Generative linguistics

The Language Myth

The Language Myth is a 2014 book by Vyvyan Evans, written for a general audience. It is a direct rebuttal of Steven Pinker’s 1994 book The Language Instinct. Evans argues against Noam Chomsky’s claim that all human languages provide evidence for an underlying Universal Grammar. Evans posits, instead, a language-as-use thesis to account for the nature of language, how it is learned and how it evolves. (Wikipedia).

The Language Myth
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What is Language? (Part 1)

This is the first part of a series of videos on the nature of language. The aim of the series is to convey research findings to the general public. The next episodes will be made available soon. Illustrated by Lydia Alexkartadjaja (

From playlist What is Language?

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What is Language? Enter Saussure (Part 2)

This is the second part of a series of videos on the nature of language. The aim of the series is to convey research findings to the general public. In this episode, we introduce Ferdinand de Saussure and talk about some of his revolutionary contributions to linguistics. Illustrated by L

From playlist What is Language?

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The Origin of Language

#i3G This Video is about the origins of language. It reviews two hypotheses among the several available theories. #homo sapiens #homo erectus #Neanderthals #Noam Chomsky #Ian Tattersall #Robert Berwick #Daniel Everette

From playlist What is Language?

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What are the Origins of English Words? Facts and Stats and lots of History

What are the origins of the English language? In this video we look at lots of facts and statistics and try to reach some accurate figures about English words and where they come from. We'll go back in history to look at words from Anglos-Saxon, French (and Anglo-Norman), Latin, Old Norse,

From playlist History of the English Language

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Is language unique to Homo sapiens? | Two radically different views | (Knowledge Bytes 1)

In this video, I discuss two theories of the origin of language: one which posits that language is unique to Homo sapiens and another which dates language back to Homo erectus.

From playlist What is Language?

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What makes a language... a language? - Martin Hilpert

Dig into the distinction between a language and a dialect, and uncover the history of standardized languages. -- Outside of China, Mandarin and Cantonese are often referred to as Chinese dialects, despite being even more dissimilar than Spanish and Italian. On the other hand, speakers of

From playlist New TED-Ed Originals

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Heidegger - What is Worthy of Question (1957)

A few clips of Heidegger saying some cryptic stuff about language and technology. The translation is my own. This is a version of an upload from the previous channel. More short clips: #Philosophy #Heidegger

From playlist Shorter Clips & Videos - Philosophy Overdose

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Gender in the Italian Language

The concept of gender in language is difficult to grasp for English-speakers, because it just doesn't exist in English. But in other languages, some objects are masculine and some are feminine! It may sound kind of sexist, but that's Italian works, so we have to understand this to speak th

From playlist Italian

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How is Language Built?| Intro to Human Communication | Study Hall

The way we choose and use words, whether it be speaking, writing, or signing, is shaped by language. Language is a system we use to express ideas by combining sounds, gestures, and symbols into words, phrases, and sentences. In this episode, we discuss how language evolves, the rules that

From playlist Intro to Human Communication: Course Foundations

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10. Deconstruction I

Introduction to Theory of Literature (ENGL 300) In this lecture on Derrida and the origins of deconstruction, Professor Paul Fry explores two central Derridian works: "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of Human Sciences" and "Différance." Derrida's critique of structuralism and

From playlist Introduction to Theory of Literature with Paul H. Fry

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Pediatricians Debunk 16 Baby Myths

A pediatrician and a developmental psychologist from the Mount Sinai Parenting Center debunk 16 of the most common myths about raising infants and toddlers. They explain how baby walkers don't help babies learn to walk and how certain toys won't make babies smarter. They also debunk the id

From playlist Health Science

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9. Linguistics and Literature

Introduction to Theory of Literature (ENGL 300) In this lecture on the work of Roman Jakobson, Professor Paul Fry continues his discussion of synchrony and diachrony. The relationships among formalism, semiotics, and linguistics are explored. Claude Levi-Strauss's structural interpretat

From playlist Introduction to Theory of Literature with Paul H. Fry

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Karl Popper on the Myth of the Standpoint (1990)

Karl Popper gives a talk on relativism called the Myth of the Standpoint. The translation is my own. Details will be added at a later date. More Popper: #Philosophy #Popper #Relativism

From playlist Karl Popper

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Ask The AQA Examiner: Myth Busting With Mrs Hallahan

Buy my revision guides in paperback on Amazon*: Mr Bruff’s Guide to GCSE English Language Mr Bruff’s Guide to GCSE English Literature AQA English Language Paper 1 Practice Papers Mr Bruff’s Guide to ‘Macbeth’ htt

From playlist AQA English Language Paper 2

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Neurologists Debunk 11 Brain Myths | Debunked | Science Insider

Neuroscientists Dr. Santoshi Billakota and Dr. Brad Kamitaki debunk 11 myths about the brain. They explain what IQ tests actually measure, the difference between a seizure and epilepsy, and why the size of your brain doesn't matter. They also talk about how to prevent a stroke — plus which

From playlist Debunked

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Theories of Myth: Crash Course World Mythology #12

This week, we're talking about theories of Myth. We'll look at the different ways mythology has been studied in the last couple of millenia, and talk about the diffeent ways people have interpreted myth, academically. Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up a

From playlist World Mythology

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Mythical Language and Idiom: Crash Course World Mythology #41

It's the end of the world, everybody. Well, it's the end of our mythology series, anyway. This week, we're talking about how mythological themes have made their way into the English language. We're taking on the Herculean task of tracking down phrases that have made their way into language

From playlist World Mythology

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What Is Myth? Crash Course World Mythology #1

Welcome to Crash Course World Mythology, our latest adventure (and this series may be literally adventurous) in education. Over the next 40 episodes or so, we and Mike Rugnetta are going to learn about the world by looking at the foundational stories of a bunch of different cultural tradit

From playlist World Mythology

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What is Language? (Part 3)

This is the third installment of a series of videos on the nature of language. The aim of the series is to convey research findings to the general public. In this episode, we shed more light on and wrap up Ferdinand de Saussure's theories of language, with specific attention to perception

From playlist What is Language?

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DevOpsDays Rockies: Urban Legends: What You Code Makes You Who You Are by PJ Hagerty

DevOpsDays Rockies: Urban Legends: What You Code Makes You Who You Are by PJ Hagerty

From playlist DevOpsDays Rockies 2017

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