Automata (computation)

Timed automaton

In automata theory, a timed automaton is a finite automaton extended with a finite set of real-valued clocks. During a run of a timed automaton, clock values increase all with the same speed. Along the transitions of the automaton, clock values can be compared to integers. These comparisons form guards that may enable or disable transitions and by doing so constrain the possible behaviors of the automaton. Further, clocks can be reset. Timed automata are a sub-class of a type hybrid automata. Timed automata can be used to model and analyse the timing behavior of computer systems, e.g., real-time systems or networks. Methods for checking both safety and liveness properties have been developed and intensively studied over the last 20 years. It has been shown that the state reachability problem for timed automata is decidable, which makes this an interesting sub-class of hybrid automata. Extensions have been extensively studied, among them stopwatches, real-time tasks, cost functions, and timed games. There exists a variety of tools to input and analyse timed automata and extensions, including the model checkers UPPAAL, , and the schedulability analyser TIMES. These tools are becoming more and more mature, but are still all academic research tools. (Wikipedia).

Timed automaton
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Time by clocks

The way how to show time using clocks. It is 12 hours video you can use as a screensaver on clock, every number changing is completely random. Please enjoy.

From playlist Timers

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Clock Mind Reader

You will move around the clock face at random, and I will still be able to read your mind to tell you the number on which you have landed. It's simple to work out.

From playlist My Maths Videos

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Marble automata

I found the plans for this model on this site ( Free 3D model at

From playlist Marble Machines

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Measuring Time Solution - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Accelerated motion and oscillation!

In this video i demonstrate accelerated motion with interface. I show the graphs of simple accelerating motion and simple harmonic motion with force and motion sensor!

From playlist MECHANICS

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Using Clocks to Solve Fractions String 6

Here we use the clock model to deal with 3/18 and 3/9

From playlist Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra: Fractions, Decimals and Percents

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7.1: Cellular Automata - The Nature of Code

This video introduces the concepts and algorithms behind Cellular Automata. (If I reference a link or project and it's not included in this description, please let me know!) Read along:

From playlist The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems

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Frank Buss' Hexagonal Cellular Automaton

Frank Buss' Hex Cellular Automaton, initialized with a glider gun and a rake. Generated with Ready:

From playlist Ready

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Analog Clock Animation

A small digression from usual animations. This time, I have done one for my 3rd grader son. In their math class, they were learning how to read and find differences from the analog clocks. Since we didn't have any analog clock left at home, I wanted to generate one for him using Matlab. Th

From playlist Electromagnetic Animations

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What We've Learned from NKS Chapter 11: The Notion of Computation

In this episode of "What We've Learned from NKS", Stephen Wolfram is counting down to the 20th anniversary of A New Kind of Science with [another] chapter retrospective. If you'd like to contribute to the discussion in future episodes, you can participate through this YouTube channel or th

From playlist Science and Research Livestreams

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Nexus Trimester - David Woodruff (IBM Almaden)

Advances in Characterizing Turnstile Streaming Algorithms as Linear Sketches David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) february 26, 2016 Abstract: I will cover recent developments in characterizing the space-optimal turnstile data stream algorithm for computing any relation of an underlying frequency

From playlist Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Fundamental Inequalities and Lower Bounds Theme

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Diego Figueira: Semistructured data, Logic, and Automata – lecture 1

Semistructured data is an umbrella term encompassing data models which are not logically organized in tables (i.e., the relational data model) but rather in hierarchical structures using markers such as tags to separate semantic elements and data fields in a ‘self-describing’ way. In this

From playlist Logic and Foundations

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What We've Learned from NKS Chapter 6: Starting from Randomness

In this episode of "What We've Learned from NKS", Stephen Wolfram is counting down to the 20th anniversary of A New Kind of Science with [another] chapter retrospective. If you'd like to contribute to the discussion in future episodes, you can participate through this YouTube channel or th

From playlist Science and Research Livestreams

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The Curtis-Hedlund-Lyndon Theorem | Nathan Dalaklis | math academic talks

This is the second seminar talk that I have given as a math phd student. It is an expository academic talk that I gave as a Math PhD student during my second semester of my second year in my PhD program. The talk concerns the Factors of Symbolic Dynamical Systems and is focused on the Curt

From playlist Academic Talks

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Learning Automata with Hankel Matrices - Borja Balle, Amazon Research Cambridge

The Hankel matrix is a fundamental tool in the theory of weighted automata. In this talk we will describe a general framework for learning automata with Hankel matrices. Our framework provides a unified view of many classical and recent algorithms for learning automata under different lear

From playlist Logic and learning workshop

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Adventures in Automata with a Theorem-Prover

Public Lecture by Jeffrey Shallit (University of Waterloo) Here is the weblink for the publicly-available prover

From playlist Public Lectures

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1. Introduction, Finite Automata, Regular Expressions

MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020 Instructor: Michael Sipser View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Introduction; course outline, mechanics, and expectations. Described

From playlist MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020

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4. Pushdown Automata, Conversion of CFG to PDA and Reverse Conversion

MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020 Instructor: Michael Sipser View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Quickly reviewed last lecture. Defined context free grammars (CFGs) a

From playlist MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020

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10 Amazing Examples Accelerated Circular Motion!!!

In this video i demonstrate ten different examples of accelerated circular motion!!!

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