Moduli theory | Algebraic geometry

Tautological ring

In algebraic geometry, the tautological ring is the subring of the Chow ring of the moduli space of curves generated by tautological classes. These are classes obtained from 1 by pushforward along various morphisms described below. The tautological cohomology ring is the image of the tautological ring under the cycle map (from the Chow ring to the cohomology ring). (Wikipedia).

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Definition of a Ring and Examples of Rings

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Definition of a Ring and Examples of Rings - Definition of a Ring. - Definition of a commutative ring and a ring with identity. - Examples of Rings include: Z, Q, R, C under regular addition and multiplication The Ring of all n x

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Ring Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra

A ring is a commutative group under addition that has a second operation: multiplication. These generalize a wide variety of mathematical objects like the integers, polynomials, matrices, modular arithmetic, and more. In this video we will take an in depth look at the definition of a rin

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Abstract Algebra: The definition of a Ring

Learn the definition of a ring, one of the central objects in abstract algebra. We give several examples to illustrate this concept including matrices and polynomials. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss new lessons from Socratica: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ We recommend th

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Mathieu ANEL - Toposes are commutative rings

Abstract: In this talk, we shall develop the point of view comparing (higher) toposes to commutative rings. We shall then see how the corresponding integral and differential calculus are related respectively to Verdier duality and Goodwillie calculus of functors.

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Ring Examples (Abstract Algebra)

Rings are one of the key structures in Abstract Algebra. In this video we give lots of examples of rings: infinite rings, finite rings, commutative rings, noncommutative rings and more! Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss new lessons from Socratica: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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RNT1.1. Definition of Ring

Ring Theory: We define rings and give many examples. Items under consideration include commutativity and multiplicative inverses. Example include modular integers, square matrices, polynomial rings, quaternions, and adjoins of algebraic and transcendental numbers.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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​Andrei Negut: Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces

Abstract: ​We give a geometric representation theory proof of a mild version of the Beauville-Voisin Conjecture for Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces, namely the injectivity of the cycle map restricted to the subring of Chow generated by tautological classes. Although other geometric proofs o

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Charles Rezk: Elliptic cohomology and elliptic curves (Part 4)

The lecture was held within the framework of the Felix Klein Lectures at Hausdorff Center for Mathematics on the 10. June 2015

From playlist HIM Lectures 2015

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Hülya Argüz - Gromov-Witten Theory of Complete Intersections 1/3

I will describe an inductive algorithm computing Gromov-Witten invariants in all genera with arbitrary insertions of all smooth complete intersections in projective space. This uses a monodromy analysis, as well as new degeneration and splitting formulas for nodal Gromov--Witten invariants

From playlist Workshop on Quantum Geometry

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RNT1.2. Definition of Integral Domain

Ring Theory: We consider integral domains, which are commutative rings that contain no zero divisors. We show that this property is equivalent to a cancellation law for the ring. Finally we note some basic connections between integral domains and fields.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Noah Arbesfeld: A geometric R-matrix for the Hilbert scheme of points on a general surface

Abstract: We explain how to use a Virasoro algebra to construct a solution to the Yang-Baxter equation acting in the tensor square of the cohomology of the Hilbert scheme of points on a generalsurface S. In the special case where the surface S is C2, the construction appears in work of Mau

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Set Theory (Part 2): ZFC Axioms

Please feel free to leave comments/questions on the video and practice problems below! In this video, I introduce some common axioms in set theory using the Zermelo-Fraenkel w/ choice (ZFC) system. Five out of nine ZFC axioms are covered and the remaining four will be introduced in their

From playlist Set Theory by Mathoma

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 7.1: Basic ring theory

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 7.1: Basic ring theory A ring is an abelian group (R,+) with a second binary operation, multiplication and the distributive law. Multiplication need not commute, nor need there be multiplicative inverses, so a ring is like a field but without these properties.

From playlist Visual Group Theory

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Francesc Fité, Sato-Tate groups of abelian varieties of dimension up to 3

VaNTAGe seminar on April 7, 2020 License: CC-BY-NC-SA Closed captions provided by Jun Bo Lau.

From playlist The Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian varieties

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Gromov–Witten Invariants and the Virasoro Conjecture - II (Remote Talk) by Ezra Getzler

J-Holomorphic Curves and Gromov-Witten Invariants DATE:25 December 2017 to 04 January 2018 VENUE:Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Holomorphic curves are a central object of study in complex algebraic geometry. Such curves are meaningful even when the target has an almost complex stru

From playlist J-Holomorphic Curves and Gromov-Witten Invariants

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Digression: The cotangent complex and obstruction theory

We study the cotangent complex more in depth and explain its relation to obstruction theory. As an example we construct the Witt vectors of a perfect ring. This video is a slight digression from the rest of the lecture course and could be skipped. Feel free to post comments and questions

From playlist Topological Cyclic Homology

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Moduli of degree 4 K3 surfaces revisited - Radu Laza

Radu Laza Stony Brook University; von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics February 3, 2015 For low degree K3 surfaces there are several way of constructing and compactifying the moduli space (via period maps, via GIT, or via KSBA). In the case of degree 2 K3 surface, the relationship be

From playlist Mathematics

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On two geometric realizations of the anti-spherical module - Tsao-Hsien Chen

Geometric and Modular Representation Theory Seminar Topic: On two geometric realizations of the anti-spherical module Speaker: Tsao-Hsien Chen Affiliation: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Member, School of Mathematics Date: March 03, 2021 For more video please visit http://video.ia

From playlist Seminar on Geometric and Modular Representation Theory

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Abstract Algebra | The characteristic of a ring.

We define the characteristic of a ring and give some definitions.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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