Limits (mathematics) | Sequences and series

Subsequential limit

In mathematics, a subsequential limit of a sequence is the limit of some subsequence. Every subsequential limit is a cluster point, but not conversely. In first-countable spaces, the two concepts coincide. In a topological space, if every subsequence has a subsequential limit to the same point, then the original sequence also converges to that limit. This need not hold in more generalized notions of convergence, such as the space of almost everywhere convergence. The supremum of the set of all subsequential limits of some sequence is called the limit superior, or limsup. Similarly, the infimum of such a set is called the limit inferior, or liminf. See limit superior and limit inferior. If is a metric space and there is a Cauchy sequence such that there is a subsequence converging to some then the sequence also converges to (Wikipedia).

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How to Compute a One Sided limit as x approaches from the right

In this video I will show you How to Compute a One Sided limit as x approaches from the right.

From playlist One-sided Limits

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Part 1: Formal Definition of a Limit

This video states the formal definition of a limit and provide an epsilon delta proof that a limit exists. complete Video Library at

From playlist Limits

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Limits of a Sequence

The video introduces the concept of determining if sequence converges or diverges.

From playlist Limits

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Examples: Determining Limits at Infinity Graphically

This video provides examples of determining limits at infinity graphically. Complete Video List at

From playlist Limits at Infinity and Special Limits

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Math 131 Spring 2022 032322 Monotonic sequence theorem; lim sup and lim inf; infinite series.

Monotonic sequence theorem. Lim sup and lim inf: definition (in terms of subsequences); set of subsequential limits is closed; characterization of lim sup. Infinite series. Summation notation, sequence of partial sums, convergence, divergence. Cauchy Criterion for convergence of a series;

From playlist Math 131 Spring 2022 Principles of Mathematical Analysis (Rudin)

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Sky Cao (Stanford) -- A state space for 3D Euclidean Yang-Mills theories

In this talk, I will describe some progress towards the construction of the 3D Yang-Mills (YM) measure. In particular, I will introduce a state space of “distributional gauge orbits” which may possibly support the 3D YM measure. Then, I will describe a result which says that assuming that

From playlist Northeastern Probability Seminar 2021

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Roughness of Geodesics in Liouville Quantum Gravity by Subhajit Goswami

PROGRAM: TOPICS IN HIGH DIMENSIONAL PROBABILITY ORGANIZERS: Anirban Basak (ICTS-TIFR, India) and Riddhipratim Basu (ICTS-TIFR, India) DATE & TIME: 02 January 2023 to 13 January 2023 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall This program will focus on several interconnected themes in modern probab


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Limit of (4u^4 + 5)/((u^2 - 2)(2u^2 - 1)) as u approaches infinity

Limit of (4u^4 + 5)/((u^2 - 2)(2u^2 - 1)) as u approaches infinity. This is a calculus problem where we find a limit as u approaches infinity. In this case we have a rational function and the numerator and denominator have the same growth rate, so the limit is the ratio of the leading coef

From playlist Limits at Infinity

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Properties of Limits

This video covers the properties of limits and verifies them graphically.

From playlist Limits

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Evgeni Dimitrov (Columbia) -- Towards universality for Gibbsian line ensembles

Gibbsian line ensembles are natural objects that arise in statistical mechanics models of random tilings, directed polymers, random plane partitions and avoiding random walks. In this talk I will discuss a general framework for establishing universal KPZ scaling limits for sequences of Gib

From playlist Columbia Probability Seminar

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Finding Limits Precalculus Methods

Finding Limits using Precalculus Methods. We discuss using graphs, factoring, tables, rationalizing and direct substitution to find limits in this free math video tutorial by Mario's Math Tutoring. We also discuss what a limit is and why it sometimes doesn't exist. 0:50 Definition of a l

From playlist Limits

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Calculus 1: Limits & Derivatives (13 of 27) Limits and Horizontal Asymptotes

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will calculate the limit limit of a function. Next video in the series can be seen at:


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Math 101 Introduction to Analysis 110215: Subsequences

Subsequences: definition of; observation about subsequences of convergent sequences; consequences. Subsequential limits. Definition of lim sup, lim inf using subsequential limits. Sketch of proof of Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem for sequences.

From playlist Course 6: Introduction to Analysis

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What is a closed set ?

I define closed sets, an important notion in topology and analysis. It is defined in terms of limit points, and has a priori nothing to do with open sets. Yet I show the important result that a set is closed if and only if its complement is open. More topology videos can be found on my pla

From playlist Topology

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Geodesics in First-Passage Percolation by Christopher Hoffman

PROGRAM FIRST-PASSAGE PERCOLATION AND RELATED MODELS (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: Riddhipratim Basu (ICTS-TIFR, India), Jack Hanson (City University of New York, US) and Arjun Krishnan (University of Rochester, US) DATE: 11 July 2022 to 29 July 2022 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall and online This

From playlist First-Passage Percolation and Related Models 2022 Edited

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Determining Limits

From playlist Limits

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Epsilon delta limit (Example 3): Infinite limit at a point

This is the continuation of the epsilon-delta series! You can find Examples 1 and 2 on blackpenredpen's channel. Here I use an epsilon-delta argument to calculate an infinite limit, and at the same time I'm showing you how to calculate a right-hand-side limit. Enjoy!

From playlist Calculus

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Limit Points

Limit Points In this video, I define the notion of a limit point (also known as a subsequential limit) and give some examples of limit points. Limit points are closed: Check out my Sequences Playlist:

From playlist Sequences

Related pages

Limit of a sequence | Metric space | Mathematics | Pointwise convergence | Subsequence | Sequence | Cauchy sequence | First-countable space