Mathematical analysis | Dynamical systems

Superslow process

Superslow processes are processes in which values change so little that their capture is very difficult because of their smallness in comparison with the measurement error. (Wikipedia).

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How to compare turbocharger with supercharger. ✔

More details visit: Comparison of Turbocharger and Supercharger. Related topics: Technical explained working of explanation repair maintenance automobile engineering mechanical details on cars vehicles technology technical the best worlds best perfect well ve

From playlist Turbochargers/ Superchargers

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The First-Ever Map of Mars’s Interior

We’ve done a surprising amount of exploration on Mars, from its atmosphere, to its surface, and miles deep into its canyons. But mapping its insides has been a quandary that we hadn’t been able to solve until last week! Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow has a spinoff podcast! It's called Sc

From playlist SciShow Space

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Andy Casagrande's Best Moments | The Faces of Shark Week

Shark week host and filmmaker Andy Casagrande has been the face of Shark Week for decades. In this episode, watch some of the best moments the host had, including a close call where he almost ended up as shark bait. Shark Week 2018 starts Sunday July 22 9p! Stream The Faces of Shark Week

From playlist Shark Week 2018

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Build Your Own Supercomputer 5 - Testing supercomputer process

Supercomputer Playlist: In this part of how to build a supercomputer, we test the MPI and supercomputing technology on a single node.

From playlist Build your Own Supercomputer

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Lecture 11 | Detection and Segmentation

In Lecture 11 we move beyond image classification, and show how convolutional networks can be applied to other core computer vision tasks. We show how fully convolutional networks equipped with downsampling and upsampling layers can be used for semantic segmentation, and how multitask loss

From playlist Lecture Collection | Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (Spring 2017)

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Lecture 3 | Loss Functions and Optimization

Lecture 3 continues our discussion of linear classifiers. We introduce the idea of a loss function to quantify our unhappiness with a model’s predictions, and discuss two commonly used loss functions for image classification: the multiclass SVM loss and the multinomial logistic regression

From playlist Lecture Collection | Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (Spring 2017)

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How supercharger works. ✔

More details visit: Supercharger Explained. Superchargers are used in automobile to improve or enhance the HP (horse power) of an engine. As we all know, a bigger engines is capable of producing more power compared to smaller one, this is as the bigger engine

From playlist Turbochargers/ Superchargers

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How supercharger in aircraft engine works. ✔

More details visit: Supercharger In Aircraft's. Related topics: Technical explained working of explanation repair maintenance automobile engineering mechanical details on cars vehicles technology technical the best worlds best perfect well very good explanati

From playlist Turbochargers/ Superchargers

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Checking out a Trio of Supermicro SuperBlade Options

See the main site article here: We take a look at a trio of Supermicro SuperBlade platforms. We last reviewed the SuperBlade platform in the Xeon E5 era back when it was a 7U solution. Now, the company has

From playlist Cool Server Hardware Series

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What is Supersymmetry?

In this video, Fermilab's Dr. Don Lincoln describes the principle of supersymmetry in an easy-to-understand way. A theory is supersymmetric if it treats forces and matter on an equal footing. While supersymmetry is an unproven idea, it is popular with particle physics researchers as a po

From playlist Speculative Physics

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Can You Validate These Emails?

Email Validation is a procedure that verifies if an email address is deliverable and valid. Can you validate these emails?

From playlist Fun

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Build Your Own Supercomputer 1 - About Supercomputers

Supercomputer Playlist: Greetings and welcome to my "how to build your own supercomputer" tutorial series. In this video, the concept of supercomputers is introduced, their history, and the ba

From playlist Build your Own Supercomputer

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Unix system calls (1/2)

Part of a larger series teaching programming. See

From playlist Unix system calls

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Linux Sysadmin Basics -- 6 -- Processes Overview

What are processes in Linux? What's the lifecycle of a process? What important attributes does the Linux kernel track about processes, and how can I start peeking under the delicious, Linux-y covers? All of this (and so much more!) will be covered in this unit about processes. This video

From playlist The Linux Basics Course: Beginner to Sysadmin, Step by Step

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RailsConf 2021: What the fork()? - Will Jordan

How does Spring boot your Rails app instantly, or Puma route requests across many processes? How can you fine-tune your app for memory efficiency, or simply run Ruby code in parallel? Find out with a deep dive on that staple Unix utensil, the fork() system call! After an operating systems

From playlist RailsConf 2021

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Mod-10 Lec-23 Job and Process Accounting including cost sheet and equivalent production

Managerial Accounting by Dr. Varadraj Bapat,Department of Management,IIT Bombay.For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Bombay: Managerial Accounting | Accounting

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Live CEOing Ep 33: Incremental Language Design in the Wolfram Language

Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about Incremental Language Design in the Wolfram Language.

From playlist Behind the Scenes in Real-Life Software Design

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Scrum Methodology and Definition - Do Twice the Work in Half the Time - Agile Project Management

Get the book! Learn the definition of scrum and how to use the scrum methodologies in this book. Like the agile methodology and project management, the scrum method focuses on short sprints that incrementally add value to the core of a business. Chunks of 3-9 people

From playlist Animated Book Reviews by Practical Psychology

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Large deviations of Markov processes (Part 2) by Hugo Touchette

Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges DATE: 14 August 2017 to 13 October 2017 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Large deviation theory made its way into statistical physics as a mathematical framework for studying equilibrium syst

From playlist Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges

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