
The Beauty of Fractals

The Beauty of Fractals is a 1986 book by Heinz-Otto Peitgen and which publicises the fields of complex dynamics, chaos theory and the concept of fractals. It is lavishly illustrated and as a mathematics book became an unusual success. The book includes a total of 184 illustrations, including 88 full-colour pictures of Julia sets. Although the format suggests a coffee table book, the discussion of the background of the presented images addresses some sophisticated mathematics which would not be found in popular science books. In 1987 the book won an Award for distinguished technical communication. (Wikipedia).

The Beauty of Fractals
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Fun with Fractals

What are fractals? Just look at your broccoli to find out! License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at

From playlist Measurement

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mandelbrot fractal animation 3

red and green.

From playlist Fractal

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Fractals are typically not self-similar

An explanation of fractal dimension. Help fund future projects: An equally valuable form of support is to simply share some of the videos. Special thanks to these supporters: And by Affirm: H

From playlist Explainers

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What Is A Fractal (and what are they good for)?

Fractals are complex, never-ending patterns created by repeating mathematical equations. Yuliya, a undergrad in Math at MIT, delves into their mysterious properties and how they can be found in technology and nature. Learn more about all the stuff that MIT is doing and researching with fr

From playlist Science Out Loud

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Research: What is a fractal?

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

From playlist research

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mandelbrot fractal animation 4

blue, yellow and green.

From playlist Fractal

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mandelbrot fractal animation 2

just me having my usual fun.

From playlist Fractal

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Delicia Kamins - Philosophy of Fractals - CoM Oct 2020

We know that fractals are nature’s pattern makers. Fractals are in fact everywhere we look: tree bark, snowflakes, mountain ranges, cloud, rivers, seashells, all the way up to the shape of galaxies. Beyond nature, however, human beings are fractal thinkers. We depend on fractal algorithms

From playlist Celebration of Mind

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Geometer Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

Computer scientist Keenan Crane, PhD, is asked to explain fractals to 5 different people; a child, a teen, a college student, a grad student, and an expert. Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► Listen to the Get WIRED podcast ►►

From playlist Tutorials and Lectures

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The Beauty of Fractal Geometry (#SoME2)

0:00 — Sierpiński carpet 0:18 — Pythagoras tree 0:37 — Pythagoras tree 2 0:50 — Unnamed fractal circles 1:12 — Dragon Curve 1:30 — Barnsley fern 1:44 — Question for you! 2:05 — Koch snowflake 2:26 — Sierpiński triangle 2:47 — Cantor set 3:03 — Hilbert curve 3:22 — Unnamed fractal squares 3

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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The Newton Fractal Explained | Deep Dive Maths

A Newton fractal is obtained by iterating Newton's method to find the roots of a complex function. The iconic picture of this fractal is what I call The Newton Fractal, and is generated from the function f(z)=z^3-1, whose roots are the three cube roots of unity. What is the history of th

From playlist Deep Dive Maths

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Fractals | After Dark Online

From forests to farms and skies to shores, we’re surrounded by fractals. These infinitely complex patterns, which emerge from repeating a simple process over and over, are aesthetically astonishing and a valuable tool for creating meaning from chaos. Tonight, practice your pattern recognit

From playlist After Dark Online | Thursday Nights | Exploratorium

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Festive Fractals - Computerphile

Fractals aren't just fascinating computer generated patterns, they could also be the key to future computer architecture. Professor Phil Moriarty explains. More from Phil on Sixty Symbols: Silicon brain: Thanks to Noah Hardwicke for the Chr

From playlist Professor Moriarty - Sixty Symbols

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Dimensions (1 of 3: The Traditional Definition - Directions)

More resources available at

From playlist Exploring Mathematics: Fractals

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Sounds of the Mandelbrot Set

Try it out now! Making music and sound effects directly from common fractals was an idea I though of one night, so I just had to try it out to see what it would be like. The results were really interesting and actually helped me understand

From playlist Fractals & Math

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Julia set | Adrien Douady | Dynamical system | Chaos theory | Fractal | Mitchell Feigenbaum | Mandelbrot set