Formal methods

Verification and validation of computer simulation models

Verification and validation of computer simulation models is conducted during the development of a simulation model with the ultimate goal of producing an accurate and credible model. "Simulation models are increasingly being used to solve problems and to aid in decision-making. The developers and users of these models, the decision makers using information obtained from the results of these models, and the individuals affected by decisions based on such models are all rightly concerned with whether a model and its results are "correct". This concern is addressed through verification and validation of the simulation model. Simulation models are approximate imitations of real-world systems and they never exactly imitate the real-world system. Due to that, a model should be verified and validated to the degree needed for the model's intended purpose or application. The verification and validation of a simulation model starts after functional specifications have been documented and initial model development has been completed. Verification and validation is an iterative process that takes place throughout the development of a model. (Wikipedia).

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Drilling Systems Modeling & Automation, Part 6: Logic Verification and Testing

This is part of a series. View the full playlist: Due to the importance and complexity of modern drilling systems, it is commonly required that design test and validation be performed. This helps identify unintended

From playlist Drilling Systems Modeling & Automation

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Simulation: The Challenge for Data Science

While machine learning has recently had dramatic successes, there is a large class of problems that it will never be able to address on its own. To test a policy proposal, for example, often requires understanding a counterfactual scenario that has never existed in the past, and that may

From playlist Turing Seminars

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(ML 12.6) Cross-validation (part 2)

Description of K-fold cross-validation (CV), leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV), and random subsamples, for model selection.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Why do we need data validation in machine learning?

#machinelearning #shorts #datascience

From playlist Quick Machine Learning Concepts

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10f Machine Learning: Cross Validation Considerations

Lecture on model cross validation, including workflows and philosophy.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Keynote Presentation: Framework for Developing Complex Systems

Get a Free Trial: Get Pricing Info: Ready to Buy: Framework for Developing Complex Systems using Model-based design and Simulink.

From playlist MathWorks Automotive Conference 2013

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9. Verification and Validation

MIT 16.842 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering, Fall 2015 View the complete course: Instructor: Olivier de Weck The focus of this lecture is design verification and validation. Other concepts including design tesing and technical risk management and flight rea

From playlist MIT 16.842 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering, Fall 2015

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Analyzing and Documenting Results

Get a Free Trial: Get Pricing Info: Ready to Buy: Automatically run tests and generate a report documenting simulation results. For more videos, visit

From playlist Physical Modeling

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Radio Deployment on SoC Platform

This videos shows how to use MATLAB® and Simulink® to go from designing and simulating communications algorithms to generating production implementations targeting the Analog Devices RF SOM, featuring the Analog Devices AD9361 RF Agile Transceiver™ and Xilinx Zynq®-7000 All-Programmable So

From playlist Wireless Testing and Prototyping with Software Defined Radio

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At-scale Formal Verification for Industrial Semiconductor Designs - Professor Tom Melham #TuringSeminars

From playlist Turing Seminars

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Master Class Unifying Model and Code Verification Why and How - MATLAB and Simulink Video

Free MATLAB Trial: Request a Quote: Contact Us: Verification and validation techniques applied throughout the development process enable you to find errors before they can derail your project. In this session, you’ll learn

From playlist MATLAB and Simulink Conference Talks

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"Is There a Future for Public Use Data?"

2022 Clifford C. Clogg Memorial Lectures November 3, 2022 Dr. Jerry Reiter, Dean of the Natural Sciences and Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University "Is There a Future for Public Use Data?" For decades, research and education in the social sciences have been facilitated by re

From playlist Clifford C. Clogg Memorial Lectures

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A solar system, a simulation made with Excel

An Excel simulation of the solar system. You can see how things are recursively computed: the mutual gravity force from the locations, the accelerations, the velocities, and finally the updated locations. The solar eclipse is also shown. This is clip is intended to illustrate Chapter 24 Ap

From playlist Physics simulations

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Fellow Short Talks: Professor David Pym, UCL

Bio David Pym is Professor of Information, Logic, and Security at UCL and is The Alan Turing Institute’s University Liaison Director for UCL. Heholds a PhD in logic and theoretical computer science from Edinburgh,and an MA and an ScD in mathematics from Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the IM

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Continental Automotive Components Adopts MIL/SIL/PIL Testing Mechanisms for Models and Software

Get a Free Trial: Get Pricing Info: Ready to Buy: Engineers use model-based development for verifying accuracy and validating behavior of code used in controllers.

From playlist MATLAB and Simulink User Stories

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Classical Verification of Quantum Computations - Urmila Mahadev

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: Classical Verification of Quantum Computations Speaker: Urmila Mahadev Affiliation: UC Berkeley Date: November 26, 2018 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Drilling Systems Modeling & Automation, Part 1: Introduction to Digital Twins

This is part of a series. Stay tuned for the next part, coming soon. Efforts are underway in the oil and gas industry to improve operations efficiency and cost through drilling systems automation. Recently, there has been a convergence of several technologies such as modeling algorithms

From playlist Drilling Systems Modeling & Automation

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(ML 12.5) Cross-validation (part 1)

Description of K-fold cross-validation (CV), leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV), and random subsamples, for model selection.

From playlist Machine Learning

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