Normal distribution | Continuous distributions

Split normal distribution

In probability theory and statistics, the split normal distribution also known as the two-piece normal distribution results from joining at the mode the corresponding halves of two normal distributions with the same mode but different variances. It is claimed by Johnson et al. that this distribution was introduced by Gibbons and Mylroie and by John. But these are two of several independent rediscoveries of the Zweiseitige Gauss'sche Gesetz introduced in the posthumously published Kollektivmasslehre (1897) of Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801-1887), see Wallis (2014). Surprisingly, another rediscovery has appeared more recently in a finance journal. (Wikipedia).

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The Normal Distribution (1 of 3: Introductory definition)

More resources available at

From playlist The Normal Distribution

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Learn how to use a normal distribution curve to find probability

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to find probability from a normal distribution curve. A set of data are said to be normally distributed if the set of data is symmetrical about the mean. The shape of a normal distribution curve is bell-shaped. The normal distribution curve is such that the mean is at the cente

From playlist Statistics

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Using normal distribution to find the probability

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to find probability from a normal distribution curve. A set of data are said to be normally distributed if the set of data is symmetrical about the mean. The shape of a normal distribution curve is bell-shaped. The normal distribution curve is such that the mean is at the cente

From playlist Statistics

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Learn how to create a normal distribution curve given mean and standard deviation

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to find probability from a normal distribution curve. A set of data are said to be normally distributed if the set of data is symmetrical about the mean. The shape of a normal distribution curve is bell-shaped. The normal distribution curve is such that the mean is at the cente

From playlist Statistics

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How to find the probability using a normal distribution curve

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to find probability from a normal distribution curve. A set of data are said to be normally distributed if the set of data is symmetrical about the mean. The shape of a normal distribution curve is bell-shaped. The normal distribution curve is such that the mean is at the cente

From playlist Statistics

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How to find the probability using a normal distribution curve

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to find probability from a normal distribution curve. A set of data are said to be normally distributed if the set of data is symmetrical about the mean. The shape of a normal distribution curve is bell-shaped. The normal distribution curve is such that the mean is at the cente

From playlist Statistics

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Inverse normal with Z Table

Determining values of a variable at a particular percentile in a normal distribution

From playlist Unit 2: Normal Distributions

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Learning to find the probability using normal distribution

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to find probability from a normal distribution curve. A set of data are said to be normally distributed if the set of data is symmetrical about the mean. The shape of a normal distribution curve is bell-shaped. The normal distribution curve is such that the mean is at the cente

From playlist Statistics

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Lecture 13 - Financial Time Series Data

This is Lecture 13 of the COMP510 (Computational Finance) course taught by Professor Steven Skiena [] at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. The lecture slides are available at:

From playlist COMP510 - Computational Finance - 2007 HKUST

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Endoscopic Transfer of Depth-Zero Suprcuspidal L-Packets - Tasho Kaletha

Endoscopic Transfer of Depth-Zero Suprcuspidal L-Packets - Tasho Kaletha Princeton University; Member, School of Mathematics November 18, 2010 In a recent paper, DeBacker and Reeder have constructed a piece of the local Langlands correspondence for pure inner forms of unramified p-adic gr

From playlist Mathematics

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Pre-recorded lecture 3: Analytic functions of Nijenhuis operators and Splitting theorem

MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and integrable systems Pre-recorded lecture: These lectures were recorded as part of a cooperation between the Chinese-Russian Mathematical Center (Beijing) and the Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics (Moscow). These lectures w

From playlist MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry companion lectures (Sino-Russian Mathematical Centre)

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Katrin Tent: Sharply 2-transitive groups

Katrin Tent: Sharply 2-transitive groups Abstract Finite sharply 2-transitive groups were classified by Zassenhaus in the 1930s and were shown to have regular abelian normal subgroups. While there were partial results in the infinite setting the question whether the same holds for infini

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A non-linear spinor theory of elementary particles

This presentation is about a non-linear spinor theory of elementary particles developed by Norbert Winter, an elementary particle physicist and former employee of the Max-Planck Institute for Physics in Munich, Germany. The idea of a non-linear theory of elementary particles dates back to

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Closer Look at RarerProbability - Wolfram Livecoding Session

Andreas Lauschke, a senior mathematical programmer, live-demos key Wolfram Language features useful in data science. In this eighth session, the built-in function RarerProbability is explored in more detail. Several general characteristics of continuous distributions are studied with Rarer

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Machine Learning for Cyber Security - Session 11

More on the data Proper validation and test sets Data structure Distributions, sampling, splits Training section Model parameters Metrics, loss Testing: finding anomalies Experimentation options: Hyperparameters Alternative modelling In production: Dealing with data drift Avoid agile metho

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IMT4889: Distributed Databases. RISC vs CISC.

IMT4889: Specialisation course. Distributed Databases. CAP theorem. RISC vs. CISC. ARM vs INTEL.

From playlist Archive - Research in Mobile/Wearable Tech

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Find the probability of an event using a normal distribution curve

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to find probability from a normal distribution curve. A set of data are said to be normally distributed if the set of data is symmetrical about the mean. The shape of a normal distribution curve is bell-shaped. The normal distribution curve is such that the mean is at the cente

From playlist Statistics

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The 5-Number Summary and BOXPLOTS (6-10)

The Five-Number Summary gives multiple measures of variability that describe the distribution. A boxplot is the graphic equivalent to a five-number summary. Both show the center and spread of the data, and boxplots can be used to identify skewness and outliers. The five numbers are: Minim

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