Power laws | Geometry

Spectral dimension

The spectral dimension is a real-valued quantity that characterizes a spacetime geometry and topology. It characterizes a spread into space over time, e.g. a ink drop diffusing in a water glass or the evolution of a pandemic in a population. Its definition is as follow: if a phenomenon spreads as , with the time, then the spectral dimension is . The spectral dimension depends on the topology of the space, e.g., the distribution of neighbors in a population, and the diffusion rate. In physics, the concept of spectral dimension is used, among other things, in quantum gravity, percolation theory, superstring theory, or quantum field theory. (Wikipedia).

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Dimensions (1 of 3: The Traditional Definition - Directions)

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Dimensions Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of the Dimensions series. See http://www.dimensions-math.org for more information. Press the 'CC' button for subtitles.

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Spectral Sequences 02: Spectral Sequence of a Filtered Complex

I like Ivan Mirovic's Course notes. http://people.math.umass.edu/~mirkovic/A.COURSE.notes/3.HomologicalAlgebra/HA/2.Spring06/C.pdf Also, Ravi Vakil's Foundations of Algebraic Geometry and the Stacks Project do this well as well.

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Dimensions Chapter 1

Chapter 1 of the Dimensions series. See http://www.dimensions-math.org for more information. Press the 'CC' button for subtitles.

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Dimensions Chapter 2

Chapter 2 of the Dimensions series. See http://www.dimensions-math.org for more information. Press the 'CC' button for subtitles.

From playlist Dimensions

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Finding the Dimension of a Subspace

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Stability of many-body localization in two and higher dimension by Sumilan Banerjee

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Is many-body localization stable in d greater than 1? by Sumilan Banerjee

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Performance of Small Signal Constellations View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-451S05 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu

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Dimensions Chapter 6

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Hermann Schulz-Baldes: Computational K-theory via the spectral localizer.

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