Large cardinals

The Higher Infinite

The Higher Infinite: Large Cardinals in Set Theory from their Beginnings is a monograph in set theory by Akihiro Kanamori, concerning the history and theory of large cardinals, infinite sets characterized by such strong properties that their existence cannot be proven in Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (ZFC). This book was published in 1994 by Springer-Verlag in their series Perspectives in Mathematical Logic, with a second edition in 2003 in their Springer Monographs in Mathematics series, and a paperback reprint of the second edition in 2009 (ISBN 978-3-540-88866-6). (Wikipedia).

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Infinite Limits With Equal Exponents (Calculus)

#Calculus #Math #Engineering #tiktok #NicholasGKK #shorts

From playlist Calculus

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Infinite Limit Shortcut!! (Calculus)

#calculus #limits #infinity #math #science #engineering #tiktok #NicholasGKK #shorts

From playlist Calculus

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Higher algebra 2: Limits

In this video, we discuss limits in ∞-categories. This is the second video in our introduction to ∞-categories and Higher Algebra. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at Homepage with further informa

From playlist Higher Algebra

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The Infinite Monkey Theorem

Here's a re-enactment of the famous paradox known as the "infinite monkey theorem."

From playlist Cosmic Journeys

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Upper Bound

Upper and Lower Bound In this video, I define what it means for a set to be bounded above and bounded below. This will be useful in our definition of inf and sup. Check out my Real Numbers Playlist:

From playlist Real Numbers

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Epsilon delta limit (Example 3): Infinite limit at a point

This is the continuation of the epsilon-delta series! You can find Examples 1 and 2 on blackpenredpen's channel. Here I use an epsilon-delta argument to calculate an infinite limit, and at the same time I'm showing you how to calculate a right-hand-side limit. Enjoy!

From playlist Calculus

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How many kinds of infinity are there?

A lot. List with links:

From playlist Doodling in Math and more | Math for fun and glory | Khan Academy

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What is infinity ?

Definition of infinity In this video, I define the concept of infinity (as used in analysis), and explain what it means for sup(S) to be infinity. In particular, the least upper bound property becomes very elegant to write down. Check out my real numbers playlist:

From playlist Real Numbers

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Camell Kachour - Globular perspective for Grothendieck ∞-topos and Grothendieck (∞,n)-topos

In this short talk we first briefly recall [4] how to build, for each integers n0, monads Tn on the category Glob of globular sets which algebras are globular models of (1; n)-categories, which have the virtue to be weak 1-categories of Penon and thus also to be weak 1-categories of Batani

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Arthur Krener: "Al'brekht’s Method in Infinite Dimensions"

High Dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs 2020 Workshop I: High Dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi Methods in Control and Differential Games "Al'brekht’s Method in Infinite Dimensions" Arthur Krener, Naval Postgraduate School Abstract: Al'brekht's method is a way optimally stabilize a finite dimens

From playlist High Dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs 2020

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Nima Rasekh - Every Elementary Higher Topos has a Natural Number Object

Talk at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: One key aspect of elementary topos theory is the existence of a natural number object. W

From playlist Toposes online

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Lecture 14E : RBMs are Infinite Sigmoid Belief Nets

Neural Networks for Machine Learning by Geoffrey Hinton [Coursera 2013] Lecture 14E : RBMs are Infinite Sigmoid Belief Nets

From playlist Neural Networks for Machine Learning by Professor Geoffrey Hinton [Complete]

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Higher algebra of A-infinity algebras in Morse theory - Thibaut Mazuir

Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar Topic: Higher algebra of A-infinity algebras in Morse theory Speaker: Thibaut Mazuir Affiliation: University of Paris January 28, 2022 In this short talk, I will introduce the notion of n-morphisms between two A-in

From playlist Mathematics

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Lecture 14.5 — RBMs are infinite sigmoid belief nets [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (login required):

From playlist [Coursera] Neural Networks for Machine Learning — Geoffrey Hinton

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Towards elementary infinity-toposes - Michael Shulman

Vladimir Voevodsky Memorial Conference Topic: Towards elementary infinity-toposes Speaker: Michael Shulman Affiliation: University of San Diego Date: September 13, 2018 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Math 101 101317 Infinite Limits

Definition of infinite limit. Examples of rigorous proofs. Exercise: use the binomial theorem to show the limit of r^n is infinity (for r greater than 1). Theorem: infinite limits and arithmetic. Theorem: a positive sequence converges to infinity iff its reciprocal converges to 0.

From playlist Course 6: Introduction to Analysis (Fall 2017)

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Infinite-density versus large deviations theory for fat-tailed systems by Erez Aghion

Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges DATE: 14 August 2017 to 13 October 2017 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Large deviation theory made its way into statistical physics as a mathematical framework for studying equilibrium syst

From playlist Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges

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Convergence and Divergence - Introduction to Series

This calculus 2 video tutorial provides a basic introduction into series. It explains how to determine the convergence and divergence of a series. It explains the difference between a sequence and a series. This video includes examples and practice problems with geometric series, harmon

From playlist New Calculus Video Playlist

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Limits At Infinity

From playlist Limits

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