Hyperbolic tilings | Uniform tilings | Isogonal tilings | Isotoxal tilings

Tetrahexagonal tiling

In geometry, the tetrahexagonal tiling is a uniform tiling of the hyperbolic plane. It has Schläfli symbol r{6,4}. (Wikipedia).

Tetrahexagonal tiling
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Regular polyhedra

This shows a 3d print of a mathematical sculpture I produced using shapeways.com. This model is available at http://shpws.me/q0PF.

From playlist 3D printing

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Hexagonal Tiling Explained!

There is more than one way to tile the plane. In this video we'll explore hexagonal tiling. Hexagonal tiling can be used to make many cool effects. Twitter: @The_ArtOfCode Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theartofcode/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheArtOfCode PayPal Donation

From playlist Tools

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How to construct a Tetrahedron

How the greeks constructed the first platonic solid: the regular tetrahedron. Source: Euclids Elements Book 13, Proposition 13. In geometry, a tetrahedron also known as a triangular pyramid, is a polyhedron composed of four triangular faces, six straight edges, and four vertex corners. Th

From playlist Platonic Solids

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Introduction to Tiling Theory

In this mini-lecture, we explore tilings found in everyday life and give the mathematical definition of a tiling. In particular, we think about: (i) traditional Islamic tilings; (ii) floor, wallpaper, pavement, and architectural tilings; (iii) the three regular tilings using either equilat

From playlist Maths

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Triangle tilings

(5,3,2) triangle tiling: http://shpws.me/NW2E (7,3,2) triangle tiling (small): http://shpws.me/NW3A (6,3,2) triangle tiling: http://shpws.me/NW3H (4,3,2) triangle tiling: http://shpws.me/NW3K (3,3,2) triangle tiling: http://shpws.me/NW3J (4,4,2) triangle tiling: http://shpws.me/NW3M

From playlist 3D printing

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Domino tilings of squares | MegaFavNumbers

This video is part of the #MegaFavNumbers project. Domino tiling is a tessellation of the region in the Euclidean plane by dominos (2x1 rectangles). In this video we consider square tilings. Sequence, where each element is equal to the number of tilings of an NxN square, is growing reall

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Cardboard Tetrahedron Pyramid Perfect Circle Solar How to make a pyramid out of cardboard

How to make a pyramid out of cardboard. A tetrahedron is a polyhedron composed of four triangular faces, three of which meet at each vertex.


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Nathalie Priebe Frank : Introduction to hierarchical tiling dynamical systems

Abstract: These lectures introduce the dynamical systems approach to tilings of Euclidean space, especially quasicrystalline tilings that have been constructed using a 'supertile method'. Because tiling dynamics parallels one-dimensional symbolic dynamics, we discuss this case as well, hig

From playlist Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations

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Wolfram Physics Project: Working Session Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021 [Tilings]

This is a Wolfram Physics Project working session about tiling in the Wolfram Model. Originally livestreamed at: https://twitch.tv/stephen_wolfram Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: http://wolfr.am/physics Check out the announcement post: http://wolfr.am/physics-ann

From playlist Wolfram Physics Project Livestream Archive

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The ARCTIC CIRCLE THEOREM or Why do physicists play dominoes?

I only stumbled across the amazing arctic circle theorem a couple of months ago while preparing the video on Euler's pentagonal theorem. A perfect topic for a Christmas video. Before I forget, the winner of the lucky draw announced in my last video is Zachary Kaplan. He wins a copy of m

From playlist Recent videos

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2048 FROM SCRATCH, PART 2! - CS50 Live, EP. 61

Join CS50's Colton Ogden for a second part of implementing the famous web game, 2048, from scratch in LÖVE and Lua. In this episode, we'll look at refactoring our existing code, as well as getting number merging and coloring working properly, with eventually a score and loss condition bein

From playlist CS50 on Twitch

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Coding Challenge 171: Wave Function Collapse

Straight out of quantum mechanics, Wave Function Collapse is an algorithm for procedural generation of images. https://thecodingtrain.com/challenges/171-wave-function-collapse In this video (recorded over 3 live streams) I attempt the tiled model and explore a variety of solutions to the

From playlist Coding Challenges

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Unity Tutorial | How To Create A City Builder Game In Unity | Session 09 | #unity | #gamedev

Don’t forget to subscribe! In this Unity tutorial, you will learn to create a city builder game in Unity. City Builder games are one of the most popular games in the mobile market, so it is definitely an important Unity game to have in your portfolio. In this tutorial, we’ll be creating

From playlist Create A City Builder Game In Unity

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Tiling problems [2/2] | Dynamic Programming

A generalization of how to solve tiling problems using dynamic programming Previous video: https://youtu.be/gQszF5qdZ-0 Tiling problems: https://projecteuler.net/problem=114 https://projecteuler.net/problem=115 https://projecteuler.net/problem=116 https://projecteuler.net/problem=117 Al

From playlist Dynamic Programming

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Yoshiyuki Kotani -Tiling of 123456-edged Hexagon - G4G13 Apr 2018

The theme is the tiling of flat plane by the hexagon which has the edges of 1,2,3,4,5,6 length, and that of other polygons of different edges. It is a very tough problem to make a tiling by a different edged polygon. Polygon tiling of plane often needs edges of the same lengths. It is well

From playlist G4G13 Videos

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Lecture 13 - Basic Maneuvers

This is Lecture 13 of the CSE547 (Discrete Mathematics) taught by Professor Steven Skiena [http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~skiena/] at Stony Brook University in 1999. The lecture slides are available at: http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/math-video/slides/Lecture%2013.pdf More information may

From playlist CSE547 - Discrete Mathematics - 1999 SBU

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