Lewis for the Geography of United States Elections (GEOG 5) course. Professor Lewis discusses presidential elections in the United States from 1789 through 1916. Offered by Stanford's Continuing Studies program, this course will last five we

From playlist Lecture Collection | Geography of United States Elections

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@YaleLive with Beverly Gage

A live discussion about the 2012 U.S. presidential election with political historian Beverly Gage.

From playlist @YaleLive

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CGSR | Looking Ahead to China’s 20th Party Congress

Abstract: Later this year, China will hold its 20th Party Congress—a major political event occurring every five years where leaders in the Chinese Communist Party (CPP) announce senior leadership changes and policy priorities. While experts expect President Xi Jinping to secure a third ter

From playlist Center for Global Security Research

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Jeremy Lagelee “Dispute Settlement in the South China Sea: From Joint FONOPs to Joint Proceedings?”

Jeremy Lagelee, LL.M. Candidate, Georgetown University Law Center. Presented at Conflict in the South China Sea, May 6-7, 2016. An international conference at Yale exploring the history of the ongoing dispute in the South China Sea, featuring speakers from universities and research instit

From playlist Conflict in the South China Sea, May 6-7, 2016

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Tea Party in the House

Full paper at

From playlist Research Talks

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It’s My Third Party, and I’ll Cry if I Want To

Like it or not, a huge part of modern web development involves the use of third-party providers: fonts, analytics, ads, tracking, and more all have an impact of performance, and can leave us (or, more worryingly, our visitors) susceptible to performance degradation. In this talk, we’ll ta

From playlist Web Development

Related pages | Demogroup | Demo (computer programming) | Demoscene