Sheaf theory | Cohomology theories

Spencer cohomology

In mathematics, Spencer cohomology is cohomology of a manifold with coefficients in the sheaf of solutions of a linear partial differential operator. It was introduced by Donald C. Spencer in 1969. (Wikipedia).

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Trigonometry 5 The Cosine Relationship

A geometrical explanation of the law of cosines.

From playlist Trigonometry

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Teach Astronomy - Cosmology Cosmology is the study of the universe, its history, and everything in it. It comes from the Greek root of the word cosmos for order and harmony which reflected the Greek belief that the universe was a harmonious entity where everything worked in concert to

From playlist 22. The Big Bang, Inflation, and General Cosmology

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George F. R. Ellis - Philosophy of Cosmology

Free access to Closer to Truth's library of 5,000 videos: Cosmology is the study of the universe, via theory and observation, of its beginning, evolution, large-scale structure, and far future. A philosophy of cosmology seeks to discern ways of knowing the universe,

From playlist Closer To Truth - George F. R. Ellis Interviews

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Automorphic Cohomology I (General Theory) - Phillip Griffiths

Automorphic Cohomology I (General Theory) Phillip Griffiths Institute for Advanced Study February 16, 2011 These two talks will be about automorphic cohomology in the non-classical case. For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Trigonometry 7 The Cosine of the Sum and Difference of Two Angles

A geometric proof of the cosine of the sum and difference of two angles identity.

From playlist Trigonometry

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Calabi-Yau mirror symmetry: from categories to curve-counts - Tim Perutz

Tim Perutz University of Texas at Austin November 15, 2013 I will report on joint work with Nick Sheridan concerning structural aspects of mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau manifolds. We show (i) that Kontsevich's homological mirror symmetry (HMS) conjecture is a consequence of a fragment of

From playlist Mathematics

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Paul GUNNELLS - Cohomology of arithmetic groups and number theory: geometric, ... 1

In this lecture series, the first part will be dedicated to cohomology of arithmetic groups of lower ranks (e.g., Bianchi groups), their associated geometric models (mainly from hyperbolic geometry) and connexion to number theory. The second part will deal with higher rank groups, mainly

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Cohomology for computer science - Alex Lubotzky

From playlist Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics

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Foliations on Unitary Shimura Varieties in Characteristic p by Ehud De Shalit

PERFECTOID SPACES ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee, Denis Benois, Chitrabhanu Chaudhuri, and Narasimha Kumar Cheraku DATE & TIME: 09 September 2019 to 20 September 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Scientific committee: Jacques Tilouine (University of Paris, France) Eknath

From playlist Perfectoid Spaces 2019

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Etale motivic cohomology and algebraic cycles - Vasudenvan Srinvas

Vasudevan Srinivas March 9, 2015 Workshop on Chow groups, motives and derived categories More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Hodge theory and derived categories of cubic fourfolds - Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas Imperial College London September 16, 2014 Cubic fourfolds behave in many ways like K3 surfaces. Certain cubics - conjecturally, the ones that are rational - have specific K3s associated to them geometrically. Hassett has studied cubics with K3s associated to them at the le

From playlist Mathematics

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Serre's Conjecture for GL_2 over Totally Real Fields (Lecture 4) by Fred Diamond

Program Recent developments around p-adic modular forms (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee (IISER Pune, India) and Denis Benois (University of Bordeaux, France) DATE: 30 November 2020 to 04 December 2020 VENUE: Online This is a follow up of the conference organized last year arou

From playlist Recent Developments Around P-adic Modular Forms (Online)

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Francis BROWN - Graph Complexes, Invariant Differential Forms and Feynman integrals

Kontsevich introduced the graph complex GC2 in 1993 and raised the problem of determining its cohomology. This problem is of renewed importance following the recent work of Chan-Galatius-Payne, who related it to the cohomology of the moduli spaces Mg of curves of genus g. It is known by Wi

From playlist Algebraic Structures in Perturbative Quantum Field Theory: a conference in honour of Dirk Kreimer's 60th birthday

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Paul GUNNELLS - Cohomology of arithmetic groups and number theory: geometric, ... 2

In this lecture series, the first part will be dedicated to cohomology of arithmetic groups of lower ranks (e.g., Bianchi groups), their associated geometric models (mainly from hyperbolic geometry) and connexion to number theory. The second part will deal with higher rank groups, mainly

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Spencer Bloch 1/3 - Mixed Motives [1991]

Michio Kuga Memorial Lecture Series Stony Brook University Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Sciences Spencer Bloch (University of Chicago) Mixed Motives Lectures March 1991

From playlist Number Theory

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Pierre Vanhove: Feynman integrals and Mirror symmetry

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Periods in Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Physics. Abstract: We study the Feynman integral for the sunset graph defined as the scalar two-point self-energy at two-loop order. The Feynman integral is eval

From playlist Workshop: "Amplitudes and Periods"

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A Gentle Approach to Crystalline Cohomology - Jacob Lurie

Members’ Colloquium Topic: A Gentle Approach to Crystalline Cohomology Speaker: Jacob Lurie Affiliation: Professor, School of Mathematics Date: February 28, 2022 Let X be a smooth affine algebraic variety over the field C of complex numbers (that is, a smooth submanifold of C^n which can

From playlist Mathematics

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Examples of Lang-Bombieri-Noguchi outside of Mordell-Lang

I still need to annotate this.

From playlist Seminar Talks

Related pages

Differential operator | Cohomology | Manifold | Sheaf (mathematics)