Hyperbolic functions

Tangens hyperbolicus

No description. (Wikipedia).

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Calculus 2: Hyperbolic Functions (1 of 57) What is a Hyperbolic Function? Part 1

Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what are hyperbolic functions and how it compares to trig functions. Next video in the series can be seen at: https://youtu.be/c8OR8iJ-aUo


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Introduction to Hyperbolic Functions

This video provides a basic overview of hyperbolic function. The lesson defines the hyperbolic functions, shows the graphs of the hyperbolic functions, and gives the properties of hyperbolic functions.

From playlist Using the Properties of Hyperbolic Functions

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Introduction to Hyperbolic Functions

This video provides a basic overview of hyperbolic function. The lesson defines the hyperbolic functions, shows the graphs of the hyperbolic functions, and gives the properties of hyperbolic functions. Site: http://mathispower4u.com Blog: http://mathispower4u.wordpress.com

From playlist Differentiation of Hyperbolic Functions

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Laplace Transformation: sinh(at) und cosh(at)

Englische Version: https://youtu.be/4snzBywrY4E Zerlegung Funktion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtbNmk6FVqY Laplace e^at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOxWGr7rl1w Heute erlernen wir, wie wir den Sinus Hyperbolicus und den Cosinus Hyperbolicus auf einen Streich Laplace transformiere

From playlist Laplace Transformation

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Approximation of generalized ridge functions in high dimensions – Sandra Keiper

Many problems in science and engineering involve an underlying unknown complex process that depends on a large number of parameters. The goal in many applications is to reconstruct, or learn, the unknown process given some direct or indirect observations. Mathematically, such a problem can

From playlist Approximating high dimensional functions

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What is the definition of a hyperbola

Learn all about hyperbolas. A hyperbola is a conic section with two fixed points called the foci such that the difference between the distances of any point on the hyperbola from the two foci is equal to the distance between the two foci. Some of the characteristics of a hyperbola includ

From playlist The Hyperbola in Conic Sections

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26C3: Chaos-Familien-Duell 6/12

Clip 6/12 Speakers: Alexander Brock, Marcel Ackermann Zwei Chaos-Familien treten gegeneinander an, doch es kann nur eine geben. Team-Anmeldungen sind begrenzt! Meldet Euch im Event-Wiki an: http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/wiki/Chaos-Familien-Duell For more information go to: h

From playlist 26C3: Here be dragons day 1

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The circle and projective homogeneous coordinates (cont.) | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 7b

Universal hyperbolic geometry is based on projective geometry. This video introduces this important subject, which these days is sadly absent from most undergrad/college curriculums. We adopt the 19th century view of a projective space as the space of one-dimensional subspaces of an affine

From playlist Universal Hyperbolic Geometry

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What is the definition of a hyperbola

Learn all about hyperbolas. A hyperbola is a conic section with two fixed points called the foci such that the difference between the distances of any point on the hyperbola from the two foci is equal to the distance between the two foci. Some of the characteristics of a hyperbola includ

From playlist The Hyperbola in Conic Sections

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Integral 1/(x^2+1) und 1/(x^2+a^2)

Englische Version: https://youtu.be/_zqHrFKJsFY Heute besprechen wir die Ableitung des Arcus Tangens, bzw. seine Darstellung in Integralform. Als zweites Video in der Serie über die Integrale der Form 1/(x^n+1) ist dies natürlich der Fall für n=2. Wir besprechen auch die allgemeine Form.

From playlist Integrale

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Trigonometrische Funktionen - Ein kurzer Überblick über Sinus, Kosinus und Tangens

Abonniert den Kanal, damit er auch in Zukunft bestehen kann. Es ist vollkommen kostenlos und ihr werdet direkt informiert, wenn ich einen Livestream anbiete. Hier erzähle ich Dingen, die man über trigonometrischen Funktionen wissen sollte. Darauf aufbauend werde ich in einem anderen Video

From playlist Analysis

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23C3: 4+2+1 Jahre BigBrotherAwards Deutschland (de)

Speakers: Rena Tangens, padeluun Eine Lesung aus dem Buch "Schwarzbuch Datenschutz" Vorgestellt wird das "Schwarzbuch Datenschutz", das in diesem Jahr entstanden ist: Sieben Jahre BigBrotherAwards Deutschland sind gelaufen. Was ist passiert und was bleibt übrig? Eine Rückschau auf die

From playlist 23C3: Who can you trust

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22C3: Rückschau auf die BigBrotherAwards 2005 (de)

Speaker: padeluun, Thomas Bader, Rena Tangens Datenkraken beim Kragen packen "The winner is ..." zumindest "unhappy". Wer einen BigBrotherAward erhält, hat es damit schriftlich bekommen, dass sein Verhalten "evil" ist. In vielen Ländern werden BigBrotherAwards, Datenschutznegativpreise f

From playlist 22C3: Private Investigations

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Spherical Geometry Is Stranger Than Hyperbolic - Hyperbolica Devlog #2

A quick look at spherical geometry in 2 and 3 dimensions and why it looks so unusual. This is part 2 of my Hyperbolica Devlog series, and both geometries will be in the game. I promise I'll get to some actual game development stuff in the next video! Hyperbolica on Steam: https://store.

From playlist Hyperbolica

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Introduction to Hyperbolic Trig Functions

Start learning today, click https://brilliant.org/blackpenredpen/ to check out Brillant.org. First 200 people to sign up will get 20% off your annual premium subscription! This is why the area is t/2 https://youtu.be/h-gKfQkHQSA read more on hyperbolic functions: https://brilliant.org/w

From playlist Hyperbolic Functions, Calculus 2

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29C3: Meldegesetz (DE)

Speakers: Katharina Nocun | Rena Tangens Was aus dem 57-Sekunden-Gesetz wurde Meldegesetz und der erfolgreiche Protest dagegen. Als wir im Juli erfuhren, dass das Gesetz in 2. und 3. Lesung glatt den Bundestag passiert hatte und jetzt nur noch die Zustimmung des Bundesrates brauchte, hat

From playlist 29C3: Not my department

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What are Hyperbolas? | Ch 1, Hyperbolic Trigonometry

This is the first chapter in a series about hyperbolas from first principles, reimagining trigonometry using hyperbolas instead of circles. This first chapter defines hyperbolas and hyperbolic relationships and sets some foreshadowings for later chapters This is my completed submission t

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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26C3: Lightning Talks - Day 3 13/14

Clip 13/14 Speaker: Oliver Pritzkow, Sven Guckes 4 minutes of fame 4 minutes for every speaker. Learn about the good, the bad, and the ugly - in software, hardware, projects, and more. For more information go to: http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/Fahrplan/events/3644.en.html

From playlist 26C3: Here be dragons day 3

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Urs Lang (2/3/23): Combinatorial dimension and higher-rank hyperbolicity

Dress characterized metric spaces of combinatorial dimension at most n in terms of a 2(n+1)-point inequality. We investigate a relaxed version of this inequality, which in the case n = 1 reduces to Gromov's quadruple definition of δ-hyperbolicity and which we experimentally call (n,δ)-hype

From playlist Vietoris-Rips Seminar

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29C3: Men who stare at bits (DE)

Speakers: nuit | Rena Tangens RFID-Studierendenkarten mit Fehlern Unsichere Studierenden- und Mensakarten. Eine wissenschaftliche Auswertung. Wie sicher sind eigentlich Studierendenkarten? Mit denen kann man nicht nur sein Mensaessen bezahlen, sondern auch kopieren und (s)einen Schrank

From playlist 29C3: Not my department

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Hyperbolic functions