Symplectic geometry

Symplectic vector field

In physics and mathematics, a symplectic vector field is one whose flow preserves a symplectic form. That is, if is a symplectic manifold with smooth manifold and symplectic form , then a vector field in the Lie algebra is symplectic if its flow preserves the symplectic structure. In other words, the Lie derivative of the vector field must vanish: . An alternative definition is that a vector field is symplectic if its interior product with the symplectic form is closed. (The interior product gives a map from vector fields to 1-forms, which is an isomorphism due to the nondegeneracy of a symplectic 2-form.) The equivalence of the definitions follows from the closedness of the symplectic form and Cartan's magic formula for the Lie derivative in terms of the exterior derivative. If the interior product of a vector field with the symplectic form is an exact form (and in particular, a closed form), then it is called a Hamiltonian vector field. If the first De Rham cohomology group of the manifold is trivial, all closed forms are exact, so all symplectic vector fields are Hamiltonian. That is, the obstruction to a symplectic vector field being Hamiltonian lives in . In particular, symplectic vector fields on simply connected manifolds are Hamiltonian. The Lie bracket of two symplectic vector fields is Hamiltonian, and thus the collection of symplectic vector fields and the collection of Hamiltonian vector fields both form Lie algebras. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Vector Fields

Introduction to Vector Fields This video discusses, 1) The definition of a vector field. 2) Examples of vector fields including the gradient, and various velocity fields. 3) The definition of a conservative vector field. 4) The definition of a potential function. 5) Test for conservative

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Lie derivatives of differential forms

Introduces the lie derivative, and its action on differential forms. This is applied to symplectic geometry, with proof that the lie derivative of the symplectic form along a Hamiltonian vector field is zero. This is really an application of the wonderfully named "Cartan's magic formula"

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Worldwide Calculus: Vector Fields

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Multivariable Calculus | What is a vector field.

We introduce the notion of a vector field and give some graphical examples. We also define a conservative vector field with examples.

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What is a Vector Space?

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Introduction to Vector Fields

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11_7_1 Potential Function of a Vector Field Part 1

The gradient of a function is a vector. n-Dimensional space can be filled up with countless vectors as values as inserted into a gradient function. This is then referred to as a vector field. Some vector fields have potential functions. In this video we start to look at how to calculat

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Sketch constant vector field

Free ebook Basic example of how to sketch a constant vector field.

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Intro to vector fields

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From playlist Engineering Mathematics

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Brent Pym: Holomorphic Poisson structures - lecture 2

The notion of a Poisson manifold originated in mathematical physics, where it is used to describe the equations of motion of classical mechanical systems, but it is nowadays connected with many different parts of mathematics. A key feature of any Poisson manifold is that it carries a cano

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Symplectic Dynamics of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems - Alvaro Pelayo

Alvaro Pelayo Member, School of Mathematics April 4, 2011 I will start with a review the basic notions of Hamiltonian/symplectic vector field and of Hamiltonian/symplectic group action, and the classical structure theorems of Kostant, Atiyah, Guillemin-Sternberg and Delzant on Hamiltonian

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Equivariant structures in mirror symmetry - James Pascaleff

James Pascaleff University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign October 17, 2014 When a variety XX is equipped with the action of an algebraic group GG, it is natural to study the GG-equivariant vector bundles or coherent sheaves on XX. When XX furthermore has a mirror partner YY, one can ask

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Erlend Fornæss Wold: Symplectic Carleman approximation on co-adjoint orbits

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Brent Pym: Holomorphic Poisson structures - lecture 3

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Alberto Cattaneo: An introduction to the BV-BFV Formalism

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How to Find Periodic Orbits and Exotic Symplectic Manifolds - Mark McLean

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David Mond: The intersection form, logarithmic vector fields, and the Severi strata..

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Act globally, compute...points and localization - Tara Holm

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