

The toponome is the spatial network code of proteins and other biomolecules in morphologically intact cells and tissues. It is mapped and decoded by imaging cycler microscopy (ICM) in situ able to co-map many thousand supermolecules in one sample (tissue section or cell sample at high subcellular resolution). The term "toponome" is derived from the ancient Greek nouns "topos" (τόπος: "place, position") and "nomos" (νόμος: "law"), and the term "toponomics" refers to the study of the toponome. It was introduced by Walter Schubert in 2003. It addresses the fact that the network of biomolecules in cells and tissues follows topological rules enabling coordinated actions. For example, the cell surface toponome provides the spatial protein interaction code for the execution of a cell movement, a "code of conduct". This is intrinsically dependent on the specific spatial arrangement of similar and dissimilar compositions of supermolecules (compositional periodicity) with a specific spatial order along a cell surface membrane. This spatial order is periodically repeated when the cell tries to enter the exploratory state from the spherical state (spatial periodicity). This spatial toponome code is hierarchically organized with lead biomolecule(s), anti-colocated (absent) biomolecule(s) and wildcard molecules which are variably associated with the lead biomolecule(s). It has been shown that inhibition of lead molecule(s) in a surface membrane leads to disassembly of the corresponding biomolecular network and loss of function. (Wikipedia).

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André JOYAL - New variations on the notion of topos

The notion topos is a prominent member of a family of notions which includes that of abelian category, of locally presentable category and of higher topos. We propose two new members: the notion of locus and that of para-topos. The category of pointed spaces and the category of spectra are

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Jean BÉNABOU - Very, almost, and so on, ...

Very, almost, and so on, ... (when fragments of the language find their way into Topos Theory)

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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André JOYAL - 4/4 A crash course in topos theory : the big picture

I will sketch an overall picture of topos theory and of the theory of locales. It includes the notion of sheaf on a site, the notion of forcing topology, of geometric morphism and Giraud's theorem. A useful principle is that a topos is a commutative ring-like object. Every topos is a quoti

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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André JOYAL - 3/4 A crash course in topos theory : the big picture

I will sketch an overall picture of topos theory and of the theory of locales. It includes the notion of sheaf on a site, the notion of forcing topology, of geometric morphism and Giraud's theorem. A useful principle is that a topos is a commutative ring-like object. Every topos is a quoti

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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André JOYAL - 2/4 A crash course in topos theory : the big picture

I will sketch an overall picture of topos theory and of the theory of locales. It includes the notion of sheaf on a site, the notion of forcing topology, of geometric morphism and Giraud's theorem. A useful principle is that a topos is a commutative ring-like object. Every topos is a quoti

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Topoi 3: The definition of a topos

This is video number 3 in the series defining topoi. Here's the updated text used in the video: Fourth video on Power and Negation in a topos:

From playlist Algebra

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Lecture 5: The definition of a topos (Part 2)

A topos is a Cartesian closed category with all finite limits and a subobject classifier. In his two seminar talks (of which this is the second) James Clift will explain all of these terms in detail. In his first talk he defined products, pullbacks, general limits, and exponentials and in

From playlist Topos theory seminar

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Charles Rezk - 2/4 Higher Topos Theory

Course at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: In this series of lectures I will give an introduction to the concept of "infinity

From playlist Toposes online

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Olivia Caramello - 2/4 ntroduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes...

Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the « bridge » technique Construction of classifying toposes for geometric theories. Duality between the subtoposes of the classifying topos of a geometric theory and the quotients of the theory. Transfer of topos‐the

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Charles Rezk - 3/4 Higher Topos Theory

Course at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: In this series of lectures I will give an introduction to the concept of "infinity

From playlist Toposes online

Related pages

Toponomics | Topology | Spatial network