General equilibrium theorists

Tjalling Koopmans

Tjalling Charles Koopmans (August 28, 1910 – February 26, 1985) was a Dutch-American mathematician and economist. He was the joint winner with Leonid Kantorovich of the 1975 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on the theory of the optimum allocation of resources. Koopmans showed that on the basis of certain efficiency criteria, it is possible to make important deductions concerning optimum price systems. (Wikipedia).

Tjalling Koopmans
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MijnOverheid Toepassingsmogelijkheden

Korte video over de toepassingsmogelijkheden van De portal die iedereen kan vinden op

From playlist awareness

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Pierre-Charles Pradier: Were the foundations of measurement without theory laid in the 1920s?

Cournot Centre session devoted to the transformations that took place in mathematical economics during the interwar period. Abstract: In his 1947 essay, Tjalling Koopmans criticized the development of an empirical science that had no theoretical basis, what he referred to as measurement w

From playlist History of Mathematics

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Total hofteproteseoperasjon

(English Version: - Denne medisinske 3D-animasjonen viser en total hofteproteseoperasjon på høyre hofte. Prosedyren inkluderer innsnitt, eksponering av hofteleddet, plassering av acetabular hofteprotesekomponent (kopp

From playlist Nucleus Medisinske Animasjoner i Norsk

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The PotatoChipMan (Potetgullmannen)

By Norwegian Comedy Duo: Erlend & Steinjo

From playlist The Weirdest Videos on YouTube

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Koopman Observable Subspaces & Finite Linear Representations of Nonlinear Dynamics for Control

This video illustrates the use of the Koopman operator to simulate and control a nonlinear dynamical system using a linear dynamical system on an observable subspace. From the Paper: Koopman observable subspaces and finite linear representations of nonlinear dynamical systems for contro

From playlist Research Abstracts from Brunton Lab

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Koopman Spectral Analysis (Overview)

In this video, we introduce Koopman operator theory for dynamical systems. The Koopman operator was introduced in 1931, but has experienced renewed interest recently because of the increasing availability of measurement data and advanced regression algorithm.

From playlist Koopman Analysis

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Hankel Alternative View of Koopman (HAVOK) Analysis [SHORT]

This video illustrates a new algorithm to decompose chaos into a linear system with intermittent forcing. This is based on the Hankel Alternative View of Koopman (HAVOK) analysis that builds linear regression models on eigen-time-delay coordinates. Chaos as an Intermittently Forced Line

From playlist Research Abstracts from Brunton Lab

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Koopman Spectral Analysis (Continuous Spectrum)

In this video, we discuss how to use Koopman theory for dynamical systems with a continuous eigenvalue spectrum. These systems are quite common, such as a pendulum, where the period deforms continuously as energy is added to the system. To handle these systems, we use a neural network a

From playlist Koopman Analysis

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Koopman Spectral Analysis (Representations)

In this video, we explore how to obtain finite-dimensional representations of the Koopman operator from data, using regression. This includes the use of sparse regression and neural networks, and highlights the importance of cross-validating.

From playlist Koopman Analysis

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Koopman Spectral Analysis (Control)

In this video, we explore extensions of Koopman theory for control systems. Much of the excitement and promise of Koopman operator theory is centered around the ability to represent nonlinear systems in a linear framework, opening up the potential use of linear estimation and control tech

From playlist Koopman Analysis

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Hankel Alternative View of Koopman (HAVOK) Analysis [FULL]

This video illustrates a new algorithm to decompose chaos into a linear system with intermittent forcing. This is based on the Hankel Alternative View of Koopman (HAVOK) analysis that builds linear regression models on eigen-time-delay coordinates. Chaos as an Intermittently Forced Line

From playlist Research Abstracts from Brunton Lab

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Koopman Operator Optimal Control

This video illustrates the use of the Koopman operator to simulate and control a nonlinear dynamical system using a linear dynamical system on an observable subspace. From the Paper: Koopman observable subspaces and finite linear representations of nonlinear dynamical systems for contro

From playlist Research Abstracts from Brunton Lab

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Dzifa microdoseert een maand LSD en tript onverwachts | Drugslab Extra

In deze aflevering van Drugslab Extra microdoseert Dzifa Kusenuh een maand lang LSD. Ze huilt, tript en voelt zich anders, maar vraagt zich tegelijkertijd ook af of dit het placebo-effect is. NIEUWSGIERIG NAAR EEN DRUG? Laat ons weten in de comment sectie naar welke drug je nieuwsgierig b

From playlist Extra

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System Identification: Koopman with Control

This lecture provides an overview of the use of modern Koopman spectral theory for nonlinear control. In particular, we develop control in a coordinate system defined by eigenfunctions of the Koopman operator. Data-driven discovery of {K}oopman eigenfunctions for control E. Kaiser, J. N

From playlist Data-Driven Control with Machine Learning

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