Conjectures that have been proved | Knot theory

Tait conjectures

The Tait conjectures are three conjectures made by 19th-century mathematician Peter Guthrie Tait in his study of knots. The Tait conjectures involve concepts in knot theory such as alternating knots, chirality, and writhe. All of the Tait conjectures have been solved, the most recent being the Flyping conjecture. (Wikipedia).

Tait conjectures
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What is the Riemann Hypothesis?

This video provides a basic introduction to the Riemann Hypothesis based on the the superb book 'Prime Obsession' by John Derbyshire. Along the way I look at convergent and divergent series, Euler's famous solution to the Basel problem, and the Riemann-Zeta function. Analytic continuation

From playlist Mathematics

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Joseph Ayoub - 3/5 Sur la conjecture de conservativité

La conjecture de conservativité affirme qu'un morphisme entre motifs constructibles est un isomorphisme s'il en est ainsi de l'une des ses réalisations classiques (de Rham, ℓ-adique, etc.). Il s'agit d'une conjecture centrale dans la théorie des motifs ayant des conséquences concrètes sur

From playlist Joseph Ayoub - Sur la conjecture de conservativité

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Joseph Ayoub - 2/5 Sur la conjecture de conservativité

La conjecture de conservativité affirme qu'un morphisme entre motifs constructibles est un isomorphisme s'il en est ainsi de l'une des ses réalisations classiques (de Rham, ℓ-adique, etc.). Il s'agit d'une conjecture centrale dans la théorie des motifs ayant des conséquences concrètes sur

From playlist Joseph Ayoub - Sur la conjecture de conservativité

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Joseph Ayoub - 4/5 Sur la conjecture de conservativité

La conjecture de conservativité affirme qu'un morphisme entre motifs constructibles est un isomorphisme s'il en est ainsi de l'une des ses réalisations classiques (de Rham, ℓ-adique, etc.). Il s'agit d'une conjecture centrale dans la théorie des motifs ayant des conséquences concrètes sur

From playlist Joseph Ayoub - Sur la conjecture de conservativité

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Joseph Ayoub - 5/5 Sur la conjecture de conservativité

La conjecture de conservativité affirme qu'un morphisme entre motifs constructibles est un isomorphisme s'il en est ainsi de l'une des ses réalisations classiques (de Rham, ℓ-adique, etc.). Il s'agit d'une conjecture centrale dans la théorie des motifs ayant des conséquences concrètes sur

From playlist Joseph Ayoub - Sur la conjecture de conservativité

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Joseph Ayoub - 1/5 Sur la conjecture de conservativité

La conjecture de conservativité affirme qu'un morphisme entre motifs constructibles est un isomorphisme s'il en est ainsi de l'une des ses réalisations classiques (de Rham, ℓ-adique, etc.). Il s'agit d'une conjecture centrale dans la théorie des motifs ayant des conséquences concrètes sur

From playlist Joseph Ayoub - Sur la conjecture de conservativité

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A (compelling?) reason for the Riemann Hypothesis to be true #SOME2

A visual walkthrough of the Riemann Zeta function and a claim of a good reason for the truth of the Riemann Hypothesis. This is not a formal proof but I believe the line of argument could lead to a formal proof.

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Postulate, Axiom, Conjecture


From playlist Geometry

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Completeness In this video, I define the notion of a complete metric space and show that the real numbers are complete. This is a nice application of Cauchy sequences and has deep consequences in topology and analysis Cauchy sequences: Check out my Sequences

From playlist Sequences

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Knots, three-manifolds and instantons – Peter Kronheimer & Tomasz Mrowka – ICM2018

Plenary Lecture 11 Knots, three-manifolds and instantons Peter Kronheimer & Tomasz Mrowka Abstract: Over the past four decades, input from geometry and analysis has been central to progress in the field of low-dimensional topology. This talk will focus on one aspect of these developments

From playlist Plenary Lectures

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The Four-Color Theorem and an Instanton Invariant for Spatial Graphs I - Peter Kronheimer

Peter Kronheimer Harvard University October 13, 2015 Given a trivalent graph embedded in 3-space, we associate to it an instanton homology group, which is a finite-dimensional Z/2 vector space. The main result about the instanton hom

From playlist Geometric Structures on 3-manifolds

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Lars Hesselholt: Around topological Hochschild homology (Lecture 2)

The lecture was held within the framework of the (Junior) Hausdorff Trimester Program Topology: "Workshop: Hermitian K-theory and trace methods" Introduced by Bökstedt in the late eighties, topological Hochschild homology is a manifestation of the dual visions of Connes and Waldhausen to

From playlist HIM Lectures: Junior Trimester Program "Topology"

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Marc Levine - "The Motivic Fundamental Group"

Research lecture at the Worldwide Center of Mathematics.

From playlist Center of Math Research: the Worldwide Lecture Seminar Series

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Perfectoid spaces (Lecture 3) by Kiran Kedlaya

PERFECTOID SPACES ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee, Denis Benois, Chitrabhanu Chaudhuri, and Narasimha Kumar Cheraku DATE & TIME: 09 September 2019 to 20 September 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Scientific committee: Jacques Tilouine (University of Paris, France) Eknath

From playlist Perfectoid Spaces 2019

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Justin Noel: Galois descent and redshift in algebraic K theory

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: K-Theory and Related Fields. Justin Noel: Galois descent and redshift in algebraic K-theory Abstract: One of the fundamental results of Thomason states that the algebraic K-theory of discrete commutative rings

From playlist HIM Lectures: Trimester Program "K-Theory and Related Fields"

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Andrew Wiles | Twenty Years of Number Theory | 1998

Notes for this talk: Twenty Years of Number Theory Andrew Wiles Princeton University ICM Berlin 19.08.1998

From playlist Number Theory

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The Four-Color Theorem and an Instanton Invariant for Spatial Graphs II - Tomasz Mrowka

Tomasz Mrowka Massachusetts Institute of Technology October 13, 2015 Given a trivalent graph embedded in 3-space, we associate to it an instanton homology group, which is a finite-dimensional Z/2 vector space. The main result about t

From playlist Geometric Structures on 3-manifolds

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P. Scholze - p-adic K-theory of p-adic rings

The original proof of Grothendieck's purity conjecture in étale cohomology (the Thomason-Gabber theorem) relies on results on l-adic K-theory and its relation to étale cohomology when l is invertible. Using recent advances of Clausen-Mathew-Morrow and joint work with Bhatt and Morrow, our

From playlist Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry: A conference in honor of Ofer Gabber on the occasion of his 60th birthday

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Ptolemy's theorem and generalizations | Rational Geometry Math Foundations 131 | NJ Wildberger

The other famous classical theorem about cyclic quadrilaterals is due to the great Greek astronomer and mathematician, Claudius Ptolemy. Adopting a rational point of view, we need to rethink this theorem to state it in a purely algebraic way, without resort to `distances' and the correspon

From playlist Math Foundations

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Knot (mathematics) | Crossing number (knot theory) | Jones polynomial | Knot invariant | Prime knot | Writhe | Chiral knot | Chirality (mathematics) | Flype | History of knot theory | Knot tabulation | Alternating knot | Knot theory