Neutron scattering


The Virtual Instrumentation Tool for the ESS (VITESS) is an open source software package for the simulation of neutron scattering experiments. The software is maintained and developed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB), the former Hahn-Meitner-Institur HMI, and available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh on the VITESS homepage. It is widely used for simulation of existing neutron scattering instruments as well as for the development of new instruments. VITESS was initiated by F. Mezei in 1998, closely followed by the first release of VITESS in 1999 and version 2 in 2001. The current version 3 including an X3D visualization interface has been released in November 2012. Although it was initially developed to aid the design of neutron scattering instruments for the European Spallation Source (ESS) as the name implies, VITESS serves as a generic simulation tool for a large variety of neutron scattering instruments at all major pulsed or continuous neutron sources. It comprises all established instrument hardware such as neutron optics (e.g. guides, apertures, lenses), wavelength selectors (e.g. disc choppers, velocity selectors) and a growing variety of samples, allowing to perform virtual experiments including sophisticated setups like polarized neutrons in magnetic fields. Parameters specifying the instrument components can be given by means of a graphical user interface, which makes VITESS comparably easy to use and quick to learn for new users, while advanced users can contribute their own modules. The validity of VITESS simulations is tested by comparison with other neutron simulation packages and with measurements at neutron scattering facilities. Other simulation packages for neutron scattering instruments include McStas, Restrax, NISP and IDEAS. (Wikipedia).

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Vim is Almost Perfect: 5 Things That Drive Me Bonkers About Vim

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How to use HTC Vive with Google Earth

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Group Velocity / Phase Velocity Animation - Case 4: Zero Phase Velocity | Part 4

For the other videos in the series, check the following links: Case 1: Group Velocity larger than Phase Velocity: (Wave component with smaller wavelength travels faster) Case 2: Zero Group Velocity Case 3: Negative Group Velocity

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Group Velocity / Phase Velocity Animation - Case 3: Negative Group Velocity | Part 3

With this third video of the series, we demonstrate the case where the group velocity is negative while the phase velocity is positive (assuming +x direction to be positive). The individual wave components comprising the total wave are first shown at the top along with a corresponding "dot

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Group Velocity / Phase Velocity Animation - Case 2: Zero Group Velocity | Part 2

For 3 cases in one shot (instead of this single case): In this second video of the series, we demonstrate the case where the group velocity is zero while the phase velocity is positive number. The individual wave components comprising the total wave are first

From playlist Engineering Animations

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Group Velocity / Phase Velocity Animation Case 1: Group Velocity larger than Phase Velocity | Part 1

3 cases in one shot: Here, we demonstrate the group and phase velocity phenomena as observed when two signals with different temporal and spectral frequencies (wavelength) are added to each other. The addition creates time varying constructive and destructive

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Group Velocity / Phase Velocity Animation - Case 5: Positive Phase, Negative Group Velocity | Part 5

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Phase and Group Velocity: Multiple Scenarios in one Shot | Part 6

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Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin | European Spallation Source | McStas