Mathematical optimization software


SolverStudio is a free Excel plug-in developed at the University of Auckland that supports optimization and simulation modelling in a spreadsheet using an algebraic modeling language. It is popular in education, the public sector and industry for optimization users because it uses industry-standard modelling languages and is faster than traditional Excel optimisation approaches. SolverStudio adds a text editor to Excel that is used to create a text-based optimization (or simulation) model using a modelling language such as PuLP, AMPL, GAMS or Julia/JuMP. SolverStudio also provides a tool for naming data on a spreadsheet (and specifying indices for this data), allowing the data to be used in the model. When the model is run, the system automatically reads input data from the spreadsheet and provides it to the model, and then writes the model results back to the spreadsheet. SolverStudio works with a range of commercial and open source modelling systems. By default, it uses PuLP, an open-source Python COIN-OR modelling language. A second open-source Python option is Pyomo which supports non-linear and stochastic programming and provides access to a larger range of solvers. Another supported linear and non-linear modelling option is Julia/JuMP. SolverStudio also makes the two popular commercial modelling languages, AMPL and GAMS available to Excel users. SolverStudio allows models written using these languages to be solved on the user's own PC, or in the cloud using NEOS. The GNU clone of AMPL, GMPL (GNU MathProg Language) is included with SolverStudio. SolverStudio includes the open-source COIN-OR CMPL modelling language, and the Python-based SimPy simulation language. SolverStudio supports general programming using both Python and IronPython, allowing these programming languages to be used to script Excel using the standard VBA interfaces. (Wikipedia).

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il Large Hadron Collider (Italiano)

Una panoramica sul progetto LHC ed i suoi campi di ricerca.

From playlist Italiano

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Das Integral 1/(x^4+2x^2cosh(2a)+1)

Englische Version: Erstes Integral: Heute werden wir ein Integral besprechen, welches dem ersten Integral auf meinem Kanal sehr ähnlich ist. Hierzu benutzen wir unter Anderem Partialbruchzerlegung und Faktorisierung.

From playlist Integrale

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MegaFavNumbers - 2147483647 - Luigi Elettrico

#MegaFavNumbers huge project. 2147483647 is quite nice. Sorry for my English, I am not its native speaker. Video and music (c) Luigi Elettrico

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Drei Wege der Integration von 1/(e^x+1)

Partialbruchzerlegung: Zerlegung einer Funktion: Englische Version: Heute werden wir 3 Wege erlernen, um das Integral 1/(e^x+1) zu lösen. Eine Grundlage hierfür ist unter

From playlist Integrale

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Integral 1/(x^3+1)

Faktorisierung des Nenners: und Quadratische Ergänzung: Integral 1/(x+1): Arcus Tangens: Englische Version: Heute w

From playlist Integrale

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Riemann-Integral Definition

Abonniert den Kanal oder unterstützt ihn auf Steady: Ihr werdet direkt informiert, wenn ich einen Livestream anbiete. Hier erkläre ich kurz das Riemann-Integral mit Ober- und Untersumme. Die Definition ist übliche, die im 1. Semester eingeführt w

From playlist Analysis

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Riemann-Integral vs. Lebesgue-Integral

English version here: Unterstützt den Kanal auf Steady: Ihr werdet direkt informiert, wenn ich einen Livestream anbiete. Hier erkläre ich den Unterschied zwischen Riemann-Integral und Lebesgue-Integral

From playlist Analysis

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Definite Integral Using Limit Definition

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Definite Integral Using Limit Definition. In this video we compute a definite integral using the limit definition.

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Julia (programming language) | COIN-OR | Algebraic modeling language | AMPL | Pyomo