Pi-related people

Thomas Fantet de Lagny

Thomas Fantet de Lagny (7 November 1660 – 11 April 1734) was a French mathematician, well known for his contributions to computational mathematics, and for calculating π to 112 correct decimal places. (Wikipedia).

Thomas Fantet de Lagny
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Origin of Taylor Series

The history of Taylor Series and Maclaurin Series including the works of de Lagny, Halley, Gregory, and Madhava using primary sources whenever possible. Lesson also presents the Taylor Theorem along with visualizations of James Gregory's equations. Finally the video discusses the time peri

From playlist Numerical Methods

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Halley's Method

Halley's Method (the method of tangent hyperbolas) for finding roots including history, derivation, examples, and fractals. Also discusses Taylor's Theorem relating to Halley's Method as well as Halley's Comet. Sample code and images available on GitHub https://www.github.com/osveliz/numer

From playlist Root Finding

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Lagrange Bicentenary - Luigi Pepe's conference

Scientific biography of Joseph Louis Lagrange Part one, Lagrange in Turin : calculus of variation and vibrating sring Part two, Lagrange in Paris : didactical works and Dean for Scientific activities at the National Institute

From playlist Bicentenaire Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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Lagrange Bicentenary - Jacques Laskar's conference

Lagrange and the stability of the Solar System

From playlist Bicentenaire Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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Sublinear Convergence #MegaFavNumbers

Lesson discusses the convergence rate of the Gregory-Leibniz series for computing pi and the mega number of terms needed for 100 decimal digits of accuracy. Example code on https://github.com/osveliz/numerical-veliz Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:18 Scaffolding 1:03 Gregory-Leibniz Series 1:36 Nu

From playlist Numerical Methods

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Lagrange Bicentenary - Cédric Villani's conference

From the stability of the Solar system to the stability of plasmas

From playlist Bicentenaire Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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Commémoration Joseph-Louis Lagrange au Panthéon - 6 décembre 2013

Le 6 décembre 2013, l'Institut Henri Poincaré rendait hommage au mathématicien Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813), mort il y a 200 ans. Lors d'une journée de conférences, l'assemblée s'est rendue au Panthéon de Paris, déposer une gerbe sur la tombe de Lagrange, et écouter un discours de Jér

From playlist Bicentenaire Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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Mod-02 Lec-15 Solutions of Laplace Equation II

Electromagnetic Theory by Prof. D.K. Ghosh,Department of Physics,IIT Bombay.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

From playlist IIT Bombay: Electromagnetic Theory

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14. Trench Warfare

France Since 1871 (HIST 276) The sacred union that united France's political parties during World War I contributed to a resilient morale on the home front. Germany's invasion of France, and the conflict over Alsace-Lorraine in particular, contributed to French concern over atrocities a

From playlist France Since 1871 with John Merriman

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Moritz Kerz: Algebraic K-theory and descent for blow-ups (Lecture 2)

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: K-Theory and Related Fields. Moritz Kerz: Algebraic K-theory and descent for blow-ups Abstract: It is well-known that special cases of descent along blow-ups for algebraic K-theory play an important role for ca

From playlist HIM Lectures: Trimester Program "K-Theory and Related Fields"

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Luigi Pepe, "Les recherches sur les biographies de Lagrange"

Luigi Pepe rappelle d'abord les trois grandes étapes de la vie de Lagrange, à Turin, Berlin et Paris. Il présente ensuite une périodisation des travaux biographiques concernant Lagrange, depuis la mort de celui-ci, et souligne l'importance des documents ainsi accumulés grâce, notamment, da

From playlist Séminaire d'Histoire des Mathématiques

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Finite element discretizations of the total variation - Chambolle - Workshop 1 - CEB T1 2019

Chambolle (CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique) / 04.02.2019 Finite element discretizations of the total variation In this talk we will discuss the merits of the P1 and non-conforming P1 finite elements for approximating the total variation, and in particular of discontinuous functions. We propose

From playlist 2019 - T1 - The Mathematics of Imaging

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Univers Convergents 2019 - Séance 1/6 - 16 levers de soleil

16 levers de soleil de Pierre-Emmanuel Le Goff (France - 2018 - 2h) Séance du 28 janvier 2019 Un débat en présence de : Claudie Haigneré, spationaute Pierre-Emmanuel Le Goff, réalisateur du film Résumé : S'envoler pour l'espace. C'est ce rêve que Thomas Pesquet a réalisé en décollant d

From playlist Ciné-Club Univers Convergents

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The Dominican Presentation and Byzantine Reception of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Byzantium, Fr. Kappes

A reading of "The Dominican Presentation and Byzantine Reception of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Byzantium by Fr. Christiaan Kappes https://www.academia.edu/5503943/The_Dominican_Presentation_and_Byzantine_Reception_of_Thomas_Aquinas_in_Byzantium

From playlist Palamas and Thomism

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Journées Lagrange au CIRM

Interview de Norbert VERDIER, historien des mathématiques qui parlera de Joseph-Louis LAGRANGE au CIRM lors des Journées LAGRANGE des 18 & 19 octobre 2013. Joseph-Louis LAGRANGE, mathématicien, mécanicien et astronome est né en 1736 à Turin et mort en 1813 à Paris. Des mathématiciens e

From playlist Lagrange Days at CIRM

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Reflections on Inequality and Capital in the 21st Century - Thomas Piketty

Public Lecture: Reflections on Inequality and Capital in the 21st Century Due to overwhelming response, we have reached capacity for this lecture and registration is now closed. Unfortunately, walk-ins cannot be accommodated. The talk will be live streamed beginning at 5:30 p.m. In this

From playlist Social Science

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