
The Fractal Geometry of Nature

The Fractal Geometry of Nature is a 1982 book by the Franco-American mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot. (Wikipedia).

The Fractal Geometry of Nature
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Fractals are typically not self-similar

An explanation of fractal dimension. Help fund future projects: An equally valuable form of support is to simply share some of the videos. Special thanks to these supporters: And by Affirm: H

From playlist Explainers

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Fun with Fractals

What are fractals? Just look at your broccoli to find out! License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at

From playlist Measurement

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The Beauty of Fractal Geometry (#SoME2)

0:00 — Sierpiński carpet 0:18 — Pythagoras tree 0:37 — Pythagoras tree 2 0:50 — Unnamed fractal circles 1:12 — Dragon Curve 1:30 — Barnsley fern 1:44 — Question for you! 2:05 — Koch snowflake 2:26 — Sierpiński triangle 2:47 — Cantor set 3:03 — Hilbert curve 3:22 — Unnamed fractal squares 3

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Dimensions (1 of 3: The Traditional Definition - Directions)

More resources available at

From playlist Exploring Mathematics: Fractals

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mandelbrot fractal animation 3

red and green.

From playlist Fractal

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mandelbrot fractal animation 5

another mandelbrot/julia fractal animation/morph.

From playlist Fractal

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Fractal Derivative

In this video, I define a neat concept called the fractal derivative (which shouldn't be confused with fractional derivatives). Then I provide a couple of examples, and finally I present an application of this concept to the study of anomalous diffusion in physics. Enjoy!

From playlist Calculus

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Coding Math: Episode 40 - Fractal Trees

This time we cover a couple of different ways of creating fractal trees. Even animating them. Support Coding Math: Source Code:

From playlist Fractals

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8.3: Fractal Recursion with ArrayList of Objects (Koch Curve) - The Nature of Code

This video looks at how to use an ArrayList to store the parts of a fractal as separate objects. This allows a fractal to experience physics. The Koch curve is used as a demonstration. (If I reference a link or project and it's not included in this description, please let me know!) Rea

From playlist The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems

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Geometer Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

Computer scientist Keenan Crane, PhD, is asked to explain fractals to 5 different people; a child, a teen, a college student, a grad student, and an expert. Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► Listen to the Get WIRED podcast ►►

From playlist Tutorials and Lectures

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8.1: Fractals - The Nature of Code

This video introduces Fractals. (If I reference a link or project and it's not included in this description, please let me know!) Read along: PBS Nova - Fractals - Hunting the Hidden Dimension:

From playlist The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems

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Delicia Kamins - Philosophy of Fractals - CoM Oct 2020

We know that fractals are nature’s pattern makers. Fractals are in fact everywhere we look: tree bark, snowflakes, mountain ranges, cloud, rivers, seashells, all the way up to the shape of galaxies. Beyond nature, however, human beings are fractal thinkers. We depend on fractal algorithms

From playlist Celebration of Mind

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Scientists Trapped Electrons In a Quantum Fractal (And It's Wild!)

Fractals aren’t just crazy cool mathematically infinite shapes. They might just have the capacity to revolutionize modern electronics as we know it. Thumbnail image courtesy of Sander Kempkes. There’s a Subterranean Biosphere Hiding in the Earth’s Crust and It’s MASSIVE - https://youtu.b

From playlist Elements | Season 4 | Seeker

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Tim Palmer on Doubt: From Quantum Physics to Climate Change | Closer To Truth Chats

Tim Palmer discusses his new book, The Primacy of Doubt: From Quantum Physics to Climate Change, How the Science of Uncertainty Can Help Us Understand Our Chaotic World. In it, he challenges conventional wisdom on quantum mechanics, free will, and more. Order The Primacy of Doubt: https:/

From playlist Closer To Truth Chats

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Clouds and Complexities

This video attempts to analyze cloud shapes and ventures into figuring out their dimensionality. The cloud analysis done in this video uses the protocol mentioned in Reference 1. Reach out to us at for further queries. Script: Daksh and Richa Narration:

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition Youtube Videos

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Dynamical systems, fractals and diophantine approximations – Carlos Gustavo Moreira – ICM2018

Plenary Lecture 6 Dynamical systems, fractal geometry and diophantine approximations Carlos Gustavo Moreira Abstract: We describe in this survey several results relating Fractal Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Diophantine Approximations, including a description of recent results related

From playlist Plenary Lectures

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Coding Challenge #77: Recursion

In this coding challenge, I explore the concept of recursion to create fractal patterns in JavaScript HTML5 canvas with the p5.js library. 💻Challenge: Links discussed in this video: 🔗Benoit Mandlebrot's The Fractal Geometry o

From playlist Coding Challenges

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Recursively Defined Sets - An Intro

Recursively defined sets are an important concept in mathematics, computer science, and other fields because they provide a framework for defining complex objects or structures in a simple, iterative way. By starting with a few basic objects and applying a set of rules repeatedly, we can g

From playlist All Things Recursive - with Math and CS Perspective

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mandelbrot julia rotation 3

some julia dynamics combined with a rotation in the direction of mandelbrot.

From playlist Fractal

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Chaos theory | Mathematics | Fractal