Theorems in dynamical systems | Dynamical systems

Stable manifold theorem

In mathematics, especially in the study of dynamical systems and differential equations, the stable manifold theorem is an important result about the structure of the set of orbits approaching a given hyperbolic fixed point. It roughly states that the existence of a local diffeomorphism near a fixed point implies the existence of a local stable center manifold containing that fixed point. This manifold has dimension equal to the number of eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the fixed point that are less than 1. (Wikipedia).

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Stability of the set of quantum states - S. Weis - Workshop 2 - CEB T3 2017

Stephan Weis / 26.10.17 Stability of the set of quantum states A convex set C is stable if the midpoint map (x,y) - (x+y)/2 is open. For compact C the Vesterstrøm–O’Brien theorem asserts that C is stable if and only if the barycentric map from the set of all Borel probability measures to

From playlist 2017 - T3 - Analysis in Quantum Information Theory - CEB Trimester

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Stable Homotopy Seminar, 8: The Stable Model Category of Spectra

We discuss the enrichment of spectra over spaces, and the compatibility of this enrichment with the model structure. Then we define the stable model structure by adding extra cofibrations to the levelwise model category of spectra, and restricting the weak equivalences to those maps which

From playlist Stable Homotopy Seminar

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Manifolds 1.4 : Topological Properties

In this video, I introduce the fact that manifolds have a countable basis of precompact coordinate balls, are locally compact, are locally path connected, and are paracompact. Email : Code : Notes : None yet Playlist : https://w

From playlist Manifolds

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 5: Compactness, Connectedness, and Topological Properties

The last lesson covering the topological prep-work required before we begin the discussion of manifolds. Topics covered: compactness, connectedness, and the relationship between homeomorphisms and topological properties.

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 2: Elementary Definitions

This lesson covers the basic definitions used in topology to describe subsets of topological spaces.

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 4: Countability and Continuity

In this lesson we review the idea of first and second countability. Also, we study the topological definition of a continuous function and then define a homeomorphism.

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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A stable arithmetic regularity lemma in finite (...) - C. Terry - Workshop 1 - CEB T1 2018

Caroline Terry (Maryland) / 01.02.2018 A stable arithmetic regularity lemma in finite-dimensional vector spaces over fields of prime order In this talk we present a stable version of the arithmetic regularity lemma for vector spaces over fields of prime order. The arithmetic regularity l

From playlist 2018 - T1 - Model Theory, Combinatorics and Valued fields

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 14: Quotient Spaces

I AM GOING TO REDO THIS VIDEO. I have made some annotations here and annotations are not visible on mobile devices. STAY TUNED. This is a long lesson about an important topological concept: quotient spaces.

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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Surfaces of Section, Anosov Reeb Flows, and the C2-Stability Conjecture for... - Marco Mazzucchelli

Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar 9:15am|Remote Access Topic: Surfaces of Section, Anosov Reeb Flows, and the C2-Stability Conjecture for Geodesic Flows Speaker: Marco Mazzucchelli Affiliation: École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Date: March 03, 2023 In

From playlist Mathematics

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The Hartman-Grobman Theorem, Structural Stability of Linearization, and Stable/Unstable Manifolds

This video explores a central result in dynamical systems: The Hartman-Grobman theorem. This theorem establishes when a fixed point of a nonlinear system will resemble its linearization. In particular, hyperbolic fixed points, where every eigenvalue has a non-zero real part, will be "str

From playlist Engineering Math: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

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Minimality and stable ergodicity by Jana Rodriguez Hertz

PROGRAM SMOOTH AND HOMOGENEOUS DYNAMICS ORGANIZERS: Anish Ghosh, Stefano Luzzatto and Marcelo Viana DATE: 23 September 2019 to 04 October 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Ergodic theory has its origins in the the work of L. Boltzmann on the kinetic theory of gases.

From playlist Smooth And Homogeneous Dynamics

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Johannes Ebert - Rigidity theorems for the diffeomorphism action on spaces of metrics of (...)

The diffeomorphism group $\mathrm{Diff}(M)$ of a closed manifold acts on the space $\mathcal{R}^+ (M)$ of positive scalar curvature metrics. For a basepoint $g$, we obtain an orbit map $\sigma_g: \mathrm{Diff}(M) \to \mathcal{R}^ (M)$ which induces a map $(\sigma_g)_*:\pi_*( \mathrm{Diff}(

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Minimal surface stability in higher codimension - Richard Schoen

Glimpses of Mathematics, Now and Then: A Celebration of Karen Uhlenbeck's 80th Birthday Topic: Minimal surface stability in higher codimension Speaker: Richard Schoen Affiliation: University of California, Irvine Date: September 16, 2022

From playlist Mathematics

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On the existence of minimal Heegaard splittings - Dan Ketover

Variational Methods in Geometry Seminar Topic: On the existence of minimal Heegaard splittings Speaker: Dan Ketover Affiliation: Princeton University; Member, School of Mathematics Date: Oct 2, 2018 For more video please visit

From playlist Variational Methods in Geometry

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Otis Chodosh - Global uniqueness of large stable CMC surfaces in asymptotically flat 3 manifolds

Otis Chodosh Global uniqueness of large stable CMC surfaces in asymptotically flat 3 manifolds I will discuss recent work with M. Eichmair in which we prove uniqueness of large stable constant mean curvature surfaces in asymptotically flat 3-manifolds.

From playlist Maryland Analysis and Geometry Atelier

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Periodic Orbits and Birkhoff Sections of Stable Hamiltonian Structures - Robert Cardona

Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar Topic: Periodic Orbits and Birkhoff Sections of Stable Hamiltonian Structures Speaker: Robert Cardona Affiliation: Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid Date: December 09, 2022 In this talk, we start by reviewin

From playlist Mathematics

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Arun Debray - Stable diffeomorphism classification of some unorientable 4-manifolds

38th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 15-17, 2021 Arun Debray, The University of Texas at Austin Title: Stable diffeomorphism classification of some unorientable 4-manifolds Abstract: Kreck's modified surgery theory provides a bordism-theoretic classification of closed, c

From playlist 38th Annual Geometric Topology Workshop (Online), June 15-17, 2021

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Stable Homotopy Seminar, 7: Constructing Model Categories

A stroll through the recognition theorem for cofibrantly generated model categories, using it to construct (1) the Quillen/Serre model structure on topological spaces and (2) the levelwise model structure on spectra. The latter captures the idea that spectra are sequences of spaces, but no

From playlist Stable Homotopy Seminar

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H. Guenancia - A decomposition theorem for singular spaces with trivial canonical class (Part 2)

The Beauville-Bogomolov decomposition theorem asserts that any compact Kähler manifold with numerically trivial canonical bundle admits an étale cover that decomposes into a product of a torus, an irreducible, simply-connected Calabi-Yau, and holomorphic symplectic manifolds. With the deve

From playlist Ecole d'été 2019 - Foliations and algebraic geometry

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Orbit (dynamics) | Center manifold | Lyapunov exponent | Eigenvalues and eigenvectors | Differential equation | Jacobian matrix and determinant | Mathematics | Stable manifold | Dynamical system | Tangent space | Linearization | Local diffeomorphism