Surveys (human research)

Survey (human research)

In research of human subjects, a survey is a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a particular group of people. Surveys may be conducted by phone, mail, via the internet, and also at street corners or in malls. Surveys are used to gather or gain knowledge in fields such as social research and demography. Survey research is often used to assess thoughts, opinions and feelings. Surveys can be specific and limited, or they can have more global, widespread goals. Psychologists and sociologists often use surveys to analyze behavior, while it is also used to meet the more pragmatic needs of the media, such as, in evaluating political candidates, public health officials, professional organizations, and advertising and marketing directors. Survey research has also been employed in various medical and surgical fields to gather information about healthcare personnel’s practice patterns and professional attitudes toward various clinical problems and diseases. Healthcare professionals that may be enrolled in survey studies in include physicians, nurses, and physical therapists among others. A survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample. With a representative sample, that is, one that is representative of the larger population of interest, one can describe the attitudes of the population from which the sample was drawn. Further, one can compare the attitudes of different populations as well as look for changes in attitudes over time. A good sample selection is key as it allows one to generalize the findings from the sample to the population, which is the whole purpose of survey research. In addition to this, it is important to ensure that survey questions are not biased such as using suggestive words. This prevents inaccurate results in a survey. (Wikipedia).

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Surveys in Statistics

Surveys allow you to collect information from a group of people. We’ll discuss different #survey formats, and how to ensure that a survey is accurate. To learn more basic concepts in #statistics, check out the free tutorial on our website:

From playlist Basic Statistics

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Surveys & questionnaires (2)

Powered by Surveys & questionnaires (2)

From playlist Collecting data

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Statistics: Collecting Data Exercises

This video covers sample, population, qualitative data, quantitative data, sampling methods, sampling bias, experimental and observational studies, and the types of experiments.

From playlist Introduction to Statistics

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Statistics Lecture 5.2: A Study of Probability Distributions, Mean, and Standard Deviation Statistics Lecture 5.2: A Study of Probability Distributions, Mean, and Standard Deviation

From playlist Statistics (Full Length Videos)

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Statistics Lecture 3.3: Finding the Standard Deviation of a Data Set Statistics Lecture 3.3: Finding the Standard Deviation of a Data Set

From playlist Statistics (Full Length Videos)

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Statistics Lecture 7.2: Finding Confidence Intervals for the Population Proportion Statistics Lecture 7.2: Finding Confidence Intervals for the Population Proportion

From playlist Statistics (Full Length Videos)

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Census, sample & bias

Powered by Census, sample & bias

From playlist Collecting data

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Data and Statistics (3 of 4: Survey Types & Biases)

More resources available at

From playlist Data Analysis

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#21. Finding the Sample Size Needed to Estimate a Population Proportion using StatCrunch

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! #21. Finding the Sample Size Needed to Estimate a Population Proportion using StatCrunch

From playlist Statistics Final Exam

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Experimental Possibilities of Generative Language Models

Dr. Lisa Argyle, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, talks about of some of her research relating to how large language models can be used for social science research.

From playlist SICSS 2022

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Additions and extensions

In this video, Professor Matthew Salganik discusses additions and extensions to the series on survey research in the digital age. Link to slides: Links to other

From playlist SICSS 2020

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An introduction to Rasch Measurement by Professor William Boone

Learn with Experts is a special section of the Statistics and Theory Channel. Experts in language assessment, applied linguistics, bilingualism, and second language acquisition are invited to present on a topic in their area of expertise. The second guest speaker of the series is Professor

From playlist Learn with Experts

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Indiana Jones is kind of a bad archaeologist (Part 1)

In this video, I examine the fictional archaeologist, Indiana Jones and speculate how the character and his research methods might fair in the real world of modern academia. I will discuss many basic and key concepts in the scientific field of archaeology through examining the character’s

From playlist Anthropology Profile

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Computer-administered interviews

In this video, Professor Matthew Salganik discusses computer-administered interviews for survey research. Link to slides: Links to other materials discussed

From playlist SICSS 2020

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Strengths and Weaknesses of Digital Trace Data

Professor Chris Bail from Duke University discusses the Strengths and Weaknesses of using Digital Trace Data to Study Human Behavior. The link to these slides used in this video is here:

From playlist SICSS 2020

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Speedy drones count Antarctic penguin colonies in record time

Counting penguins is tough work: On Antarctica’s Cape Crozier, it takes scientists two full days to map the location of 300,000 nesting pairs of Adélie penguins, using helicopters and hand-flown drones. Meanwhile, brutal winds, freezing rain, and snow limit the flight windows for these lab

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The Awesome Power of Citizen Science

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The Science Method – The Fundamental Skill of Scientific Exploration (1-6) (Rober's Roadkill Expmt.)

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From playlist WK1 Numbers and Variables - Online Statistics for the Flipped Classroom

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Data Ethics Section 1: Data isn't just data, and ethical considerations

Dr. Casey Fiesler, Associate Professor of Information Science at UC Boulder, discusses research ethics for computational social scientists, especially when collecting publicly available data.

From playlist SICSS 2022

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Statistics: Introduction (12 of 13) Sampling: Definitions and Terms

Visit for more math and science lectures! We will review a sampling of definitions and terms of statistics: census, sampling frame, sampling plan, judgment sample, probability samples, random samples, systematic sample, stratified sample, and cluster sample. To


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